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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. It was very much like that. I regret nothing. And the socks are bone dry😂😂😂
  2. When the schedule came out this was actually something I was really looking forward to. That would have been a lot of fun.
  3. Solidly in the top 5 for me. They traded for Gilmore in the off-season. Not sure what else they have at the position, but their DBs don't have to cover long with the pressure they generate. Hate to see this for any player, but if Dallas was going to lose a star defensive player at least it wasn't Micah.
  4. Actually, I think their defense would be a good fit for him.
  5. Bear fans are used to a certain profile from their MLBers. Butkus. Urlacher. That just isn't what Edmunds is.
  6. I'm sure he's smiling from ear to ear today like😐. Congratulations Jimbo!
  7. Hope everyone enjoyed the laid back Sunday afternoon that was the Bill/Raiders game. Because this one's going to be tight. Washington has a solid defense that can get pressure and has a knack for creating turnovers. On offense they have a very balanced attack and a lot of weapons on offense. Sam Howell is 3-0 to start his NFL career (dating back to last season). The crowd in Washington has been rejuvenated since Dan Snyder has exited the picture. And one of the things I like about this Washington team...they do NOT give up when it's going bad. In both their games they fought to overcome a deficit and win. However, the Bills have the overall more talented team. As long as they play up to their capabilities they should pull out a close road win. Bills:27 Commanders:23
  8. Man, now Diggs has clones of him running around like Batman stopping crimes? This will NOT sit well with him. He's definitely asking for a trade now.
  9. Can we be certain that the naked excrement covered fella wasn't AJ after a few bowling ball shots?
  10. Tomorrow will be key for Knox to get a practice in. If not, fire up Kincaid in all fantasy formats....
  11. You know, while people were dogging on him for making all the commercials maybe we overlooked a few things. - In Allen's Verizon commercial, he's clearly seen watching game film. Has his tablet in his hand. -In the Lays commercial where the legends unretire, he's working EXCLUSIVELY with Dan Marino. As we can all attest Marino had that quick release/snap type throw that we saw from Allen on the Shakir TD. -While endorsing Madden, he gained access to all other 31 teams defensive playbook and tendencies. Excellent scouting opportunity. The conclusion I draw is that Allen learns through osmosis. He doesn't need coaching. He needs to make a commercial where they play "We are the Champions" in the background. Product is irrelevant. Maybe Tide so his uniform stays clean.
  12. That's what they WANT you to think. Super. Secret.
  13. Nope. That's where Tanner Gentry is staying. And I won't be convinced otherwise.
  14. AJ never left. He was living in the super secret stadium basement.
  15. AJ can't WAIT to re-sign. Then retire in 3 weeks.
  16. It's called having a bit of class, and it shouldn't take death threats to bring it out. Call out that he felt it was a reckless hit, sure. But don't have to go all in on Rapp and him being a reserve. Comes across to me as a "How dare you, do you know who I am" type Karen comment. The only thing missing was Adams demanding to speak to Rapp's manager. People make mistakes in the heat of the moment, much like Adams did with that camera man last year.
  17. I'll start by saying, yes it was a penalty. And Rapp will likely be fined for it. As he probably should. But I want to compare that hit to the hit Travis Hunter took the night before in the Colorado/Colorado State game. That hit was vicious. That hit was uncalled for. And the next day Travis Hunter basically said, "Hey, it's football. It happens.". Adams really could have handled it mich the same way as this kid did, with some professionalism. Instead he goes in on Rapp personally a bit. While I hate to see those kind of hit happen, Hunter is correct. It's football an those collisions will happen. It sucks for sure....but it's always been and always will be part of why a WR gets that paycheck.
  18. This seasons NFL script has been 🔥🔥🔥🔥 so far
  19. Chargers/Vikings should be entertaining. Should be a ton of offense, tons of big plays. And then the teams will tie 45-45 after missing 2 FGs in OT each.
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