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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I would go with the under on arrests...however there will be over 6 gambling suspensions handed out in that time
  2. From an organization standpoint it's easy to see why the Bills would love him. Beane has said MANY MANY times that when it comes to Davis no one outworks him. I believe that. He's also a willing and very solid run blocker. He seems to have a good attitude and doesn't seem to create any kind of drama. He's got upside. Honestly there are times when he remind me of a young Robert Woods. Most of all he's solid value on a rookie contract for what he can provide. And I will agree. Someone would overpay based on all of that thinking "we can get him to the next level". In my mind his baseline would be somewhere around Allen Lazard's contract on the open market. 4/44M sounds in the neighborhood. I've seen that the Packers are projected to see a 5th round comp pick off that.
  3. Oh, absolutely. His production increased, however fair to point out that his opportunity also increased with more playtime. He does play injured and I believe that is something that he was held back by. Could it have actually helped him to miss a couple extra games and come back better healed? Who knows. I was always taught (and can still 20 years later hear my coach's voice say) "Catching the ball starts with your feet". Thought he was a moron at the time...but it's true.
  4. Reportedly played injured most of the season. Beane chalks many of his struggles up to that. Has had seemingly chronic ankle issues most of his career. Missing games isn't the only indication of health. And notice I didn't say one of his issues was his yardage. I mentioned consistency as almost 20% of that 836 yardage season came in 1 game on 3 catches. Just under 1/8th of his output for the year came on one play. He's a big play waiting to happen. He's also a ghost town from time to time. I happen to like Gabe Davis. I have defended him here many times. However I also think it's fair to point out there are some things that hold him back. He's a good WR2. If he can play injury free and be more consistent he could be a great one. Outside of Allen, Davis has the most potential to benefit from the improvement on the IOL this year IMO. The routes they ask him to run take time. Without the immediate pressure in Allen's face hopefully Davis has time to set up his routes. He could break out this year.
  5. Now, I do believe Davis has some issues. Being consistent. Drops. Staying healthy. So what I'm about to say isn't meant to excuse any of that at all. However, looking at this chart in addition to seeing a WR that doesn't run a full tree...I see a problem with the offensive coordinator. This chart shows Davis struggling to have success with digs and curls. Yet they are among the highest % of routes he's asked to run. He's shown some degree of success on out routes...but those are among the lowest % he's asked to run. To my eyes at least it looks like a case of a coach trying to fit a guy into his system rather that adjusting his system to fit the players. And this is a common thing with inexperienced coordinators. Yes, I would love to see the Bills have a WR2 that can run the whole route tree with success. However sometimes you have to tweak what you do based on the players you have.
  6. Seriously, bud. All I asked for is the name of a show....I don't get how that is so mentally taxing but you do you.
  7. You have a 4 week baby, no time. But time to quote everything you posted all day. Got it. Would have saved time to say "yea man check out this show and you'll see what I mean". You stated you saw a signing was imminent on "many shows" as you quoted yourself saying yet refuse to say what show....that's just odd man. Again, not saying you made it up...but fully understand if someone would think that. Go play with your kid man. Obviously being an adult is too taxing for you.
  8. Actually, I couldn't care less of DHop signs or not. And no, you weren't just "sharing an opinion based on what you heard". You flat out said you saw this on "multiple shows" and there's "more out there than I know". Yet, you refuse to say where any of this is actually happening. You saw it on a few shows? Cool. Everything is put online these days. What "sports shows" were they on so I may view and form an opinion based off the same info? You didn't originate it. Fine. I'll play along. Who did? That's all I'm asking. All the responding you've done...would have been shorter just to quote the show or shows you saw it on. But you can't do that.
  9. Ok, wasn't saying before you were making stuff up or over stating what you heard...but this right here SCREAMS "I made stuff up and got called out on it" You made a very strong statement that you cannot back up.
  10. Wheat toast, buttered end to end evenly with mint jelly is the only civil way to eat it. I will die on this hill.
  11. So, these sports shows made some bold statements that literally no one followed up with. Which seems odd because anytime anyone says SOMETHING on TV it sparks tweets, those clickbait little articles and so much more. Now, not calling you a liar at all...just saying it seems rather odd, no? And you do realize many of these players have friendships league wide, correct? Posting a picture with a caption these days literally means nothing. Von posted a picture with DHop earlier this off-season IIRC. Now he may or may not sign there. If he does it really doesn't "prove" anything other than all factors considered they made the best deal in his eyes. Money certainly factors in much like it would be for anyone looking for a new job. But without knowing specifics it proves zero. Let's say the Pats sign him to the same $15M deal that OBJ got. Now let's say Beane offers $5M. He would be a fool to take Beanes offer. That's called knowing your worth.
  12. Not for nothing, but could you link a report that says this? I have seen nothing to that extreme. Everything from every "credible source" has said the meetings were "productive" and the Pats are "optimistic" which are 2 very different narratives.
  13. Oh, a new Cole Beasley tweet? This won't cause any kind of heated debate on the boards. At all.
  14. The biggest upgrade wouldn't be DHop anyway. Going from Matt Patricia to Bill O'Brien as OC is going to help a ton. Yes, O'Brien failed as a HC/GM but the guy CAN call an offense. And he can obviously do it leaps and bounds better than Patricia.
  15. There certainly is the possibility that The Bills don't come out on top in the AFCE. Football is a weird sport and things happen. That said, the road to the AFCE goes through Buffalo. Yes, on paper the Jets got better. On paper the Dolphins got better and you could even argue that despite being the 4th best team in the AFCE, the Pats improved. But so did the Bills. "If Tua stays healthy", "If Rodgers can bounce back", "If having an actual OC helps Mac" then it will be competitive. Reminds me a lot of last year when many were excited that the AFCW was "stacked". The arms race was sure to make the Chiefs lose a few in their division and be nowhere NEAR that 1 seed. Right? I mean, the Chargers had Herbert and added to that defense. Denver brought in Russ...with all those young talented weapons. Heck, even the Raider got Adams. Doesn't that sound a lot like: "Wow Jets brought in Rodgers" "Wow, Miami has added to that defense" And even possibly: "Heck the Patriots got DHop" History sometimes repeats itself.
  16. Very nice break down. Matches up with what I recall from memory. Another good point was brought up by Groot in his presser the other day. Paraphrasing here but he made it a point to say that he felt like McDermott does an excellent job of actually teaching the defense. Not just the "you go here and do this" but the "why", what doing that achieves and helps them understand more. And that helps them be able to play faster. In all his years here I don't think I saw Frazier on the sidelines actually coaching up anyone more than a handful of times. Now, that may be just the camera not showing it. But for the most part he would be standing there on his headset. McDermott has and will be coaching them up during the game. There will be a fire lit under this defense.
  17. Lotta White Knighters as well. Just saying. See the thing is I would have absolutely zero issue saying anything I've said here in person. John's work is noted. He's able to be a solid reporter. I praise any and all solid reporting he does. I know it's not easy work. However, there are times where his personality gets in the way. If he's questioned in the slightest for clarification or why he would post something cryptic and not be willing to elaborate he gets rather snide and petty. In this thread specifically, he's being called out for attempting to slide in under a renamed account and troll like it wasn't him. This would happen to anyone if they tried the same. Would it not?
  18. There's that passive aggressive JW response. Must be an incredibly slow news day.
  19. Nah. This isn't the whole story here. Here's the thing. Yes, it was too bad that he had to leave back in...what November? Then he popped back in once in March. Fast forward to the last day or so where he came back...to troll people. Behind a renamed account. One of his responses were to someone he accused of being triggered by 3 writers...John was one of those 3. Used the phrasing "them" as if he wasn't one of them himself. Imagine being a reporter for the AP and coming on a team message board while trying (and failing) to hide it was you. It's something like this that makes people question his credibility in the first place. Yes he has provided great insight on things. He also attacks people that dare question something he cryptically puts out there in the world wanting more clarification. Both can be true.
  20. I mean, obviously if a team perpetually fails the HC will be gone. The issue is there is a huge difference in opinion between fans and franchise as to what constitutes failure. I think most teams consider being yearly playoff participants with a believable chance to win it all as successful. Most fans just want that Super Bowl this year...who cares about tomorrow. And while it's very true you can improve the position with a great head coach the odds are always against a coaching hire being successful. It's way more likely to hire a coach...be it an up and comer...a guy with past success or whomever and see the choice flop. There is gamble and there is risk. We have all heard the term QB purgatory. A guy just good enough to win enough games to keep you away from getting that elite guy. I believe McDermott is trending towards "coaching purgatory". He's definitely good enough to get the Bills to the playoffs and win a ton of games. And if things go just right he will win a Super Bowl IMO. For a team that is opening a new stadium soon from a business perspective....it's much easier to sell a team that is in the playoffs every year over one that there is uncertainty with. I predict that unless the wheels completely fall off somehow or for some reason he completely loses the locker room his "day of reckoning" will be the first year the new stadium is open. He's safe until then for stability reasons..but if he hasn't gotten over the hump by then he won't see year 2 of the new stadium.
  21. John, it's hysterical that you say them. Someone who writes for a living would say "the three of us" unless they are trying to hide their identity. It's things like this that hurt your credibility as a "reporter". Not even Jerry Sullivan is thin skinned enough to monitor this board and try some bush league stuff like this.
  22. I really don't think it's that bold when you look at it. Especially when you factor in the probability of McDermott being open to running more blitz packages when the situation calls for it. A lot of the possibility revolves on Von being even 75% of what he was pre injury and Groot taking a step forward...both things I see as strong possibilities. The MLB group is an unknown. But even more unknown is the way they will be utilized. They aren't just plugging anyone in and saying "go do what we asked Edmunds". I'm sure a couple years back there was equal trepidation on KC fans part about Bolton. You and I don't KNOW if a guy can start in the NFL...until they start in the NFL. I didn't like the Williams pick at first but do think he could turn into something good. As long as whoever wins that position battle does their 1/11th and plays the position the way they are asked it shouldn't be that much of a dropoff. I pretty much agree with you on the offense and CB position. It will be interesting to see if McDermott is planning on running press more than Frazier did. If he does that elevates Elam's value and impact immensely IMO.
  23. In fairness, we now have more than 1 year of playoff losses. While the QB Terry reportedly was enamored by has bounced the Bills from the playoffs twice, won 2 Super Bowls and 2 MVPs. The same QB McDermott didn't want to take at their draft spot because it "sent the wrong message" reportedly. And while I agree that the way the hierarchy at OBD at minimum places McD and Beane on even ground (if not Sean holding more power) I do believe Terry would consultant Beane for an opinion on the matter should he start thinking about making a move at HC. Look, I like Sean. I don't think many coaches would have gotten 13 wins out of a team that went through as much as the Bills did last year. I have a ton of respect for the job he has done in turning this franchise from a joke to "playoff caliber" to "Championship Caliber". Despite what many claim he's done a great job I'm growing from a very conservative coach his first 2 years to a coach that will take as many or more chances than many. However at some point I also believe it's fair to question if Sean is a coach that can make a difference and get over that hump or if he's along for the ride. An early playoff exit this year and I think he enters next season firmly on the hot seat. Especially if Pegula has to witness it happen by the hand of the first player he wanted to pick.
  24. Couple points about the defense: 1. I get the idea that the feeling is we are worse off at LB. However for right now I would have to call that an "incomplete" as we really don't have enough information on what we actually have there. It could be anywhere from very bad to very good. 2. I'm a big believer that sometimes you can get better by losing something. While I do appreciate Leslie Frazier and think he's an excellent Monday through Saturday coach, his style is and has always been way too passive. I believe McDermott will not be passive. The added aggression will take what we have and make it better. I listened to Groot's presser yesterday and came away with the impression that the players feel this as well. 3. CB...even? Benford and Elam both have a full year under their belt. White is in the window where guys that suffered that kind of injury bounce back. Dane Jackson has some solid experience now. This is a good group. Arrow definitely up there for me. 4. The addition of Floyd and Poona to what was largely the same group from last year is an immediate upgrade. Von will be back sooner than later. Throw Groot in that trio and suddenly this Bills pass rush has the potential to be one of the tops in the league by years end.
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