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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Add into that Spector just making it in now...looks like MLB may well end up the AJ Klien show😬😬
  2. Dodson playing in the 4th quarter isn't a great sign for his likelihood of keeping the starting job.
  3. Never thought I would be overjoyed to see Kyle Allen come on...
  4. Best time to figure that out would have been reps at the position in preseason. Even a few early season games he could take some lumps. Get him up to speed come January should be the goal.
  5. Agree. Like what he's putting on tape so far tonight.
  6. Barkley had a real shot to win the backup job. He may be playing his way off the roster completely.
  7. "A terrible break for Tommy Doyle" That unfortunately sums up his career figuratively and literally.
  8. People that spout PFF grades as a defense are often as intelligent on a topic as those that quote Wikipedia.
  9. UPDATE: Matt Barkley is not going to deliver anything but pizza in the near future.
  10. All these penalties are going to make McDermott go all Dodson on SOMEONE at the half.
  11. By halftime opening night you will be back in hiding. Or banned by then. Either way adios.
  12. Matt Barkley tackles better than any MLB on the Bills I've seen tonight.
  13. I think it's time we acknowledged that the return of Aaron Kromer may have been vastly overrated.
  14. I keep seeing Torrence stonewall his guy...and 4 other dudes chasing he guy their attempting to block.
  15. This Pittsburgh defense is a good tune up for opening night against the Jets defense. Adjustments may need to be made.
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