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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Well, they chose to ring up the tabs. It's football. Anything can (and did) happen. F em.
  2. Anything is possible and many things likely contribute. While it's my opinion that it may have a slight factor in it, a big enough chunk of the offense has been in this system for years. They also had many many reps together at TC and some in the PS games to fine tune. I've seen some people attribute it to lack of preseason play time and I've seen whole discussion (without looking up the stats myself) that the COVID year where there was no preseason was one of the best starts for offense league wide. To that extent, our starting defense had just as few reps in the preseason and they looked solid for the majority of the snaps in the first game IMO.
  3. Sorry, but Poyer is not a 100% snap count guy at this stage. And Phillips/Poona/Settle all with that low snaps. Can't those reps be split between 2 instead of 3 and have the extra roster spot?
  4. Yes, but then the OP could start a "Why does McD use all his TOs on defense?" Thread.
  5. 🎶🎶🎶Call JG Wentworth.....get Johnathan Taylor NOW🎶🎶🎶
  6. Valid point. And if it turns out the statement if false that would be magnificent and Terry should pursue legal action to the fullest extent of the law. However, the flip side may be that if it's true Terry wouldn't exactly be the first person that had private opinion that differs from public persona either. As of now it's a he said/he said. Let's see where it goes before condemning or defending.
  7. Well, one person is saying something in what appears to be a sworn statement. The other over social media. I know which avenue holds more merit. Do you?
  8. If it's not his quote, of course he would denounce it. And if it is his quote the FIRST rule of business is to deny deny deny. I'm just saying it's a meaningless statement that was likely made by a PR department.
  9. I don't believe he has. He still has room to get better. The problem is he has no one on this staff that can help him do it. It may be time for an "outside voice" to come in...Josh needs to be taken out of his comfort zone and be challenged. I don't see Dorsey, Brady or even McDermott being "that guy".
  10. At least they won't owe Green Bay a 1st next year. So they got that going for them. Which is nice.
  11. I'd like to add 1 positive and 2 negatives. Positive: Diggs. While his play was expected the way he came over to Josh late in the game, showed support and tried to get him going showed great maturity. That's how a captain acts. 2 Negatives: Special Teams. Aside from a great open field Neal tackle the ST was largely a "woof" Not great punting by Martin. Had one punt darn near blocked. Gave up the TD, that even if they throw the flag on the tripping a return like that in that spot should never happen. Jordan Poyer. He's been a great warrior for this franchise for a long time. Last night he seemed to show that maybe it was just time to let him walk. He played 100% of the snaps last night and looked slow, took some poor angles and missed open field tackles. On the other hand, Rapp played 18 defensive snaps. Maybe Poyer just isn't that 100% snap guy anymore. Maybe getting Rapp back there and letting Poyer play the more limited role would help him stay fresh later in games. Either way I have to think the lack of speed in our secondary is going to keep costing us.
  12. My wife said something last night that really made sense to me. A simple statement made by a casual observer. "The don't look like they have fun like they used to." That got me thinking. Back in the season we made the AFCCG, they had fun. Goofed around on the sidelines. Had personality and played without pressure of expectations. Since then, it's been more business like. They feel the pressure and it's gotten to them. Play tighter and when things start to go downhill in a game they often collapse and make mistakes. The 2 games now we have lost to the Jets with Wilson at QB, I see the same attitude of those earlier Bills teams. Playing with house money. Playing for each other with emotion and feeling the moment. I just don't think this staff has done a great job getting the players focused when being the hunted over the hunters.
  13. Honestly, couldn't care less about that penalty. Over the last year of Buffalo Bills football I think you would be hard pressed to find another guy that's made as many bit time plays for this team. Frankly it was nice to see some personality out of him. Maybe he's finally coming out of his shell.
  14. I may be wrong but I don't remember hearing much about Josh heading back to Carson Palmer the last 2 off-seasons to fine tune himself and get some work on his flaws like he did early in his career
  15. All they needed was a FG to win. They have a good kicker. Most likely wouldn't have mattered
  16. If we would have lost with Rodgers playing, fine. This loss is inexcusable and frankly embarrassing. Sure you can throw the "it's week 1" crud out there...but 4th play of the game Rodgers goes out and ALL the air is out of that stadium. Buffalo kept them in the game. Josh looked awful. Literally worst case scenario way to open the season without it being injury related for the Bills. Inexcusable.
  17. This game is so reminiscent of the game we dropped to the Jets last year
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