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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. No surprise on Baker or Godwin. But if by chance Vea is out...that would be HUGE for us.
  2. For me it's as simple as this. If the Alien, the Freak From Firebaugh, the real live human hybrid of a Buffalo and a Golden Retriever; Josh Freaking Allen shows up tonight...Bills win easily. If we get Mr. Zen, Low Positive, Great Value brand Aaron Rodgers sounding Josh Allen....we lose. Someone make the wing sauce he puts in his Pepsi extra spicy tonight please....
  3. Yes I believe I misspoke. It was two of the three games he saw extensive action...not two in a row.
  4. Williams came in for Milano in London...but was replaced by Dodson. Williams was also replaced by Dodson last game against the Pats. McDermott talked about it this week in his presser. And when asked did not confirm Williams would be starting this week.
  5. There can be difference between a "no huddle" and "up tempo". I've never been a fan of a true fast pace 2 minute style no huddle except at the end of half or game. When it works it can be nice and confuse a defense. Wear them down. When you have a few drives in a row when you don't move the ball it really leaves your defense in a bad spot. And right now we don't have the depth pieces to absorb that. I like a more fast paced tempo where plays are called at the line; not a huddle. Much like Peyton Manning used to do. Difference being instead of rushing the snap...still take your time at the line. Lets the QB see what the defense is doing and still doesn't allow for them to sub in...and if they do you can often quick snap and catch with too many men on the field.
  6. Exactly. Now, I could see them making a case that the shove from behind could contort or throw someone off balance leading to potential injury. But if the ban it from the QB sneak play they have to enforce it on all plays IMO. The thing most people don't realize is that at least with the Eagles, the shove isn't what's propelling Hurts. Dude is legit strong and grinding. I see some teams run it where the QB is just a battering ram. Not really that smart haha
  7. Actually, the Panthers have done this a few times this year. They have pulled Bryce Young and let Andy Freaking Dalton come in for the QB sneak a few times. Rumor has it that they view Young as too small and not powerful enough to execute the play himself 😂
  8. Run the Tush Push they said. It's easy they said. The NFL is likely to use plays like this and what happens to the Giants when they lost 2 guys on a play like this to call the play "unsafe" and add restrictions IMO.
  9. I don't discount this, however I'm not seeing the logic here. The Bills get 2 PS call ups. So that would make Norman and Isabella the call ups and roll with just Kincaid at TE (some help from Gilliam and Edwards as well I would assume). That's an odd move for sure.
  10. During a nuclear explosion, there is a certain distance of the radius where all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection.
  11. Beans bags are just boneless sofas.
  12. Not really doing your user name any justice, are ya?
  13. True. I'm figuring Joel Wilson is called up this week at TE. Leaves one more call up. May be for Ankou.
  14. If I'm not mistaken 5 of them ended up as Buffalo Bills at one point or another. 6 if you count DeAndre Hopkins.
  15. If I'm the Browns owner I PRAY that he does something maybe on personal conduct violation to void the guaranteed contract and move on. I'd be leaving BOGO massage coupons in his locker. Knowing Haslam though, he probably didn't add any personal conduct outs to his deal.
  16. Not sure if they call him up this week but given the mini bye we head to after Tampa I would expect him to see game action rather quickly
  17. I think they actually are. They have seemed to lean more into a ball control philosophy at points. It would seem to me the way they can make up for lack of defense is to limit defensive time on the field. My problem has been more of the lack of success when adjusting the DEFENSE to help cover up the losses. Just last week, NE was down their 2 best pass rushers and a very very talented young CB...but they got good pressure and covered well. Why can they do it and we don't? Adjustments. One would think our head coach who has run defenses the majority of his career could scheme up ways to cover for the missing talent.
  18. Sounds like something Aaron Rodgers would say to be honest. Next thing we know Josh is going to want to head off to a dark retreat to feel more at "zen". Seriously, if anyone hears Josh if headed to golf with Rodgers next off season...someone steal his clubs, please.
  19. This raises a few questions in my mind and a few thoughts. 1. Are our systems too complicated to begin with? Both on offense and defense. It seems like newer players have issues grasping the playbook here more than I've ever seen in my life. 2. Are new players held to the same standards that those that have been in the system are? Feels like not. Take Dorian Williams for example. Been benched for making mistakes. Elam benched for making mistakes. But flip that around and I've never seen Davis or Knox benched for drops. Last year Cook fumbles non his first carry and spend most of the year in a limited role. 3. Are Beane and McDermott really on the same page as much as they say? That I don't know. You say is it McDermott's view that Beane isn't getting the right guys...and to that I would say yes. Like him or not, I think we all know McDermott likes physical tough football. And I just don't think Beane has built a team to reflect that on all fronts. Beane seems to like the athletic guys that score big on the RAS. Is that Sean's wheelhouse? I don't think coaching modern fast paced football is a McDermott trait...but it's what Beane seems to build. I just don't think they have the same vision anymore.
  20. Tough to do this one in the short week as gameplan is always a bit different being streamlined. Buy: Shakir- He's slowly been seeing an increase of snaps. Working in a lot more in the slot and Allen in building trust with him. Everyone is looking at Kincaid doing more with Knox out, but I think Shakir stands to have the most breakout potential here. Sell: Taylor Rapp. Had high expectations for him coming into the season and so far it seems like they have little interest in using him as anything other than S depth. I'm cutting my losses here. Hold: Quinten Morris. Not sure if he plays this week or not (likely trending not) but over the next few weeks if he can make it back he's another guy that will likely see extended playtime depending on Knox's recovery. He may even end up "technically" the temporary TE1 sliding into Knox's role as Kincaid stays where he is.
  21. He's increased his catch percentage so far this year (51% last year to 68% this year) and scored TDs in 4 straight games. Hard to say he's earned a demotion. If there was someone nipping at his heals and showing out, sure let's see what we have there. But there really isn't. Shakir would be the closest IMO, but he's seeing more snaps already.
  22. The italicized portion of this is gibberish. If you aren't into having others opposed to your personal train of thought and second guess what you're thinking or offer a different point of view an internet message board may not be for you. As far as the part I've bolded I will do what you didn't and offer a direct response. Yes, Gabe Davis has earned the position he is in. The proof of that comes from not only his ability to be an all around WR on Sunday, but the work and leadership he's put in Monday through Saturday that you and I don't get to see. You see 1/7ths of a work week and draw conclusions. Could he be upgraded on as a WR? Of course. He does have flaws and his ability to be consistent has always been an issue. He's not untouchable by any means...but different doesn't mean better. What you still haven't answered is what Sherfield and Harty have done to push those snaps away from Davis. That was the original point.
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