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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. With Bills cuts coming in, bumping this up top for discussion.
  2. Please remember this thread is for the cuts. Keep it clear of Convo so people can get the information without scrolling through 20 pages. There is a thread Simon (I believe) started for the discussion.
  3. We will all find out in less than 24 hours. Being we do not get to see what the team and doctors see and can't feel how he's feeling...it's all speculation anyway. Hopefully Von and the Bills do what's best for Von and the Bills.
  4. In 2022 he signed a 2 year $10M deal with Houston according to SPOTRAC. I would think he would be in that $3M-$5M/yr window.
  5. He's not but what he is is a guy with experience at the back end of his career (read that as "shouldn't command a huge contract") and someone that Beane obviously liked before. It makes too much sense to me. I also wouldn't be shocked if he is added after week 1 when vet contracts are no longer automatically guaranteed for the season.
  6. Buffalo tried to bring him in a couple years ago. He hasn't done much since but Beane does like to circle back. I'd keep an eye on this one...
  7. To me this is the trade off of signing Rodgers. Knight actually played pretty well at RB. Cheap contract. But no space for him after signing Cook. Much like there was no room for Moore at WR after adding Cobb and Lazard for higher salary. They have one...MAYBE 2 shots at doing anything with this roster before they have to rebuild again...with less money and less good players under cheap deals.
  8. I have seen Tommy Doyle play on 1 leg. I have seen Leatherwood play on 2. I would take a 1 legged Doyle.
  9. One guy I don't expect to make the roster that I really hope we get to the PS is Travin Howard. Guy has really impressed me in the PS games.
  10. Well, from the "could he be dealt" standpoint, anything is possible. Aside from a few players that have a contract where the dead cap would be unmanageable or a no trade clause, of course. There is a "purchase point" on almost every NFL player where if a team exceeded that point in an offer and the contract was doable...anyone is for sale So that would beg the questions, what would another team view his value at and where does Beane view his worth? If a team wanted to throw something ridiculous at the Bills...say a 2nd rounder then they would have to seriously consider that. And I don't see that happening. At the end of the day I believe he's worth more to the Bills 2023 (and beyond) plans that what they would get in value from a trade. Even if he didn't actually beat Dane Jackson out (I believe he did) he will likely see some significant snaps and some starts this season IMO.
  11. While you are correct in that is how the offense looks when Allen is out there...it would be nice to have a guy that can at least keep the Bills competitive should Josh miss time. If Josh misses 10+ games, sure most teams are sunk with a backup for that long. A 2-4 game stretch? Not so much. For that little amount of time it's possible to stay in games by altering the gameplan a bit. Lean a bit more on the run game and have a game manager at QB. For example, look at what the Cowboys with Cooper Rush last year. This season ESPECIALLY with the talent of the other AFCE teams (on paper) going 0-4 over a month as opposed to a guy that can keep us even at 2-2 may be the difference between the division title and missing the playoffs all together.
  12. I'm going to say one. Not sure what position or whom. I think there will be another move or two made after week 1 when vet salaries aren't guaranteed.
  13. Dear God, no.... Lions released Bobby Hart.
  14. He's a former 4th rounder. Had some promise with the Texans before being traded in the Tunsil deal and getting hurt. Bounced around a bit since then. He does have starts at both Tackle spots but in reality I think he's JAG at this stage.
  15. Giants released OT Julien Davenport. 32 career starts.
  16. I still see the Texans holding onto Keenum as a vet mentor. I'll gladly trade for Davis Mills, however.
  17. Great write up and a heck of set of preseason breakdowns from you, kind sir. Thank you! My biggest takeaway from yesterday was we saw Dodson play his best ball...and it was still lacking. I truly believe that the guy who will be at MLB come playoff time isn't on the roster right now. I still don't believe Beane makes a huge splash at the position this year. I think he would be content with a "steady Eddie" as he would call it. A Joe Schobert Kind of guy that isn't great by any means but can do enough. I really disliked the game Gabe Davis had if only because it justified every word that his detractors said about him in the off-season in one game. I still like Gabe, but there's no way he needs to see a high target share. Hopefully we can get a few plus plays from the supporting cast a game (Kincaid, Sherfield ect) to offset that. It could very well be "#2 target by committee". I don't want to lose anyone out of this RB room. Even the PS/soon to be gone guys in Mims, Evans and Johnson. We are going to see some good football players leave this team in the next 48 hours. Guys that could have not only made the team 5 years ago...but likely see starting reps. What a time to be alive!
  18. One of the blow ups I think was on Edwards. On the play the guy Edwards blocks first slides off and blow up Morse. I think he was expected to help Torrence and Torrence slides his guy inside, but Morse is already off balance while Edwards blocked nobody. Of course no way to know if that was the assignment, that's just my take on it.
  19. 99 years old. He lives as close as he could to 100 without going over. Respect.
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