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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I think we now know why guys like Rodgers and Lazard were so eager to work with Hackett again.
  2. Another way to look at it is this. From almost all accounts I have seen Tre has been absolutely spectacular so far in camp. I keep seeing he's winning his 1on1s, looking like Tre of old. This is the good news side of it. IIRC, the Bills were looking into the stability of Tre's health a couple months back. If it checked out and he's playing lights out...I'm curious to see if he leaves camp with some sort of extension. Could help the Bills drop his cap number and if he's full go and looking good...it's a win/win.
  3. Colts will be fine. They still have a happy and healthy Johnathan Taylor.
  4. Well, people SAID we need a WR2 since Davis ain't it. At his size/speed Josh is a matchup nightmare. They're just doing what the people want and looking for Gabe's replacement. Sheesh.🤣
  5. Realistically, I don't care who starts. I personally don't have a dog in the fight, so to speak. My only hope is that one of them step up and TAKE the job rather than they start because they were the best option of a subpar bunch.
  6. Spector made a bunch of plays in the PS last year and you are correct in saying he was all over the place However, while it worked out some of the time he was also out of position a lot as well. He was very aggressive which I like, but also feels like he needed to reign it in and play within the defense a bit more. Took a lot of risks.
  7. For the most part, no. But quite a few offensive highlights so far have come at Hydes expense. Again, hopefully he's just getting back up to speed. However age and injury tend to slow a guy. Hoping that's not the case here.
  8. Hopefully it's just that he's still knocking the rust off..but Hyde getting torched in practice is becoming a trend.
  9. Torrence still at RG to start the day is the news I'm here for. And Shane Ray is quickly becoming a guy I can't wait to see play in the preseason.
  10. I believe you are correct with Poyer not having surgery. Kind of a good thing, no? Hyde was supposedly cleared to play after the divisional round so his health should be back to normal. If the "nasty little habit" recurs..as you said, Rapp should be very good and can step in. Also, would love to see the "nasty little habit" of neck injury reoccurring in players supported in some way other than "trust me, bro". Floyd is holding Miller's spot as top pass rusher...as you say. So what? That's actually going to be helpful to Groot and when Miller comes back you now have some real pass rush depth. Miller is already leaps and bounds ahead of where White was last year. You can see that in the camp footage and reports. Who cares if he's on the cusp of aging out? That won't really matter this year. Also, if you don't see what the excitement is about Ford...just wait. You will. I'm sure you aren't an avid watcher of the Seahawks so it's understandable. You're gonna love the guy by week 4. "Trust me, bro". I'm an Edmunds fan. I like what the guy did in coverage. I do not discount his loss by any means. However, his talents dictated a lot of the style of defense we played...along with Leslie Frasier and his tentative nature. Personally, I believe McDermott will make a difference in how he sets up guys to succeed. Be prepared for MLB to play more downhill. They won't be asking whoever plays there this year to do the same things they asked Edmunds and they have said as much already.
  11. Not an attack and just curious here...but do you feel the same way when it comes to Mitch Morse?
  12. OTC has the projections for comp picks next year. Using Juju's contract signed this year with the Pats (3yr 33M) to place in the middle of your estimation...the Chief are projected to see a 5th rounder in compensation next year for that. That would be the ballpark. Now, if Davis walked next season and got the exact same deal (I think he sees more in the $14-15M range) it would depend on a few other factors. The NFL hands out 32 comp picks. Which would mean any contract he signs would be matched up against the other contracts given out. If more players sign big contracts he would slide down the list. If less sign big deals his would slide up. Also playing into the formula would be who Buffalo signs that would qualify against the formula. For example, Conner McGovern while not an enormous deal does count against us. At the end of it all, Buffalo has to have lost more qualifying players then they signed. As a reminders, players that are traded to Buffalo or released from their previous team DO NOT count no matter how large a deal they sign. For example, DHop would not have counted against the formula because he was released. Allen Lazard would have counted against the formula because his contract expired. https://overthecap.com/compensatory-picks
  13. So, with a healthy Poyer and Hyde this year, the addition of Floyd, Ford and Rapp, Tre being even further removed from his injury, Benford and Elam being in year 2 and the whole removal of Leslie Frasier...you expect a significant dropoff? Funny how 2 people can look at the same info and get 2 completely different answers. Time will tell.
  14. Shane Ray is seeming to grab some momentum. I'm going to be interested to see if that continues when the pads come on. If it does I think he can push Boogie off the roster and secure a spot.
  15. And none of them could have improved? None of them could have picked up anything over the course of last year to get better? Interesting. By the way these were their snap counts from last year: Dodson-276 Spector-86 Bernard-254 Keeping in mind those were mixed with some ST snaps and not all on defense...that's impressive that you can tell their fate from such a small body of work. Wow.
  16. Wow, you gathered all this from like 4 padless practices? Impressive.
  17. As soon as I saw Lazard's deal with the Jets I felt that was the starting point for any Davis contract. With the way contracts work out I see that number rising a bit for next season so $13-14M is probably the starting point...if he has a typical season. If he steps it up he'll possibly command more. And someone (not Buffalo) will pay it.
  18. I don't know if he's lying but I do know 2 things for sure about this. 1. Taylor was reported to being on the "RB Video Call" where they discussed exaggerating injuries to their benefit (still don't see how that would help their case) 2. Back injuries are amoung the trickiest to prove or disprove.
  19. What I'm about to say, understand I mean with the utmost of respect to you as a fellow person. And if I misunderstood your intension, forgive me. But who in the world are you? Are you her family? Her friend? The entitled viewpoint is astonishing to me. We're really going to start asking questions as to why they "wouldn't let people see her?". Maybe...and this may shock you ..MAYBE she doesn't feel comfortable being seen. Why was she there? Maybe...just MAYBE she was tired of being stuck home and wanted to get out. Maybe she had n appointment in the area. Or maybe her and Terry just wanted a day where things felt NORMAL again. In any event I don't care if she is/was President of a Billion dollar corporation, a stay at home mom, a fry cook at Denny's...people deserve the privacy that they feel comfortable with. Now by it's been handled badly...do you mean because they haven't shared the dirty details of her health and well being? Because if that's why... explain to my WHY you need to know. You don't. Nor do I. We can, however, feel thankful she's still on this side of the soil and was apparently in good enough health today for an outing. Everything else you need to know was shared by her daughter at the link below. And honestly she didn't even have to share as much as she did. The whole Pegula family deserves privacy and has been MORE than generous in sharing what they have. https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/jessica-pegula-tennis
  20. I know for sure he had one and I want to say the one in Miami was Van Roten, but I'm not 100%.
  21. I think most posters that are objectively looking at thing can both be happy about some and unhappy about others. For others it just wouldn't fit the character they portray. As far as Elam, I too am disappointed he hasn't taken command. But I'm also not ready to write him off. He's entering his second season and had a bit to learn and adapt to. If by the end of this year he hasn't taken over and made the spot his, then I'll worry. Some learn/develop quicker than others and the enticing thing for me is if the lightbulb goes on for him he already has the elite traits to be a top CB in the league IMO.
  22. Me as well. I like Morse. Big fan of him and his quiet leadership. However, I'd like to know if Bates is a long term option at C. But Morse is expensive and aging. Would be nice if we had a younger/cheaper option on the roster already. This is the best news from camp so far this year.
  23. I'm with you on this. Now the 3rd straight practice Torrence is in with the 1s. That suggests not only is he being given an opportunity, he's ahead. Reps now go a long way to get a feeling for those around you. And this is what the Bills need at RG. Continuity. If Bates starts there is a huge shuffle inside of Morse gets knocked out to move Bates to cover C and it hurts the entire make up of the OL. Then looking at LG, even with McGovern not being the best run blocker if he just gets in the path of a defender he's already doing better than what we had last year. I don't understand why some refuse to see that.
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