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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. Sounds like a Bobs Burger type quote
  2. I think most people are overlooking the biggest difference from this year and last... new O-Line coach. We may actually have a decent chance now!
  3. He is the only reason UNLV won any games
  4. Oliver, Hockensen, Ford, or Wilkins would be great with me at that piint
  5. Better yet, how possibly could Hillary lose? 99% chance of winning... right? lol, your tears have tasted great the last 2 years, and will taste even better the next 6
  6. LMAO!!! TDS is running through your veins... might want to get vaccinated. Maybe have a little less dose off msnbc, and a little more real news. You hate trump because that's what you are told to do... so sad. Maybe one day you will actually form a thought that isn't instilled by the hate mongering lefty media. But odds are, you will always favor killing babies, ending free speech, and destroying America... because of feels-n-stuff. So pathetic
  7. I am all about attitude! especially with big uglies! I am down for anyone who plays like jerk on the line... at least you know you aren't getting a Jonathan 'I'm getting bullied' Martin!
  8. And the saddest part is that they have a HUGE following with the indoctrinated college sheep. because of feels and all.
  9. Long gone are the days when a democrat leader says, "ask not what a country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Now it is all hand outs, hand outs, hand outs, and we will figure out later how to pay for them.
  10. maybe these will be the new dark ages... at least for the communist snow-flakes who hate everything that doesn't conform to their perverted views. Correct! JFK would throw up if he knew what was considered 'Democrat' now-a-days.
  11. Lol, COLLUSION! RUSSIA!!! COLLUSION!!! RUSSIA!!!... oh wait, Hillary and Uranium 1 was 20x's worse than anything we could pretend Trump of doing, and now he is proven innocent on collusion... well dang! Were there any process crimes we can snag him on during this witch hunt? Because, you know, Orange man bad and all... racist, homophobic, sexist nazis are bad! and because he doesn't think just like me, so he should be in jail or sent to a re-education camp! Because we are so loving and tolerant... only to other psychopaths who think like me.
  12. Kinda wish he would end his career with a career ender... just like he deserves
  13. I would like to draft Bosa or Allen also.... geez
  14. Lmao!!! What?!?! Rosen is Clausen/Henne/Losman 2.0..... The dude is a dud. I would LOVE for someone in our division to get this loser! Easy 2 games a year until they figure out he is a terrible version of Jay Cutler.
  15. Would be amazing if Cody Ford lasts that long. But stranger things have happened.
  16. See, now that is more on the condescending side.
  17. Couldn’t say it better myself... perfect. Not really. It’s straight forward, but not aggressively condescending... unless we are talking about snow flake micro-aggressions.
  18. I loved the Edmunds pick, but I think anyone with a hint understanding of what it takes to man the middle knows that there are naturally instinctive players who can do the job as second nature. They can read everything around them, diagnose it, and take the best angle before anyone else has even moved. This is why Mosley got paid so much, and Devin can run circles around him. Growing a great athlete into a position is great, but I’m not sure the MLB position is right for Edmunds... Devin White is the next Keuchly, and it could be a terrible mistake to pass on him if he’s available. PS: Edmunds can be phenomenal at OLB where reactions are higher valued than instincts. And he can keep pace with any offense threat running down the field.
  19. I see this also... but if they see the LORAX as only having another year or 2 left, maybe they are willing to move Edmunds outside, and getting a real beast to man the center.
  20. Or thick, as in he suffocates/stifles the offense with his overwhelmingly fantastic play.
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