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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Whoa there, guy..."check yourself"? Look, I respect you as a poster and have had a lot of good interaction with you here...but really dude that's some weak response right there. I point out that I like Ajay. He's done a great job...however there are times that his tweets lack context of any sort. Case in point is this one he just posted a few minutes ago. Yea, that's a lot of context there. As per the original tweet I referred to about Isabella...there was nothing "proven" about anything...which is why other people have other theories about it as well. Wow, people having different ideas about what the context of a tweet means on a message board...how weird. At this point I'm going to respectfully ask that if you wish to continue the conversation please move it to DMs so we don't clog up the daily thread with this type back and forth.
  2. And I agree that is another plausible way to read into the tweet as well. Unfortunately, the original tweet really lacks any substantial context and is left open to individual interpretation.
  3. The problem here is this. While I like Ajay and appreciate his reports he's had a few times where he tweets something live and then has to contradict it later. That's the issue with minute by minute reporting. At the time he tweeted the first, we have no idea what was happening on the far end of the field. Were there WR drill going on and he wasn't a part? Was he the only human being shagging kicks? Was he back there taking kicks for Bass's benefit who may have been working on something? All unknown. The space between the first Isabella tweet and the second was 21 minutes. That's a lifetime of things that can change in a practice setting.
  4. I think it means Isabella is no longer working with the WRs. I read that as Isabella is working only with KR...not Isabella is the ONLY one working as KR.
  5. You know, when he signed I had Murray penciled in as a likely PS guy. Then the Hines injury happened and I moved him to making the roster. With Harris nursing knees soreness....call me crazy but I think this opens the door for Murray a bit to jump Harris on the depth chart. Wouldn't shock me if the old man ends up Cook's direct backup.
  6. The only time I've actually seriously wondered if a game or season was rigged was the season of the Saints Super Bowl win. Yup, they had an all-timer at QB. But this is a team that hadn't made a Bowl before and never made one since only making and winning it off the heels of Hurricane Katrina ripping New Orleans apart. Now I have no evidence to point to, just seems a bit too coincidental to me.
  7. Beane has a past history of finding trade partners for OL. With that in mind I'm thinking Greg Mancz is a possibility.
  8. Disagree. It could be and I've seen it successfully argued in a court of law that getting behind the wheel while intoxicated IS intent to harm. As would be driving 156MPH on a public road.
  9. Best part of the article here: "Another possible suspect has been arrested in a similar case, police said. That man weighs about 150 pounds, while McIntyre is nearly 260 pounds of chiseled muscle." https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/free-willy-bills-player-cleared-of-*****-charges/1839798/
  10. Cory McIntyre (former FB) arrested for exposing his frank and berries in an old woman's window and fleeing on bicycle may be my personal favorite. There's a bunch of the arrests in the story below as well. https://wyrk.com/buffalo-bills-arrested/
  11. This is unacceptable. I will not stand to be behind the Dolphins and Jets and TIED WITH THE PATRIOTS?!?! Boys better step their game up now. Get to work Beane!
  12. I see a tweet with a lot of "random quotation marks" making it look like "someone of importance said something". As much as I believe the Dolphins need work on that OL our old friend turned Dolphin reporter Marcel refutes this.
  13. I like watching Fields play. Not sure if he will bust or turn a corner but he's entertaining to watch. Helped my fantasy team as well last year.
  14. No matter how we align politically, what our beliefs are on who is corrupt or criminal and what needs to happen going forward in our country...can we all unite in agreement that Mike Pence is a complete fraud and will never be President? Could bipartisan dislike of Pence be at least one thing to bring us back together as Americans?
  15. Aaron Hernandez's temperament didn't make the list? Rigged.
  16. So then it's 24 weeks until the future #1 seed Buffalo Bills playoff games start.
  17. "Shaky Hands" Shakir. Has an unfortunate ring to it.
  18. 🚨🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨🚨: Pessimistic person continues pessimistic takes. Film at 11.
  19. From this: Shavers is having a day. Elam is not. Shorter woof.
  20. I agree, yet hope you're wrong and they do a complete reboot. JD started out slow, but I think a lot of that had to do with Gase pulling the strings initially. Hate to give someone associated with the Jets credit, but he's done a really nice job. Starting with talking the Seahawks into giving up 2 1sts for Adams...and has built well off that.
  21. Slot this year is going to be STACKED. Between Kincaid running routes there, Sherfield chipping in, Harty and I expect to even see Diggs out of the slot more this team is set up to have match up nightmares for most defenses.
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