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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Hopefully this is the case. Buffalo can't keep the game close though. The NFL NEEDS the Jets to win that one. Big game, nation TV and the team that just got Rodgers and plays in one of the largest markets...that's an early season gold mine for them.
  2. I think the thing the media forgets is this. Yes, on paper the Jets and Dolphins got better. And both teams gave the Bills trouble last year. But they also play each other two times which should be dog fights. You don't hear about that at all. New England...while not on the same level now has a real offensive coordinator that will make a difference. BOB isn't a great GM, but he can call an offense and do it much more competently that Matt Patricia. They should be a tougher out as well. There is a good chance that these teams all split with each other as well. I could see each of them at 3-3 in the division. I think Buffalo splits with Miami and Jets, but sweeps NE.
  3. That's a fair view in my opinion. However, just to point out when he transferred to Florida last year he was placed with the 3rd team offense and worked/earned his way to the starting spot. Now, granted Bates/Edwards are likely stiffer competition than he faced then, but I wouldn't say it's out of the question for sure that he leap frogs them. Will definitely be one of the best camp battles this year IMO. In any event I feel we are MUCH deeper at IOL this year then heading to camp last year and that's a huge positive.
  4. I get that thought as well. I'm of the side of getting him out early to gel with the line. Would be more comfortable with the idea if we had an old vet RT or if Brown bounces back. But he brings something skillwise that none of the guys in contention to start do.
  5. I could see a path to him starting week 1. I think he could flat out make it so the coaches can't take him off the field (much like Groot did his rookie year) or if any IOL guy is injured between now and then. I approve of this message.
  6. Harty was first one back for PR duties
  7. As many expected Harty first up to try PR duties in place of Hines.
  8. And yet...players do make that happen. There are a ton of cases where a player could really cash in and takes a touch less to help field a team around him. Especially when their own success is tied into the skill of the players around them. Now, I'm not saying that Burrow is going to sign for $20M a year and only $50M guaranteed. He will get his. But I'm not going to be shocked if he takes less than he probably should to keep his WR core intact for as long as possible.
  9. I promise... NOTHING he says will be over analyzed and overblown by the media and fans alike. This will put all fears to rest. Ahhhh...who am I kidding. Getcha 🍿 ready.
  10. I agree the Burrow contract will be huge. However, I think you're going to see less in guaranteed money than most people want to think. Burrow isn't stupid. He knows that his best path to success is keeping his WR core intact. I'm willing to bet he will take less in guaranteed cash knowing that the Brown Family is cash strapped/frugal. This allows them to put some of that money in escrow for Higgins and soon Chase to stay. A top tier QB is going to see almost every dime of their contract because barring injury that alters their career or a shocking drop off of talent teams aren't moving on from them. He's got time to take a bit less in guaranteed money now and parlay that into more down the road.
  11. Tua will be an interesting one to watch. On the one hand not sure if he's a guy id invest in. He's good despite what many want to claim here. He's in the perfect offense for him. But I'm not sure he's irreplaceable. Then again the Giants just backed up a Brinks truck for Danny Jones so...
  12. Watched the whole thing and there were zero mentions of red helmets. Really cool show, though. Love these.
  13. Idk about that. I give him a lot of credit for the way he finished that Chiefs game last year with I believe it was fractured ribs. Showed me something there as far as guts and wanting to win. He almost brought them back, too. I think some of his checkdown issues stemmed from that. I do agree there seems to be something "missing" with him though.
  14. Until Mike Brown finds his wallet and Burrow gets his deal done.
  15. Yet another deal that makes Allen look like more of a bargain. Did they mention guaranteed cash?
  16. Tried to chase down an ice cream truck. Spleen injury.
  17. I know he's a fan favorite but I can't think of anytime I've ever heard someone praise him for leadership. Not saying he isn't but that doesn't flow to the forefront when I think of Phillips. Ceilingwise I think we have seen Phillip's best work and he's a declining player on a higher deal. For a 1 season body of work yes he's likely the better player. As the likely DT4 I'll go younger and cheaper everytime.
  18. I give you credit for specifically saying Trevon in the thread title. That said it would solidify that if Stefon was serious about hoping to play with his brother it wouldn't be in Buffalo.
  19. For the most part I do agree with this, however I strongly feel that there are exceptions to every rule. Take a team like the Titans. Traditionally they are a run first team with Ryan Tannehill at QB. Their OL has always featured guys that were maulers. Their coach is more traditional "throwback". Literally everything centered off the run game...and they happen to have a unicorn of a RB. At the time that they gave him the second contract it made sense. Their best chance at winning was on the ground. Now, you can fault them for not building an offense that is more modern. But a second contract is understandable for that RB in that situation as long as it was structured smartly. Johnathan Taylor is coming due pretty soon. Will be interesting to see what the Colts do if he stays healthy and bounces back this year. (especially with a QB on rookie contract) as he is about 70% of their offense. But 99% of the time, I would agree. The league is littered with guys that are productive enough for the price at RB.
  20. Yeah, I like his talent. His speed is a game changer. But all the speed in the world doesn't make a difference when you're in the trainers room. And now add in the gambling suspension. Glad the Bills didn't nab him.
  21. Be interesting to see how Barkley signing plays into Jacobs thought process on a quick return.
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