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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I think Shane Ray is making a path to make this final 53. Can't wait to see him play some preseason snaps. I think we may have stumbled onto a player that is hungry with a lot to prove...and being here with his friend Von is going to help as well.
  2. "Take one for the sake of taking one" is what brings you guys like Jack Anderson. Tommy Doyle. Even a Spencer Brown. So no, I wouldn't feel better with just some random prospect that may have been taken way too high from where the team had them graded just to get one. You also do realize that there is football next year too right? That maybe the Bills see longer term potential in a guy like Williams. Perhaps he isn't ready to be the MLB today...but next year could be an entirely different story. Giving the kid a year to learn and get experience on ST, maybe a few snaps on defense here and there is a solid strategy when you want to develop talent.
  3. Which one? Not which position...which player that was available at that pick should have been taken? Or just take one for the sake of taking one?
  4. I'll actually take it a step further. I think there is a very real chance that at the end of the year he has more catches and yards than Knox. Nothing against Knox, either...he will still get his. Josh loves using his slot guys and that's where Kincaid will be.
  5. If you give it to me I'll treat you to dinner at Room 40...I hear it's spectacular
  6. Actually, history says the exact opposite. Especially when it comes to the early round picks. Allen Edmunds Dion Dawkins Zay Jones Tre White Ed Oliver Cody Ford Spencer Brown Groot All early picks that started or played significant snaps. You could throw in guys like Elam (who played a lot) Benford and a few others from over the years as well. I think the issue comes in where the rookies the fans want to see on the field more (Shakir last year is an example) aren't playing that fans start to form the opinion that McDermott doesn't play rookies.
  7. Yes, I definitely see it as a better guy will start situation. I can also see the thought process of starting Torrence out slowly as well. In my view, I want to see Torrence against the Jets. This is a guy who didn't give up a single sack in his college career. Didn't have a penalty charged to him at all last year. However, this is the NFL now and I can promise he will have some growing pains. There are too many great players to keep that pace. I am curious (and I'm certain McDermott is as well) how he handles giving up a sack. Does it shake his confidence or does he rise up. Starting him week 1 against one of the most aggressive front 7s in the NFL (if he is the better player)answers a lot of those questions.
  8. I believe this sums up the last 7 pages of debate fairly well.
  9. Yes. I have him firmly in the "Top 5 Bills All-Time Named OJ list".
  10. You may very well be right. However here are some counter points to consider as well. - McDermott started a 6th round rookie CB against the Rams in the Thursday opening game last year. A Rams team that at the time was thought to have an amazing passing offense and were celebrating a Super Bowl Title. Now, I concede that part of that was due to necessity with Tre not being back, but the point is he isn't afraid to roll with a rook in a big spot. -Does Bates lining up against QWill bring you comfort? It doesn't to me. I expect that game to get very physical very fast. That's not Bates's game. Give me the guy with the nasty to dish it back. -In any event, they can't shield Torrence because it's a big spot. What happens 2 plays into the game if Morse or Bates roll an ankle and Torrence has to go in? Gotta have him prepped either way. -This team is pushing for a Super Bowl. Having Torrence in that game, against that defense and in that spot is an excellent measuring stick for what we have in him. There is no Bowling Green on an NFL schedule. Every game is a fight. Bottom line is if Torrence isn't starting week 1 it's going to be because he didn't win the spot outright in camp. I don't think for one second McDermott will have him ride pine week one because he's a rookie in a big opening game. If he's one of the 5 best...he'll play.
  11. McDermott was not at practice. Stefon Diggs is reportedly "Very concerned".
  12. Hackett probably has his finer points and is an asset. I'm sure some will joke about his coffee making skills but I would think to last this long in the NFL he's gotta bring something to the table. We know it's not play design or game flow. Maybe he's really good at breaking down film or working with the mechanics of certain position groups. But he does seem to land in places that have some success. That said my view of him is he's likely the kind of coach that does well with limited duties and is a decent OC under an offensive minded coach that handles the playcalls. He's not going to be getting the same guidance and help from Saleh on that side of the ball that he had im Green Bay.
  13. What if...and hear me out...what if Cam Lewis actually IMPROVED from last year and earned a spot? Why hold such a grudge over that 1 play? Do you hold the same hard feelings for Hyde, Poyer and White who did the same thing with Hail Murray? There were about 4 plays that cost the Bills that Vikings game. Josh handles the snap in the end zone and Lewis not knocking it down is a footnote.
  14. Big advantage for the Colts there, then. They will have their Josh Allen, we end up with a "Kyle" Allen.
  15. I'm scared of this game. Rumor has it the Colts drafted a strong armed mobile QB that's supposed to be the next Josh Allen.
  16. If the Bills had wanted to keep Marlowe last year that bad they would have found a way. His contract wasn't exactly a record setter. They chose to go with the younger guy that had more upside, which is understandable when both your starters at the position are over 30. Incidentally, I believe they would be able to place Marlowe on the PS and would likely have an easier time slipping him onto it than Hamlin. Make no mistake however, if Hamlin is cut he will end up just fine. There is almost zero doubt in my mind he ends up as a depth player somewhere.And that is on talent, not pity. As a matter of fact the least shocking development in the world would be him ending up with the Steelers. That said, Marlowe is on guy on the downside of his career that contributes on ST, which new rules have made that less important. He will have to beat Hamlin out at S and I just don't see that happening.
  17. Right now there are 3 safeties ahead of him. Poyer, Hyde, Rapp are locks I believe. Hamlin would be the fourth guy and I personally don't see anyone beating him out skillwise as long as his health and mental well being are back in line He's still a young guy, on a rookie deal who I felt got better as the season went along. This whole conversation from Patrick is meant to get attention. This is a Cowherd level topic. Frankly I kinda find it classless to speculate on it and even say "you gotta keep him even if he doesn't earn it".
  18. Same, though no telling how he would have turned out had he not followed the Sammy Watkins career path. Hate to see guys with so much promise not live up to what could have been after injuries.
  19. I hear team West Herr is looking for a new salesman.
  20. Didn't even make it until final cuts this year on a team that moved on from their top 2 TEs from last year. (Waller/Moreau). Shame to see injuries derail what could have been a great career. Bad signing last year by Beane but at least he didn't compound it by keeping him around.
  21. I like Edmunds and am a big fan of what he brought to the table. Talent wise, losing him does downgrade the LB room. However, I'm curious to see how losing Edmunds has a ripple affect on what the MLB position is asked to do. If they plug any of the guys in and ask them to do the same things Edmunds did it's not going to be good. If they adjust the role and ask more of a down hill type style, send on blitzes a bit more and don't drom the MLB into space 95% of the time (just an estimate) I think we will be fine.
  22. Astro does a good job. But there's been so much confusion during the live tweets that sometimes reading his report later on makes me think he (or someone else) is watching an entirely different practice...lol. I know some of it has to do with where you are and what you're seeing at the time from that vantage point because often there's a lot going on at once.
  23. Another vote that Barkley threw it. Or at least one. This has been something I've noticed this camp a lot. Reporters naming personal groups then a different reporter has different names in the same group. Lots of contradiction out there.
  24. If that was the only instance...sure. But almost daily there have been long plays on Hyde. Watch the videos from every day. More long plays than not Hyde is trailing. Again, I'm sure it's just a case of him getting back in the swing of things but coming off serious injury with being up there in age it bears keeping an eye on. Fans are so defensive. It's like if you want to say ANYTHING slightly different about how a guy has looked you have to write a 3 page essay and get a notarized copy about how much you love the guy and how he's been such a great asset. It's an observation from footage and notes of 5 practice days. The real task will come when games start. Obviously. But with the speed the Bills face if he's having trouble keeping up with Harty it is something to watch over the next few weeks IMO.
  25. From the article: "Darrynton Evans then Andy Isabella got the first punts of the practice. For Kick Return it’s Harty then Evans. Evans gets a squib kick, pausing only briefly to secure it better. The next is an onside kick. No kicks into the end zone. The Chiefs kick will echo in our heads forever and ever and ever."
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