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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. It's been 3 games. Also fair to point out LaPorta is the Lions every snap TE. Kincaid is not an every snap player. He will be more involved.
  2. Dolphins- 27 Bills- 23 Before the season I said the Bills and Dolphins would likely split this year. This is the Miami win. The Dolphins have a lot of ways to burn a defense right now and likely even more in the bag that isn't on film, yet. I think they have a few things earmarked for this one. Even in a loss, I still see the Bills defense slowing the Miami offense. I can't see Allen staying patient and throwing checkdowns in this one. He's a competitor and he's likely going to feel he needs to push to keep up with the Miami offense causing a few mistakes.
  3. Yeah, I bet Rodgers is glad he got out of there when he did. A guy could get really hurt playing behind an OL like the Pack have.
  4. I feel like guys like Kelce and Gronk made people forget how dominant Tony Gonzalez was as a TE. Dude was a BEAST.
  5. I was somewhat shocked they didn't take Torrence in the 2nd. Really felt like he's a Dan Campbell type player. Thankful they didn't though.
  6. Al: "Green Bay wants to get the hell off the field" Cranky Al is a national treasure. By the 4th quarter of these games he's downright hysterical.
  7. Poise. Focus. This describes Jordan Love indeed.
  8. Does Love possess the EJ Manual hard count?
  9. Green Bay special teams is very undisciplined. Rich Bisaccia is supposed to be a solid ST coach. Not sure what's going on there....
  10. Jordan Love looks like someone tried to draw Patrick Mahomes from memory and failed miserably.
  11. You can keep saying we "lost to Zach Wilson" until the cows come home to make it sound worse. Wilson did nothing to beat us. We lost to a defense that played well, a fluke PR, and the restlessness of Josh Allen. We beat ourselves. At the end of the day, we lost on the road to a division rival. They lost their home opener to an inferior team. At the very least on the loss scale I would call those about as equally bad losses. Nothing that should overwhelmingly tip the scale into their favor in any kind of rankings.
  12. Perhaps. By the same token, Chris Jones didn't have a TC Didn't practice on a field. Stepped right in and was ready. Ow, granted the injury is a steeper slope to overcome, but in NFL players are in the top 1% condition wise I'd place a bet Von keeps himself in the top 1% of that 1%. In any event, I believe he'll be ready mich sooner then the timeline we saw with Tre White.
  13. He's not a bell cow back, but I will say the more touches he gets in a game... especially late...the more effective he seems to be. He's due for a long TD run, I think he gets it this week tbh.
  14. AJE has definitely flashed at times. He was the right guy to keep over Boogie and he's shown improvement as a pass rusher each year in the league IMO. Teams need guys like him that can step in and give you some snaps a game. That all said, I'd still like to see him improve in the run game at setting the edge. But as far as a backup DE he's good.
  15. I don't know that I 100% agree with this. Certainly, I can see your train of thinking and it is valid. I can also see the other side of the topic as well. Yes KC was without 2 key players. So, they get a pass? For being outplayed on their home field but a decent yet not on their level team? Meanwhile, Buffalo's loss wasn't even so much the Jets winning it was Buffalo giving the game away. I can see both losses looking worse in different ways. I do think blaming losses on missing a couple key players is something that is a crutch in arguments. The "does it deserve an asterisk" argument. Did anyone give the Bills a pass for losing in the playoffs because we were down Von and Micah and Jones? Nope. You play with the guys on the field. Kansas City had time to plan for Jones not being there. Kelce missing was more short notice...but Andy is an offensive genius...so that could have been circumvented as well.
  16. From everything that was mentioned when they officially placed him on PUP, he was close. How much of that is true and how much was talk remains to be seen. But if he really was close and had no setbacks I would expect him to come off PUP next week. Spend the week practicing. I expect he will travel to London as well (because he's not missing a free trip to London😂) but not be active. He'll be on the field the following week with limited snaps count IMO.
  17. Neither did Buffalo. The difference was Dak remained patient and took what was given the entire game. Josh did not.
  18. That's a valid point. Except the Bills lost to the Jets who have a Super Bowl caliber defense. Not Zach Wilson. Wins...still not a QB stat.
  19. I don't get the overwhelming majority putting the Chiefs ahead of the Bills. Week 1: We both lost. I would say Kelce/Jones had a hand in their loss but they were also at home in a banner drop game. We were on the road against a top defense. Week 2: Both won. Buffalo dominated a bottom 10 team. Chiefs won against a Jag team...I can't get a handle on. And they struggled. Week:: Both won. Buffalo won their game on the road against a middle of the pack to mediocre team. Chiefs motorboat the worst team in football, in a week their DC re-signs, on their own home turf. First impression of this version of the Chiefs is they are vulnerable. Buffalo and/or Miami could easily pass them by.
  20. Neal tried the Ko Simpson defense🤣🤣
  21. Makes a lot of sense. I feel somewhat nlike the extra chips possibly were gameplan specific to help against Crosby and help our 5th best OLman against a strong front 4. Should be interesting to see going forward if he's left on an island a bit more against other guys or of this is just what they have to do to set him up better. Again, thank you for your work in these threads. Always good to learn!
  22. Thank you for doing this. It is always informative. I am a bit confused by the part I bolded. Maybe I'm missing something. I likely am. In the above you said you counted 7 times that a RB or TE was asked to chip in this game. And a few of those were to help Dawkins, not Brown. So that would be 5 chips to help Brown? Allen threw 32 passes. That would be roughly 21% (15% of pass plays to help Brown) of the time either Kincaid, Knox or a RB had to chip. Is this considered needing help on a regular basis? I'd be curious to see what a league average is on it.
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