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Everything posted by Knicks&Bills

  1. He is a beast, but under the circumstances I’ll pass
  2. What’s the downside in having him for a workout?
  3. Julio and it’s not at all close. He’s a top three receiver. Clooney has been kind of a bust
  4. I think people are understating Hill’s importance to the Chiefs. He’s a top five receiver. Without him their number one is Sammy lol
  5. How is it derogatory to say two people look alike? I’ll wait for your informative reply!
  6. To have a little fun. Lighten up, Francis!
  7. Mack is the cake ie the foundation
  8. Peterman just for the lolz
  9. He’s been a mixed bag so far, but he looks like he’s getting better
  10. Lol this coaching staff is the best thing to happen to the bills in seventeen years
  11. No need to mock the guy for his religious beliefs. If you don’t believe in religon, cool that your thing. I guess in this day and age it’s okay to be a religious bigot
  12. I think we end up winning this game
  13. Great coverage. Just a great catch and throw
  14. I expecting the defense to bring it. I’m hoping Josh Allen throws for 250 and shady gets us 80 on the ground and I think we’ll win
  15. We need to keep shady unless we can get a first for him, which most likely we can’t
  16. we could use someone with a killer instinct
  17. You can’t tell me mCCarron is worse than peterman
  18. Haha good one. He has no business being in the NFL much less starting a game
  19. After last year I don’t know what they were thinking trotting peterman on the field
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