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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Same. They were my surprise "watch out for" team. Ryans looks to be a heck of a coach.
  2. That early? Probably a breakfast sandwich. But on an English Muffin.
  3. We're all meeting at @GunnerBill's place... correct?
  4. They couldn't block before the injuries set in either. Bobby Johnson following Daboll to the Giants to be their OL coach was a huge plus for us. Decoy
  5. Not really. In this defense physical traits at the CB position isn't a big deal. This defense is about being in the right spot at the right time and doing your 1/11th. Making the right reads. Elam had further to come than Benford and Jackson. More ground to cover. He'll have his opportunity to show how far he's come. At the very least we should see if his opportunity grows and we should have a much better idea of how he fits in the coming weeks.
  6. So far this year in 4 games Allen has completed passes to 8,9,9 and 8 different receivers. I would say that's a pretty good job spreading the ball around. Diggs weekly has dominated targets. So it looks like what you are describing is transpiring. We have that #1 guy that absorbs targets and to me seems like the rest of the guys are role players that may see more action depending on matchup. I like the versatility it offers as well.
  7. Point may be proven as McDermott seems to have gotten the best out of Benford and Jackson...to the point where we have 4 solid CB options. Let's see what Elam does with the opportunity
  8. 2 years from now, after not passing the Bills by Miami ownership grows tired of McDaniel and blows it all up. They hire former Miami Hurricanes QB Ken Dorsey to be the new HC. McDermott brings in McDaniel as the new OC. I saw the script.
  9. While you're checking calendars check out when the NFL started to slide the rules in favor of the passing game to make it easier on passing offenses. Hint: If the talent on the field can't give you the results you want (points points and more points) then make sure to make it easier. That's reflection on the overall lack of TALENT on the field... specifically at the QB position. I named 5 as a quick example.
  10. There are so many things that fly in the face of literally everything Beane has done and said since he's been in Buffalo with this or are just fantasy STRIKE ONE: Beane has repeated said...I would even use the term pounded the table on...the fact that if the Bills make a trade one of the first things the look at is how many years are remaining on the players contract. He does NOT want to give up picks for a 1 year rental. STRIKE TWO: The Bills are not cutting Tre this year. If you want to know why...go look at his contract. As a matter of fact it would shock me if he's outright cut after the year. They are going to give him the opportunity to come back IMO. STRIKE THREE: If he's referring to the Garrett Wilson TD catch in week 1, Rogers Sportsnet just admitted to either not watching the game or not understanding what they see. Wilson made an extremely good play and had a lot of luck catching that ball. Tre had perfect coverage.
  11. I strongly disagree. The quality of the product has been watered down to give the results the league wanted. More offense. That's why the rules are so slanted to favor the offense these days. The simple example of you having to use Murray being injured as a "lull" or the Justin Fields had one good game kind of proves my point. You have QBs like Danny Jones, Dobbs, the aforementioned Fields, Zach Wilson, and I could go on actually starting games. None of those would be starters 25 years ago because of the depth of the league. There just isn't enough talent to go around.
  12. Sometimes on the ground, it just isn't your day. I think Miami made it a point to try and slow him to make Buffalo more one dimensional. Buffalo also has, in the past given up on the run if they get shut down early. That didn't happen and they still had to respect the run all day. That's a win. He also had a really nice 48yard (I believe) catch and run. Also, he was in on a season low snaps which contributed to the lower output.
  13. You may have some valid points. My thoughts on Poyer last year were twofold. First, it felt like without Hyde he was trying to do too much. Trying to make up for both his and Micah's production. Second, he was playing for a contract. Being with the Bills or another team...he was in full out contract year mode. And I think that actually hurt him both physically and financially in the long run. He (and moreso his lady) seemed DETERMINED to go play elsewhere. The land of lower taxes. But there was a reason he was signed back here instead. His body is shot IMO. I really appreciate and respect the job he's done here in Buffalo. Guy has been really good for a really long time. But I believe those injuries have mounted up. It happens. He's still a very intelligent player and he may be able to make it through the year being smart rather than try and fly around and that's ok, too.
  14. That in general has been something that has stood out this year so far for me. The physicality that Buffalo is playing with on both sides of the ball. In years past, yes we have seen Allen and Knox play physical...but that attitude this year is contagious. From the was Murray runs, to the way the defense flies all over. The toughness in the trenches with players like Torrence just stonewalling guys (winning several one on ones with Wilkins yesterday I may add). This team has a much tougher mindset then I've seen in years.
  15. This was always going to happen once the league kept expanding teams. And it will get worse if they expand more. With all the roster spots to fill around the league it spreads talent levels way too thin IMO. Quality of starting QB play is declined overall league wide leading to poor offensive performance. And this says nothing to the level of Head Coaches that are sub par. Lack of depth shows when there are mass injuries. Most teams have issues filling 22 starting spots with starting caliber players as is. So when injury hits there are some real sub NFL level guys seeing snaps. As far as general competition, you're right. Year in and year out we say how the AFC is stacked or that the Bills have a hard schedule. Then games happen, injury sets in and games seem further apart.
  16. Highly highly unlikely. For him to come back not only would his rehab have to go historically good, the Jets would have to still be relevant. He's not coming back this season risking further injury behind that trash line if the Jets are 4-10ish.
  17. That used to be my thought as well, but I'm changing my mind on it. In the past even in bad weather Josh was playing the same style of downfield passing, run the ball himself. And that would lead to those 18-31 201 yard passing days. This year? If he plays the way he has, is patient and hits the short underneath stuff he can still have solid days in worse weather consistently. He's not running this year as much either (I believe he has 12 rushes through 4 games...who is this guy?). But what he is doing is scrambling out and keeping his eyes upfield. Result: big play. Once the weather turns a bit and footing becomes an issue this should only HELP put up better numbers and the DBs will struggle with footing on those plays. As long as he stays playing with the patience he has and continues to trust his playmakers he's got a solid chance at a monumental season.
  18. One of the reasons you may not be noticing them is that the vaunted DL rotation that the Bills have used in the past really isn't used in most games anymore. Over that last year/year and a half of games I've noticed a sharp increase overall in snaps for the starting IDL especially. The last 3 weeks Phillips and Settle have gotten most of their snaps late in the 4th quarter when starters are out. I've seen them earlier, but a series or two and not much more. I expect this to continue when Von comes back. As far as who plays how many snaps at DE, Floyd, Von, Groot and yes even AJE have all earned play time. That will be interesting to see who they take off the field and when.
  19. It's plausible. Top offensive coordinators get interviews. I think those around the league would view him as a Top OC is we continue to have success. From there, anything can happen. It really only takes one team to take a shine to him and make an offer. There is a good chance there are going to be some desirable jobs open.
  20. I believe in Zach. Travis Kelce 's mom just showed up. He's ready to impress
  21. Not sure, but the game keeps going the way it is, she's going home with Zach Wilson
  22. All jokes aside, he and Kelce don't seem in the same sync that they always have been Wonder if Loverboy's head is in the game or he's got his mind elsewhere...
  23. He had a few other solid snaps I saw as well. People like to talk smack on him, but the guy can play ball.
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