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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. The Giants. The Buffalo connection with Daboll and Schoen makes it easy and I like watching Barkley along with there being a bunch of ex Bills.
  2. 51 catches 485 yards 4TDs This would average 3 catches a game for 9.5 yards per catch...both those seem plausible to me. The 4TDs may look low, however in the red zone the Bills seem to (at least on paper right now) have a lot of ways to get in the end zone. Harris and Murray may provide a much needed red zone running game, Knox will likely get a few red zone looks and Diggs is deadly in that part of the field as well. Throw in Allen running a few in from short and there may not be many more red zone TDs to go around.
  3. I did. If you missed it I could type slower next time.
  4. I mean, at this stage of the off season every thought is conjecture and guess work. You are correct in saying that. Works both ways as every "counter point" you make is conjecture as well. Just a difference of view. Nothing you have said here is anything other then meaningless gibberish until the pads come on and the season kicks off. Sure, they could go 7-10, 10-7, heck at this point in the off season we could say almost any team could fall in that category.
  5. Here's the logic. 1. While last year the Jets had horrible QB play their OL was just as big of a problem. I'm not even going to speculate if Rodgers downhill spiral continues this year. However getting him does nothing to help that OL that they largely ignored. They also did next to nothing to address TE and Hall will be back...but I don't think he'll be what he was this year. Next year he should be back to normal. 2. They brought in too many of Rodgers buddies. He showed last year almost a stubborn unwillingness to use his rookie WRs until way late in the season. He very well may be looking Lazard and Cobb's way on crucial plays rather than Wilson. And they got rid of Moore who is better than what they brought in. 3. Nate. Freaking. Hackett. This is going to be an issue. I absolutely LOVE when the media brings up that he was the OC in GB for both Rodgers recent MVP seasons. He wasn't calling the plays. We have seen for years what happens when Hackett is a play caller. 4. Expectations are too high. They brought in a 40 year old QB that showed serious signs of decline...and Saleh has the balls to stand in front of the NY/NJ media and crow about how they are top Super Bowl (not playoff) contenders now. Last year he kept saying he's 'keeping receipts" against the media. Bet they are keeping them against them. 5. Their schedule. Take a peek. Their first 8 games are their toughest stretch. It's very plausible they start 1-3. 3-5 is very possible. Are they playoff contenders? Sure. But that's not what they are being hyped as. There are many other things that factor in but the bottom line is a 40 year old QB that already showed signs of decline last year playing behind that OL and being run by Nate Hackett is a recipe for 7-10 or 8-9.
  6. Love it! I hope the Jets keep getting fluffed up. The high expectations will set the up for a lot of turmoil when they start 3-5. I have the Jets completely imploding this year.
  7. No, I got the point. Perhaps you missed mine.
  8. The way I believe it shakes out is this: RB: Cook will see extensive work but may or may not be the "starter" based on what formation we start out in. I think Harris sees a lot of work on early downs and snaps Allen takes from under center. TE: Kincaid will likely be listed as TE2. However in the event of a Knox injury I think Kincaid would stay at his normal spot and the TE3 (Maybe Morris) would start as inline TE. G: Can easily see Bates (or Edwards) start out as RG until Torrence is pushed in to start due to injury. However, I don't discount Torrence winning the job outright in TC. Either way he will be in early in the season. Floyd may very well start out as the starter in Vons spot until he comes back. Then be the main guy to rotate Von out and keep snaps down during the regular season. I see them moving him around a bit. CB is very fluid at the moment. I don't have anyone inked into any spot quite yet. Obviously, if Tre is back to normal he's #1. 1- Tre 2- Elam/Jackson/Benford 3-(Nickel) Johnson 4- Elam/Jackson/Benford 5- Elam/Jackson/Benford 6- Neal/Lewis/Dantzler/Rookie I give the edge to Neal for the #6 CB. LB: I'm not even sure Klein makes the squad. Solid vet, but could easily be a camp cut.
  9. That isn't true even in the slightest. He's a pretty big fish in the pond of the NFL. Near the tops of MVP betting odds annually. Madden cover. Continued national coverage. National commercial deals. He's easily one of the 4-5 guys that serve as the current face of the NFL. He's the biggest reason that Buffalo is wanted for so many national games. Josh Allen is must see TV and a guy that most fans enjoy seeing play.
  10. Well, that goes with the territory of having expectations. In his first few years there were really none. Now every play, every decision is over analyzed by everyone. Lots of pressure on his shoulders. He's to a point in his career where the pressure can make or break a guy. I believe Josh has the DNA of a guy that will rise to it
  11. I don't need to make a whole video. Below is the 2023 New England Patriots From a Bills fan perspective:
  12. The idea to keep a defense off balance means not being able to tip your hand. If Diggs is out there it's still pass 1st. We can go back to last season and when the Bills went into run sets Diggs did come out for Davis as a run block option. In any event whoever our TE 3 is would be a step down from Diggs or Davis being on the field IMO.
  13. I think when it comes to the pass rush McDermott won't be afraid to be as aggressive as he needs to be. I still see him wanting to get pressure with 4 and drop 7. From there I think he brings a 5th rusher at times with some strategy. However, unlike Frazier, I believe that if he sees pressure isn't getting there with 4 he will adjust and get pressure another way.
  14. In theory, yes they could. 5 OL 3 TE 1 QB That leaves 2 spots open for a mixture of WR or RB. The issue for me is to do that Kincaid would basically be WR2 in the slot with another WR and a RB. Gabe Davis is (by far) our best run blocking WR so if we are going heavy and giving the allusion of a run play it makes sense for Davis to be the WR. Teams do key on personal and who is out there. So this would be taking Diggs out for a TE3...and that's not a good move IMO. The other possibility would be no RB...but that kind of makes having the 3 TE set pointless.
  15. They are the best team on paper in that division. But it's a long season and a lot happens over the course eof the year. While they may very well be the odds on favorite for the Division championship I think the Texans will be improved under Ryans. I think the Titans will be 7-10/8-9 type team that could steal a win. It will be interesting to see how the young Jags team faces being favorites and handle expectations over last year when they had none.
  16. The defense is good. But I really don't think it's as good as most say. They got a LOT of calls in their favor last year with refs letting Sauce abuse WRs down field. That will come to an end eventually. And while they did do a good job on the Bills, it's up to Dorsey year 2 to adapt and adjust what the do against them. Last year the Jet D was the strength bof their team. The year before with he same scheme and many of the same players they were bottom of the league. People forget that. I think last year they played a lot of bad offenses which helped them look better as well. Now, this isn't saying that defense is bad. The truth is likely somewhere in between what they were 2 years ago and what they were last year.
  17. I don't share this concern for a variety of reasons. First off, Rodgers now is not the same as he was even 2-3 years ago. Not only did it seem like last year he wasn't as good skill wise...his mindset seems way different as well. I don't see that drive to win football games in him anymore. I see the drive to make money. Second, the Jets had a terrible OL last year and did little to improve it. Rodgers should be prepared to be hit...a LOT. Then you have Hall coming off a major injury. They have gotten older and slower on offense by bringing in the ex Packers that Rodgers is buddies with while trading away a very talented young WR. Also, you have a boisterous blowhard of a meathead coach in Saleh who placed his team with the Bills, Bengals and KC as Super Bowl contenders before playing a down. Last year he was all about "keeping receipts" with the media...and I'm sure the media remembers that. What happens if they start slow? This is the start to the Jet season: Buffalo on MNF @Dallas New England Kansas City SNF @Denver Philly Giants @Chargers Starting 1-3 with 2 national games is very plausible. Being 3-5 after 8 games is very realistic. The media will be ALL over it due to the expectations...something that a you g team in the Jets did not have last year. I see a HUGE implosion coming their way.
  18. Where is it being reported? Nothing I see says that. EDIT: I'm seeing that Cook hasn't even officially been released yet.
  19. Nope. Was definitely the first one. It was the opening day scene. 100% sure about that.
  20. This reminds me of the movie Major League. Great movie. One of my favorites. One of the best scenes is when that one less than intelligent fan tries to rationalize that a ball won't be a HR because it's "too high".
  21. I heard they were buying property in Batavia...
  22. I really don't see the Dolphins taking him. They may have been interested early in the off season but they moved forward and drafted a guy the reportedly really like. I think of the AFCE teams that NE is a sneaky choice. Rhomandre is a good RB but they like depth there and Belichick isn't afraid to go after aging vets (Corey Dillon comes to mind). A guy like Cook getting released this late in the off season is really doing him dirty as many teams have their RB rooms set with FAs and draft picks. Teams I can see in on him: Denver Tampa Saints New England Philly
  23. That still adds up to a hefty chunk of change when you're talking about a contract the size of what some of these players make. Last year Tyreek Hill (of all people) gave a good example. When he was traded to Miami the Jets were right there as well for him. KC presented him with the choice and he took Miami in big part because NJ state taxes would have cost him $3.2M more for his share of games played there. And that's not even counting any lodging, large purchases (vehicles) that they may make being taxed at a higher rate. As fans it's really easy to say "well this dude made $100M in the past if he's squabbling about $3M he only cares about money". But it's still a substantial amount when your window to make as much as possible is limited. I think most guys would say the dream is to be handsomely paid by a team that has a shot to win a championship. Best of both worlds. However if given the option between money and glory I think a lot of guys take the money...just like most of us would.
  24. Love your support of one of our best players, however there may be a few things you missed or are unaware of. 1. He flat out said sever times this off-season that one of his life goals is to play with his brother. That's not up for debate. It's a fact. 2. "He" likely didn't have anything to do with restructuring his contract. For a simple restructure the language is already in the deal that teams can restructure at any time. The only times that a player has to give consent is if they are adding void years or extending. 3. He had more that one "minor meltdown" last year. The playoff game was just on the largest stage. There were at least 3 other games that he was snapping off on the sideline and a few times that he was all up in his feelings. Remember McDermott having to hug it out with him early in the (I believe it was) first Dolphins game? It's becoming a bit of a pattern. 4. Yelling at Josh on the sideline of the playoff game is what it is. I can chalk that up to being competitive. Sure. Trying to storm out of the locker room like a petulant child after the game is what I have an issue with. Guy is supposed to be a leader. That's not a leader at all. 5. Tired of everyone saying his behavior is ok because "he's a competitor" and "he wants to win...wish everyone else did". So, by that reasoning...Josh doesn't want to win because he doesn't throw temper tantrums? Milano...doesn't want to win because he didn't storm out of the locker room? BS. 52 other players on that team want to win just as bad. Diggs is the only one who can't control himself. I am also tired of the hypocrisy of some that would BLAST guys like Brady for yelling at teammates and it being chalked up by commentators as him being competitive...but excuse it from Diggs because it's a Buffalo Bill. 6. You are correct in saying he's not going anywhere this season. NEXT season could be a different story. While trading him would leave $8.8M dead cap (post June 1st) it would also clear $19M off the cap. Not saying they will or even should...but it is financially plausible next year. Despite all that, I'm not down on the guy. He is and can continue to be a huge part of this team. There have now been some patterns of behavior that are worth monitoring headed into this season. Nothing huge and nothing that can't be repaired. The old saying "winning cures all" definitely applies here. If by chance the Bills fall short this year it could very well escalate into something more troublesome next off season.
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