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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. Did you know... that the Iron Maiden wasn’t an actual midevil torture devise? Think of all those peasants who could have enjoyed this, but instead received the breaking wheel and the oven shoes instead because it wasn’t invented back then. Shame.
  2. I was actually thinking about this yesterday. I think Edmunds would flourish at OLB... and White is unreal in abilities and MLB play. Faster than most TEs also
  3. Is Ed Oliver this years Nkemdiche?
  4. I remember when he was coming out in college, I was very vocal in trading back and drafting him in the 1st round... but we passed on him three times.
  5. Hey, I want my 13 year old daughter to have a better life... let me stock her up with birth control so she doesn’t end up carrying 2 across the border from the many encounters she will have with the cartels to make it across the wall-less border. Dems: don’t stop the cartels from using that girl, she has every right to be savagely abused on her way to America!
  6. All Dems in office... I was for the wall before I was against it. It made sense until Trump wanted it, now it’s oppressive. We should not be stopping those poor cartels and their sex/drug trafficking... how else are they going to pay for their mass unmarked graves and fancy axes to dismember bodies on the border?! There’s no crisis, ?
  7. Well, if CJ Anderson could make a comeback at 250 pounds, anything is possible.
  8. I’m guessing you’re both on the same page... IE: reparations are nonsense.
  9. I thought the Great Depression kinda evened the playing field for 99% of the population. I know my grandpa had a full sack of potatoes to pass down to my dad, which he turned into 15,000 dollars of debt handed down to me to pay. This white privilege rules! I wonder what I can give my children because of my whiteness!
  10. When there is no real racism problem in this country, the self appointed victims have to create it themselves.
  11. Ok, so I have to warn you that I’m new to this. But this is from breitbart and was very interesting. If anyone knows how to post from the site from a mobile phone, please let me know, I don’t wanna get a permanent point from the man upstairs... so what does black or brown architecture look like? Mud huts or animal skin teepees? Seems the real racists are on the left, because they are obsessed with race and color. The University at Buffalo, SUNY is hosting a symposium in April called the “The Whiteness of American Architecture” for the purpose of discussing “a critical history of the white cultural nationalisms” and “the renewed sense of white nativism and the rise of white nationalist groups” now that President Donald Trump has been elected. “The Whiteness of American Architecture” symposium is being organized by the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, and is described as “an outgrowth” of the “Race + Modern Architecture Project.” The Race + Modern Architecture Project refers to “an interdisciplinary workshop on the racial discourses of western architectural history.” The “purpose and theme” of the symposium will be to discuss “a critical history of the white cultural nationalisms that have proliferated under the rubric of ‘American Architecture’ during the long nineteenth century,” according to the event description. “In the past, architectural historians have optimistically, and perhaps anachronistically, interpreted American architectural movements through the lens of an inclusive American liberalism that embraces people of all colors, nationalities and religious creeds,” continued the description. “Yet such an understanding fails to examine these national movements from the lens of white settler colonialism and the exclusive cultural nationalist ideologies that were often intimated by their appropriation for various political purposes.” The symposium description went on to argue that a discussion on the whiteness in architecture is important today, especially due to “recent events in American politics.” “The renewed sense of white nativism and the rise of white nationalist groups that have emerged in the wake of the election of Donald Trump in 2016 are only the most obvious symptoms of a more fundamental debate.” The University of Buffalo, SUNY is not the only school hosting events discussing the bizarre topic of alleged “whiteness” in architecture. Cooper Union, a private college in New York City, hosted a lecture in January entitled, “The Space of Appearance: Infrastructures of Whiteness.” Similarly, the prestigious New York college hosted an event that strangely attempted to conflate “white supremacy” with infrastructure.
  12. I guess they should be discussing the Bills game this week instead
  13. I just looked up his highlights... very nice player! Thank you for bringing him up, he is now on my draft wish list.
  14. If you are looking at percentages and representations, 13% of NFL coaches should be black... which is about 4. It would seem they were over represented with 7 for a few years. Speaking of fair representation, over 70% of professional athletes in the USA should be white... but they aren’t. Maybe it is best to have the most qualified/successful people have the job and not try and fill a quota.
  15. One of the only times I was really dang proud/happy to have Mills on our team. We still need a better RT, but he deserved a standing ovation yesterday.
  16. Cody Ford should at least be in discussion when we pick in round 1
  17. I think it’s an OK topic. I wanted cousins and a good supporting cast around him, but now I would MUCH rather have Allen... you need to get over yourself. This is a bbmb for goodness sakes, let’s open these boards to all aspects of conversations.
  18. So draft offense no matter what, even if it’s not an upgrade... got it. We could use the depth. And because defense doesn’t usually put points on the board, we should pass on game changing talent to plug a hole, even if the player is a reach. Top round... kinda. A few second and third rounders in there, but I get your point. Were any of those guys a top 10 pick? You know, where elite talent usually is? If we are drafting around the #5 spot, then I hope to goodness we don’t draft based only on need. That is where you can find game changing talent. And I don’t see any game changing talent in this years draft on offense.
  19. If he was the next Reggie White or Warren Sapp, you might have a different view on it. HECK YES! AND DRAFT CODY FORD!
  20. so I think in a large part do to me, this thread has drifted off-course... This is supposed to be about the amazing opportunity of having 2 Josh Allens on this team. We have for too long cornered the market on players named Williams, it is about time for a Josh Allen era, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BALL! Edit: JETS SUCK! don't want to send mixed messages...
  21. looking back at the 2015 NFL draft, I would say Leo Williams was the right pick.... Who would you have picked over him, hind sight being 20/20 and all
  22. TRUE! Let's draft Eric Ebron with our first pick pick because he's the best TE, or better yet, let's draft Limus Sweed, or Malcom Kelly, or James Hardy because we need a WR in a crappy TE/WR class! WooHoo! That is the most most Bills thing to do!
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