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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I'm not anxious to see what a Joe Brady called offense would look like. I'm terrified of what a Mike Shula called offense would look like. Neither are inspiring.
  2. Here's the disconnect on that between fan and coach. You want snaps given to other players. However, coaching would do that if other guys earned them. That's a big difference. Can you honestly say Sherfield or Harty have earned anything? Shakir seemingly has in the coaches eyes as his snap count has been on a steady uptick. Another issue for Harty and Sherfield seems to be their usage on certain looks. I don't have the numbers on hand but when Harty plays it's a high percentage of the time it's a pass play. Sherfield has a higher percentage of runs. It tips the offense's hand a bit. Shakir is showing to be a capable blocker as well as pass catcher so he adds versatility. That's why Gabe seen the highest snap count. He is a balanced WR that can be in for pass and run plays.
  3. He does play 1T. And he flashed some last year. He may be a small get, but he upgrades Poona Ford IMO. And in the event of another injury he already knows the system and can step right in. IMO a solid bottom of the roster addition.
  4. Yup. More than likely he'll head to PS take a week or so to catch up to what the Bills have implemented since he's been gone. Then he'll see some call ups. By then either through injury or outplaying someone else (Ford) IMO he'll end the season on the 53.
  5. Showed really well here at 1T. Wouldn't likely cost much at all. Knows the system and communication already An INSTANT upgrade on Poona Ford IMO. Hopefully on a plane headed to Buffalo already.
  6. Here's my gripe about Knox. It's not even Knox himself (who I do like) but rather the double standards by a large group of the fan base. People making excuses for him now with the wrist. Ok cool. He's never been a high catch percentage guy. He's tough. He's a nice blocker and does a lot of little things. However looking at his pricetag and what he counts against the cap being slightly above JAG isn't good enough. Meanwhile you look at Gave Davis. Another low catch percentage guy with a history of drops. Played all last year on a bum ankle...yet held to much higher standards with a much lower cost. He's almost the WR version of Knox. A though exercise. Which of the players am I describing here: -Plays hurt -Standout blocker -Low catch percentage -Long history of drops -TD producer -Has an occasional big game then disappears for long stretches -High snap count with low target share But one is beloved and the other is constantly bashed.
  7. I get that. One thing that has always help garner him respect is his toughness, and I'm not taking that away. But I think sometimes he gets a lot of leeway because he's tough and had a really cool run his rookie year against the Bengals.
  8. No. Unless this injury goes back to his rookie year it changes very little for me. He's always had bad hands. Now, this injury mave have made catches more difficult. In that case it's up to him and the coaching staff to sit him out.
  9. Dennison. Not even a debate. He was Steve Fairchild level awful.
  10. Agree with this. And that's the plateau I feel we are on or fast approaching right now.
  11. And sometimes, like what happened with Andy Reid...a reset is best for all parties involved. Moving on from Reid refreshed the Eagles and worked out well for him. It let Andy reset and start new and it worked out for him.
  12. We have a TE on the PS and Gilliam does work with the TE group. Not awe inspiring, but we have bodies there for Thursday, I guess. LB, that's all we have is a bunch of bodies. Williams seems like he's getting in the dog house and behind him we have Dodson and...AJ Klein. Spector is nursing a hammy now.
  13. This is about to replace OJ as the "Trial of the Century"
  14. Money was running low from PS call ups and signing guys to active roster for injury replacement. Not sure this indicates an immediate move. Still, I'm expecting sometime in the next week for the Bills to have a fresh new LBer.
  15. One of the reasons I stopped letting wins/losses dictate my mood was watching the players after the game. Be it a win, loss, blowout, get blown out or a tough win/loss at the very end of a game....these guys are all smiles and yucking it up on the field right after the game. Swapping jerseys, dabbing each other up. That's all it is these days. Money.
  16. I'm on a hunger strike. I'm not eating again until the Bills offense is fixed. Or Sean McDermott grows a full head of lush thick hair. Whatever comes first.
  17. Ever hear the phrase "You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink"? How do we know the coaching staff isn't doing all they can to prepare Allen and he's just not responding to it well? How do we know he's not focused elsewhere? We just don't. Now I'm not saying that's what's happening because by the same token I'm not in the room with Allen and seeing what he's doing or the coaching staff is doing. But I also think blindly putting it all on coaching may not be the whole story.
  18. I think the Bills win this one. Still undecided if it will be a scratch and claw type game or the offense snaps out of it. Bills- 29 Bucs- 16
  19. No, normally I don't believe random things. However they reported that The Bills we in on Lance days before anyone else knew about it ...and though the trade didn't happen it was confirmed true after Lance was sent to Dallas. I can type slower if you need to keep up👍
  20. Just out of curiosity, since I laid out reasons that are plausible to believe...what makes you lean the other way? As I said, this account has displayed inside 49ers Info many times in the past.
  21. It's a tricky pickle for me. First off of course is the immediate need for help now to save any chance at this year. That's a no brainer. However this coming draft is deeeeeeep with talent that could set us up with cost controlled talent for years to come. I want all the picks I can get this year.
  22. Normally I don't buy these reports, however this account had us as a team that called on Trey Lance a few days before it was known. They have been correct many times on 49er related things in the past and do seem to have some inside knowledge. That said, it makes some sense with Milano out and Williams being benched 2 games in a row. On defense I know the hot topics are 1T and CB...but this is a position to watch in the coming week for sure.
  23. Compensation is ridiculously low. I would have done this and add Rapp in a flipping micro second
  24. Ha! Yes Martin. From what I have read Martin was almost the choice in 2021. Came down to Allen feeling more comfortable with Dorsey. I have almost no doubt that if Dorsey left or was fired Martin would be among their top choices if not first choice. Problem is, lack of play calling experience. Again. We are living that reality now.
  25. No. First off any firing would come at the end of the season. Firing him now does what exactly? Gives the reigns to Joe Brady? What has Brady done as an OC to make ANYONE think that's a step up? Mike Shula? Good God, no. Let's see if Ken can fix things. I have my own doubts, but this is what happens when you hire an inexperienced OC. And if we do fire him at the end of the year...who exactly do you think gets that OC job? Joe Brady...another "promote from within"? Even if they go outside the organization....I have a feeling they aren't going to look for a guy with a ton of experience. If they go outside my bet is...Tee Martin. So let's all just hope Dorsey can figure things out or we are back to square one with an inexperienced play caller in most likely hood
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