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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. If you click the user name this account goes back to Warrow's old account. Hey, John. Glad to see ya back.
  2. He very well be excused from this team activity
  3. I heard the whole locker room is hooking up with Brit instead of Day 3 of camp as a "team building activity"
  4. IR he gets his check. I believe if he's healed before the season they can do some sort of buyout and he's released.
  5. "Hey, miss one practice...it's cool man. But miss another and I'll slather you up with some Diggs hot sauce and put you in my belly. You already schnowww"
  6. Sucks for the kid. Even if he wouldn't likely make our roster it takes an opportunity to put some stuff on film and impress another team. Big dude. Hopefully he heals up and is back for a run next year.
  7. Literally everyone posted it. Alaina, Joe B and tons others...and most before he did.
  8. I agree with that but to your point...when Diggs does it it's perfectly healthy for downtime but when Allen does it Diggs would view it as off balance and not being committed to being all in? Man, if that's the fact then that would make Stef a huge hypocrite in my book.
  9. Diggs does this? I've seen him doing photo shoots. Seen him in commercials. Saw that he hosted some charity events. There was even a story about Diggs doing a pottery class this off season. And yes, he does these things on his off days during the season as well.
  10. True, but if he does go all Travis Henry...dear Lord in about 16 years the high school football games will be amazing to watch. Just oodles and oodles of mini Josh Allens leaping over each other and stiff arming each other.
  11. Not sarcastic...yet not serious at all. Just playing a bit lol
  12. The biggest concern I have about the offense is that our star QB has apparently gone from being an "Alien" to "Predator" by allegedly knocking up two thirds of Buffalo during the off season. I mean, how does that leave him time to work with Jordan Palmer?
  13. Now that's what I been talking bout. All makes sense when we break it down for the homies.
  14. Ok for those joining late I will provide a recap of all information known from all sources. Last year before the Bengals game Josh Allen cheated on his long time girlfriend with a barmaid. Knocked her up. Then had a confrontation with his ex at 3am the night before the Bengals playoff game leading to a poor performance (on the field not in the bedroom). Diggs was angered by this because he's a competitive guy. Around the same time Allen allegedly slept with (and impregnated) one of Stef's friends wives. Then went on to have some down time with one of Stef's ex's. MEANWHILE: Diggs feels like he has no say in the offense and wishes Ken Dorsey would stop being mean and get him the ball more. He's also cheesed off that the Bills didn't do enough to help him and take the pressure off him while also being offended that the Bills flirted with bringing in DHop...who Im sure didn't sign here because our QB can't keep his putter in his pants. After the season everyone went their separate ways for 5 months. But they had conversations. Of course they also didn't speak at all. Stef did photo shoots. Allen was on the red carpet sleeping with movie stars and playing golf. Von was rehabbing and making statements of grandeur about Beane signing every player that made an all pro team since 1994. Also happening at the same time Chad Hall took a lateral move to Jacksonville because he was passed over for promotion and Diggs didn't like that. Unconfirmed is if Hall took the position to keep his wife as far away from Allen's unchecked Talley whacker as possible. It all boils over yesterday when Diggs reported to the team with the intent to practice...yet somehow left before practice. I believe McDermott said something about being "very concerned" that out out of control sex freak of a QB was targeting his wife next(citation needed). Also, no one saw these issues coming. Except for Jerry Sullivan who was clued into the issues before they even happened by Ryan Fitzpatrick (he did go to Harvard). And 95% of the board has no clue what "cap" means in modern slang.
  15. Speaking of things being swept under a rug..you provide a ton of content here and a very unique perspective. I feel that goes unappreciated. I'd like to do something nice for you, my friend. If you would DM me your address and tinfoil hat size I'd love to send you a new one.
  16. So...how does day 2 shape up. Get your predictions in NOW people! I'm going with: 1: Diggs shows up. 2. Diggs even practices 3. The Diggs supporters go out of their way to say "SEE TOLD YA SO" 4. Diggs meets the media 5. Diggs says some weird stuff that's easy to read into. 6. Diggs detractors go out of their way to say "SEE TOLD YA SO" Everyone wins. Everyone loses. Rinse repeat until the end of this run of practices.
  17. Here's the thing. I believe the Bills last year fell into the trap of human nature. For Allen, why wouldn't he want Dorsey promoted? I've had jobs in the past where my boss left and they hired for the position. Ten times out of ten I would take someone being promoted from within so I know my job is less likely to get hit with sweeping changes. The old saying "the devil you know" applies. For McDermott it makes sense as well. All the promotions he does internally lead to coaches wanting to work for him so they can climb the ladder. A guy like Joe Brady who may have designs on being an OC again can know with some sense of reality that he's got an inside track to the Bills OC job should an opening happen. As you said, Ken did just fine for a rookie OC. His arrow will likely keep pointing up as long as Allen is healthy. It wouldn't even shock me if he lands a HC position in the next 2-3 years if he's still here. But I think McDermott had a golden opportunity once Daboll left to bring in someone from the outside for a new voice in the room and a new perspective on how Allen could make improvements.
  18. Question: is it just the head coach with the Bills current staff or do they bring their staff with them? If it's just the HC I take Belichick. If it's the entire staff joining I take Andy.
  19. I don't have anything against Dorsey. I think he did a fine job as a ROOKIE play caller. And that's also my issue. It's not with him as much as it is that I believe he was the wrong hire. I much rather would have had them at the very least interview some guys with more experience. Instead we got a basic dog and pony show where they interviewed a couple other just as inexperienced guys before handing the job to Ken. It's like they didn't even try because that was who Allen wanted. But a team in that Super Bowl window isn't the place for a guy to do OJT as a coordinator. That's why there are teams like the Texans and Colts. Get experience in a lower expectation environment. All that said I do believe Dorsey was handicapped a bit due to IOL play and the lack of a true TE2. Those have been addressed. I think he can improve his play calls. I would like to see him able to scheme guys open a bit. I would like to see him a bit more creative with routes. And he needs to adjust his gameplan with weather in mind a bit more.
  20. Honestly, the path started during the season. There were multiple times during the regular season that Diggs was visibly upset on the sidelines. Who can forget McDermott consoling him during...I believe it was the first half of the first Miami game. Then he let that CB from the Packers get in his head. Then had a couple more instances where he was upset. It culminated against the Bengals in the playoffs for sure...but there was a ton leading up to it from early on. It's become a pattern of his behavior and it's often dismissed because he "cares too much". In all seriousness at some point if it continues it's fair to be concerned about his mental health. .
  21. He also has an issue cooking for himself IIRC At this point I feel like I'm the only person in the Buffalo area that HASN'T gotten knocked up by Allen.
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