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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Partially correct and partially way off base. You are correct in saying they need him to agree to a CHANGE in the contract. A change would be things such as adding void years or straight up cuts in salary. It's not considered a change in contract to do a restructure as MOST contracts given these days have those permissions as part of the existing deal. The language is built in and agreed to upon signing the original deal. This would be the type of restructure you see most players receive. Conversion of salary to bonus to free up space. Now it would be a courtesy to mention it to a player or his representative before doing it. Especially if a GM has contact with a guy over the course of the off-season. But for a simple restructure it's not needed.
  2. At least he didn't bet $20 on a basketball game from the team facility.
  3. Those photos look like photos of Steve Rogers before and after taking the syrum that made him into Captain America.
  4. By the same token, we have no idea if this is what he's actually upset about. Many different things have been reported/suggested. Everyone has "made calls" or "talked to someone close to the Bills locker room". But each "report" is reported speculation. And if it's ok to speculate about that then it's ok to speculate that we in fact brought in some guys that could make an impact.
  5. Some very excellent points here. I like to pay attention to the wording as well. A source "close to the Bills locker room". Boy that's a wide net to cast, eh? Could be an agent. Could be a friend of a friend of the wife of a player. Could be an ex teammate (why does this whole thing scream of McKenzie being the culprit 😂?). Could be a lot of people. The validity of the report comes down to who it is that told Ben, and that's not something we will ever know. One thing is for sure. The way it's phrased the information isn't coming from a source "inside the Bills locker room". And most likely the only ones that know accurately are the ones that were not only in the locker room...but those that were in the meetings with Diggs, McDermott and Beane or the people those 3 informed (such as Josh Allen).
  6. Yes, that is my point. I'm saying they can afford it and if the need met the price they would pull the trigger. "The price" isn't just dollars today it's what it does to the financial ledger down the road as well. We are agreed there. And no, not everyone understands that they can afford the move financially. Which is why we have so many in this very thread saying "we can't afford it"...which is what I was replying to.
  7. Yeah, agree that is an issue and it was something the hurt. But IMO any of those other reasons I listed were just as big an issue if not bigger.
  8. They can afford it. That's the thing most people aren't comprehending at all. Between restructures they could still make combined with an extension or two that would make sense as well as money they have spent since then and a couple of cuts that may happen anyway it's well attainable. The issue is they haven't (at least to this point) deemed that the need outweighs the cost.
  9. Yeah, I don't mind Tua as much I do someone like Mac Jones. Jones just has such a punchable face.
  10. To your first point...that's a lot of words to type to say that "we got next to nothing from the slot position" as I stated. Now, Allen missed some things, absolutely. He even admits that. But Beane didn't release McKenzie, let Crowder walk, sign 2 potential guys that can contribute in the slot plus spend a 1st round pick to upgrade the position because it was all Allen's fault. To your second point, The Bills run a LOT of routes where the WR has an option of which route to run based on coverage. This is common knowledge and has been discussed by players and the coaching staff. I don't need to know the call to know if 2 guys end up in the same spot...there was a miscommunication/misread by someone. And it happened numerous times last year. Oh, I agree. It was more than kicking the tires. However my point is if it was something that Beane viewed as a "must upgrade" the deal would have either got done then or shortly after DHop was released. I'm not saying the Bills wouldn't like him, but they aren't exactly going crazy trying to land him either. I do think that if Hopkins was released prior to Beane spending a 1st round pick on Kincaid there may have been more of a priority.
  11. I mean, would DHop be an upgrade on Davis? Potentially, sure. And a good GM will do his due diligence on every available player. Past that we really have no idea the extent that Beane pursued him. We have been informed they had talks but who really knows what came out of it? We all have theories, of course. But if Beane really felt that strongly that an upgrade on Davis was a top issue DHop or someone else would be on the team... expensive nor not.
  12. You can have a good offense and still have things to fix in it. Both can be true. Of the 4 things I listed do you not think any of them are valid and can't be improved upon? Which of those 4 are a "reach" according to you?
  13. Interesting. You believe our biggest problem in the passing game last year wasn't: - Immediate IOL pressure forcing Allen to not have time - Getting next to nothing out of the slot position - Allen playing most of the season with an injury to his throwing elbow - Lack of creative routes/miscommunication on option routes between receivers But our biggest issue was a guy that averaged over 17 yards a catch had the #2 target share?
  14. That's the fun thing about national pundits. Last year the popular "group think" predictions were that Buffalo would win it all. Then, the Bills had the unmitigated NERVE to...well not win it all. So the pundits need to regroup. "How could this be? It couldn't be because we were wrong...no. SOMEONE has to take the fall." They can't blame Allen. Half of them only know Dorsey because he smashed a tablet. So, McDermott is the fall guy because "he coached defense". Easy target and something that's easy to hop on board for those that struggle with original thoughts or ideas. I will guarantee all season long we see graphics every broadcast on "defensive coaches winning Super Bowls" every telecast followed by a weekly discussion about the unhappiness of Stef Diggs. A shot or 2 of the Falls and call it a telecast.
  15. My main issue with the Dorsey hire was simply this. They really didn't even seem to consider anyone other than Dorsey. They brought in 2 guys from the outside and a couple internal candidates. (Dorsey and rumor was Hall got an interview as well). None were experienced. It seemed a bit like the end game was always Dorsey and the other interv were just dog and pony shows, Rooney Rule requirements. If they were going the inexperienced route, fine. If they went that route I was all for giving Kafka a look. I liked the idea of trying to pluck someone that worked under Reid much more than promoting a guy that has studied under the offensive juggernauts of Mike Shula, Ron Rivera and McDermott. Having said that, I believe Dorsey can still grow into the position and be successful. I can't say any OC would have done much better with the Allen elbow issue and IOL issues. Hopefully, he makes some adjustments, the upgrades to the IOL help and he has figured out what a screen pass is.
  16. He's been there 20 minutes and only has 10 targets. There's about to be an issue.
  17. I firmly believe that most that have criticism and bash everything care more about being right than being hopeful. Let's face it, in the NFL more players don't become stars than do. If someone universally bashes every player and every move statistically they are right way more than wrong. Speaking for myself, I can say I spent way too much of my more youthful days obsessed over the Bills winning a Super Bowl than not. With age comes a different point of view for some and now at least in my aging eyes it's truly not about "winning it all" as much. As you say, that's out of my control. I don't get a ring if the Bills in it all anyway. What I can control is my enjoyment factor. For home games...did I have fun? Was the tailgating good? Did I enjoy the company of my friends and family that were there? For road games was the gathering a good time? Life really isn't long and while the euphoria of seeing the Bills win a Lombardi would be amazing...life is more about living in the moment you are in.
  18. He just didn't have enough time to prepare. He didn't have enough help around him...um..I think he had a bit of a stomach bug that day...errr....I also heard he had knocked up a waitress the week before and was distracted. Just wait. He'll be back🤣🤣🤣
  19. In his 3 years here Diggs has been targeted on 484 of Allen's 1785 passing attempts. That's just over a 27% share of the targets. That also doesn't include plays that Allen threw a pass where Diggs was not on the field. Just over one out of four attempts head his way as it is. I don't see that number going up especially with the Bills signing Harty early in FA, hearing how much Allen is taking a liking to Sherfield and sinking a 1st round pick in Kincaid. Not to mention Knox will get his, Davis will get thrown to and the RBs may factor in. I really don't think it's even going to take a string of losses to ignite this. There were a few times last year he was visibly upset early in games when the team started slow. Like it or not this season's narrative is quickly turning into "Diggs Watch."
  20. Disagree. His rookie year he was splendid. Had a couple of solid years in years 2 and 3. Was really good again the next two years and played very well his first year for the Saints. All in all after his first 5 years in Buffalo he was near the top of his position NFL wide. Not really that he didn't live up to it in New Orleans talent wise but he legitimately had a foot issue that slowed him big time.
  21. I forgot Cordy Glenn even existed. Good player in his day though. And people forget how good Byrd was early in his playing days. Shame he fell off due to (I believe) the foot issue.
  22. Of course, this is just my opinion but I believe the two bolded parts go hand in hand. Fans judge by championships. Most owners judge by the finances. NFL owners are a billionaires club that can print their own money. Sure, they may enjoy the one year of bragging rights over their buddies...but ultimately it always comes down to the cash. With Buffalo opening a new stadium they will not be making sweeping changes to the staff unless the wheels come completely off and people won't pay for the product.
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