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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Well, now you're talking about differ eras, coaching staffs, even ownership. It's a bit different. Luck was a "generational talent" and Manning was a top 2 QB of his era. Manning easily within that top 10 all time QB list. Rodgers and Favre were in the top 3 of their era. Rodgers, like Manning, easily within the top 10 all time QB list. Favre somewhere in that 35-50 all time area. Josh's career isn't over. His story is still being written. And Kelly was great...but taking the Homer glassed off I don't think Kelly was a Top 3-5 QB of his era. Probably in the same top 35-50 all time area that Favre is. This is like comparing McIntosh to Granny Smith to a box of Lucky Charms IMO.
  2. From the small body of work he looked a lot better than I thought he would. However, I don't see him having a long career unless he learns to protect his body better. Exactly. Same reasoning is why I dislike the Packers. They had roughly 30 years of Favre/Rodgers and turned it into just 2 Super Bowls. I'm not sure between the Colts and Packers which team squandered the opportunity worse.
  3. Murray actually did draw the start last week against the Giants and ended up with the same amount of snaps that Cook did. Cook had more touches (14 to 12) and out gained Murray (71 yds to 45). In this case I feel like the numbers match the eye test. Cook has the higher ceiling. Murray can get us those tough yards. It's a nice formula to have. Cook has the ability to be a big play back. However he has struggled in pass protection. This is likely why Murray is seeing more time. And Murray seems to get more work at the goal line. They both have really nice roles on the offense.
  4. Same thing with Thursday Night football. Health wise they should never be playing 2 games in 3-4 days. Shoot, last year didn't they let the Bills play 3 in 10 days? That's just insanely negligent for what they put their bodies through
  5. Actually, Jones wouldn't be what would trouble me if Ed was out. What NE does have are 2 RBs that can pound the rock inside in Stevenson and Zeke. I would suspect this to be something they look to do anyway as Buffalo has shown to be vulnerable to traps and pulls inside AND the double benefit for them to try and control the clock and limit Buffalo's possessions and chance that the offense finds it's stroke. If it's Poona and Phillips inside we are in some trouble there against the run.
  6. Buy: Latavius Murray. Murray actually got the start last week and had a 50/50 snap share with Cook. Plus he gets the majority of the goal line work. And now with Harris down for who knows how long I expect him to absorb Harris's small snapshare as well. He's going to have some big games down the stretch. Sell: I'm not making any sales this week. I'm going to hold what I have until I see if Dorsey figures out the Offensive lull they're in. After last week, I would say there isn't much that is at it's peak right now anyway. I'll ride it out. Hold: Ken Dorsey. Coaches get paid to identify and fix problems. Time to see if Ken will earn his money.
  7. Agree. I think he was a little in over his head last year as TE2 but is an ideal TE3. Very well rounded as a blocker/receiver combination. Not spectacular at anything but does a lot of other things well. You need guys like him on the roster.
  8. Yes Doyle really stepped up there. A year ago. Not sure why that has to be comparable. But it just goes to show how invested the guys in the locker room are to playing for each other.
  9. Actually, he got hurt a few plays before that and gutted it out. Credit to him for that.
  10. Playoffs are filled with Tysons...not Grandmas Slippers. By your theory if we make the playoffs we can beat down every team we face.
  11. The problem with a set "goal" like the AFCCG is there are always variables. If the only rule is Allen starting every game is the only one, I vote no. It's football and a lot can happen on the field. Did we make the divisional round and happen to run into a buzz saw of a team? Did we get hosed by poor officiating? Did they have a game much like 13 seconds where they were excellent on the field? Here's my opinion. If the Bills make the playoffs and show up again like the did against Cincinnati, then yes a discussion should be had. If the loss is solely on poor coaching, then yes a discussion should be had. All that said, in my opinion if the Bills don't get it done soon then perhaps a "mutual parting of ways" may be what's best for the team and McDermott.
  12. I just looked into it and all the points add up the same no matter when they are scored. There are no bonus points for leading at the end of a quarter or half. 😂 Kidding around aside...Yup, the offense is out of sync right now. In seasons past though we have seen teams like the Bengals start off slow...made a Super Bowl and another AFCCG last 2 years. Chiefs start out slow. Have made (what seems to be) 27 straight AFCCGs and several Super Bowls. Patriots...both Giants seasons...point being teams start out slow and turn it around every year. That could easily be us. I may even offer an argument that teams that start slow on offense have an advantage at the end of the year as there isn't as much film to break down what they do well. Got a LOT of ball left to play. One thing from this last weekend that they said during the Bills/Giants game stuck out to me. It was attributed bro something Daboll said but could easily apply to us. To paraphrase: they asked Daboll about his teams direction and he said basically: "When there's issues with he team, that's what the coaching staff gets paid for. To fix the problems." I think McDermott and Co will earn their pay.
  13. I mean, if we're going that route....gimme Puka. Younger, cheaper and not coming off injury.
  14. 5 years ago this would have been a great signing.
  15. There once was a QB named Brady Who sat when he peed like a lady But now they have Mac Who can't lead their attack And tends to cry like a baby
  16. Valid. However let's also remember that Johnson does have added value in the return game. Damien Harris had started returning kickoffs with my guess being to let Harty focus more on WR duties. He would be more of a direct replacement than Fournette.
  17. I am not sure what doesn't make sense to you but it's very likely one (or more) of several things happened. 1. A team reached out to Johnson that had injury to their active roster. Detroit lost a RB. SF had CMC go down. Rams may have lost 2 RBs. And that's just off the top of my head. 2. The team that reached out either got better news than expected on said injured RB and rescinded their offer or Ty Johnson declined the offer and chose to stay put. 3. Why would Johnson choose to stay? Injury to Harris may clear the path to being called up and him seeing snaps/KR duties.
  18. Easiest solution in my opinion as a counter to that cover 2 IMO is TE usage. But it's hard to get the TR in the seem or 15 yards upfield in time when they have to chip. The INT Josh threw last night looked like one of those routes, however.
  19. Without doing the math right this second...I would venture to say that the loss of Allen running has been made up by Cook/Murray. I'll look into that later if I can. Lol, yes thank you. Eyes still aren't up to snuff after a late night last night😂
  20. On the whole season last year McKenzie had 42 catches. 27 of those were for 1st downs. Not sure that qualifies as a first down machine.
  21. And those are also fair points. Especially when it comes to abandon the run. Just look at the Giants last night. Got shut down all night...but stuck with it and it paid off. Last night? Sure as a one off sample you could say that. But if you include last night's 16 attempts it would actually show that on the season over all 6 games, Diggs has actually been under targeted more times than not compared to last season.
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