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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/30374985/buffalo-bills-tommy-sweeney-diagnosed-heart-condition Missed a whole season due to the myocarditis.
  2. It does. His salary was not guaranteed for this year. The Jets are not on the hook for any of his salary.
  3. Not a ton known at this time. Was reported to be working off to the side when he suddenly needed medical attention. Pretty scary for a guy that has had heart issues in the past. Prayers up for Tommy.
  4. I think the Dolphins may have better top of the roster talent. However they appear to lack depth at a lot of positions. On the other hand, the Bills may lack that true top end talent outside the obvious guys, however seem to be much deeper in depth to me. Over the course of a season, injuries happen. Guys miss time. I'll take Buffalo's top 53 over Miami's for a 17 game seasons. I think we have a much better shot at sustaining wins while key players are out (see last year).
  5. Fun story about one of the surprises of the preseason. He's been first in at OT in both PS games IIRC. There's a real path to the 53 for this guy. Could be a good find.
  6. I know he was a tackle but unsure if he played RT or LT. One thing I found interesting about him, Edwards was recruited to play TE before switching to OL. I'm wondering if he will have a roll as the "6th OL"/tackle eligible" role that Bobby Hart had last year and Tommy Doyle did well in the year before.
  7. Eventually most records fall. It's just the way it is. Some guy will come along at some point and be just as unstoppable. I do feel comfortable saying that this record is not likely to be beaten in my lifetime.
  8. Yup. And it's important for the lower guys on the roster to put good stuff on tape even if they aren't making the squad. This is a job interview for 31 other teams as well Case in point, Blacksheer last season. Played the final PS game against Carolina and impressed them enough to get signed to their active roster when they needed RB help. These games for them can be life changing.
  9. For the most part Buffalo sports media is very knowledgeable, personable and likeable. Then there's Thad.
  10. I would think playtime could ultimately be at risk which for some players may or may not have an impact on incentive bonus money. But that would depend on the player. Then there are guys like this that take ownership of the situation and perhaps get on their fellow players where coaches can't. No one wants to let the team down
  11. Dorian Down? Rut ro.. And now from Captain Positivity: Uh...more information would be nice. Like minute by minute update on the knee... Also, Diggs is so unhappy he was slapping teammates today. Things are out of control with him... And if this doesn't solve the issue McDermott has threatened that those committing presnap penalties will lose dessert for a week.
  12. I'm seeing 224lbs several places. Where are you seeing that weight listed? Either way what you and I are seeing likely isn't accurate. In my experience, not many of the player listed weights at any position are truly accurate.
  13. Another small LBer...which is what they apparently like so it fits. Meanwhile, Jets and Pats add RBs, Miami doing "due diligence" on JT. Thinking perhaps teams are eyeing Buffalo and their small LBers as a team to run against. Pound the rock, physically dominate the line AND keep Allen off the field. Solid gameplanning on their part if true.
  14. Actually, it appears they did take a look at a LBer today. I wonder what other things take place at One Bills Drive that we don't know about?
  15. How long before the Bills are automatically linked to him?
  16. IIRC Matt Barkley was at one time considered a top 10 overall pick...then he went back for his senior year to try and win a national championship. Ask him how that worked out.
  17. Same. But Murray can handle that role. Run right behind Torrence.
  18. Agree. Ford looks terrible so far. And I've been beating this drum for a few days and I'll continue. Unless he makes it back to practice soon and is healthy I don't see Damien Harris making this team. Having a RB with habitually sore knees is like owning a Corvette that has transmission issues. Looks pretty, but isn't going to take you anywhere. He's missed a lot of time now and I personally feel like Murray passed him up...and Mims is right there too.
  19. I find my reasoning has changed the older I've gotten. I grew up with the 90s teams so I was all about seeing the Bills finally win one when I was younger. Man, I really used to let a Bills loss spoil my whole week and it bled out into other areas of my life. Then the drought hit and it really knocked me on my arse for a few years. About half way through it it became more about the GameDay tradition. The tailgating and spending time with friends I've made through the years. Now? Much of the same. Enjoying watching the Bills once again play competitive football with any team in the league. And while I'll always hope to see them get juuuuust one (at least) before my time is up, at the very least being able to get out with friends, meet now people and be part of a community bigger than imaginable keeps me around. Much like many, a rather high percentage of my daily attire is Bills related. And just hearing "GO BILLS" wherever I am...be it the grocery store, Disney Land, WrestleMania, the Grand Canyon, and even perhaps a gentleman's club or two always makes me feel right at home.
  20. IMO he definitely has a path to the 53. With how he's looked in both PS games and the woeful OL play around the NFL, he's one I don't think they can sneak back onto the PS. I would bet someone would take a chance on him.
  21. Van Demark has been 1st guy up after Dawkins at LT so far if I'm not mistaken. Has has looked very solid against other backups. This isn't a slam against him, it's just what it is. I don't think he's ready to start right now, but could develop into that. I know @HappyDayshas been tracking Van Demark closely and can maybe speak to that a bit better.
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