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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. So you don't know and want to blame the boogey man. Got it.
  2. What are they protesting? That cops kill twice as many whites every year than blacks, yet blacks commit 50% of the violent crimes? Seems like a logical protest.
  3. Since you seem to support these protests, what injustices are they protesting?
  4. so this was a loaded question! Who knew?! They can think/believe whatever they want. But they represent the NFL/team shield when in uniform. It's idiotic the NFL lets them get away with this, and I can almost guarantee they will see an adverse effect on their viewership/profits. They have a right to take a stand, but the owners also have a right to fire an employee who is being a dumba$$ so this was a loaded question! Who knew?! They can think/believe whatever they want. But they represent the NFL/team shield when in uniform. It's idiotic the NFL lets them get away with this, and I can almost guarantee they will see an adverse effect on their viewership/profits. They have a right to take a stand, but the owners also have a right to fire an employee who is being a dumba$$
  5. What job do you work at that you would still keep your job? Fortune 500 no doubt🙄
  6. Is he upset over trumps travel ban? Just kidding... but these psycho lefties will still insist that we don't need to thoroughly vet people that come into this country. We just need to accept terrorism as a part of every day life now. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
  7. It is legal for me to tell my boss to go suck a lemon and twerk through the hallway. But I doubt I would be employed afterward. Maybe there should be a third option on this poll. Doesn't seem like a 'A' or 'B' type question.
  8. Can you explain what Kap is protesting? Is it that racist cops kill twice as many whites than blacks every year? Or that blacks are killing each other in record numbers? Or that his black dad ran out on him, so a white couple took him in, gave him an education, got a scholarship from a white run school, and made millions from a white NFL owner. Damn those racist Whities that gave him every chance to succeed.
  9. I would take that over the murderous, traitorous, snake tongued racist witch that ran against him. I wonder if she still carries her 'hot sauce' in her purse and brings the blacks to heel...
  10. What are they protesting? That blacks are killing blacks in record numbers? That cops shoot more whites than blacks every year? That although black males make up 8% of the population, they commit 50% of the violent crimes? That welfare and abortion politics are designed to keep black families in ghettos with single parents? That Obama did nothing to improve the situation of major inner cities? Wasn't he from Chicago? How's that city looking nowadays?
  11. Actually, a large percentage of people get a free ride in this country. What percentage of people don't pay taxes? And how many of them are able bodied workers who refuse to find work? It's amazing how when you cut off the free ride, people are able to find jobs.
  12. And how many more times likely are they to be killed by another black person than by a cop? A LOT more likely. They should protest the democrats who encouraged single parent families with their welfare politics meant to keep blacks down in the project plantations.
  13. When blacks make up 50%?of the violent crimes in the US, yet nearly twice as many whites are shot by cops.... I think you may be able to do the math and figure out this whole movement is based on lies.
  14. The most racist people I have dealt with on a daily basis is black people. I worked at a world renowned 5 diamond resort for 10 years. The overwhelming amount of racist, rude, disrespectful people we dealt with on a daily basis were black. I would say that maybe 10% of the black people we encountered were decent human beings. But Las Vegas may be a bad place to take a cultural sample... so who knows. But all I can say is that I am glad to be out of that industry, so I don't get crapped on daily by an ignorant culture anymore.
  15. Why has viewership dropped the last year, and even more this year? Such a mystery. They really are trying their hardest to lose more than half of their viewers and fan base/ money. It's working NFL! Keep it up. Just see how well it worked for ESPN, Target, Starbucks, and General Mills. Nah, just bashing stupid, ignorant, racist players who are too dumb to use common sense.
  16. What are they kneeling for? Is it because 8% of the population(black males) make up 80% of the NFL? We need some Social Justice up in this biatch. Make it a mandate that at least 2 asians, 2 hispanics, and 3 whites are starting on every side of the ball, with at least 1 transgendered and 1 female. This way we can truly see progress. Damn those blacks oppressing all other cultures and keeping them out of this lucrative market!
  17. Not really. All the answers are just like yours. Saying,"because racism, open your mind." But I haven't seen 1 stat that proves otherwise. Show me anywhere that blacks are treated worse than whites by police(spike lee movies don't count). These stats aren't cherry picked. They are evidence that this whole, we need to change BS is just that, BS. There's no systemic racism in the police departments. That's all fabricated and proven wrong by real data.
  18. Well, if ya ain't first, yer last.
  19. Who is to blame that the highest violent crime rates are always in democrat run cities? I liked how they rioted in Baltimore with a black police chief, black mayor, majority black city counsel, black judges, under a black president and black district attorney. And almost all those black elected officials were democrats. Seems the like a common denominator in keeping black people down is the plantation mindset of the democrat elites. As long as they give just enough hand outs and encourage single parent house holds, the Democrats know their slaves will stay on the plantation. And every 4 years, they bring out the whip and snap them to the voting booths.
  20. 1/64 Native American, maybe 1/128, not too sure. Nez perce... probably more than Elizabeth Warren. 1/64 Native American, maybe 1/128, not too sure. Nez perce... probably more than Elizabeth Warren.
  21. I know what it's like to be judged on skin color, background, and beliefs. My family had to sell our house and live in a small church in the inner city just to keep the lights on of a church, that my father pastored. I was shot at in a drive by playing basketball when I was in middle school because I was white at the basketball court. "F*** you white f****ts" was all they said as they drove by and shot at us. I heard from coaches and players that I was good (as a corner back) at playing football for a white guy in college, all the time. I was questioned by teachers and students for being conservative in the Fine Arts department. I received lower grades because of my political belief in a couple classes in college. Racism exists, but I have seen pure hatred far more on the left side. Is it any wonder that republicans donate more to charities than democrats? But I will never use other people ignorance as an excuse to keep myself down. That's just personal pride. On a side note, I applied to 4 Ivy League schools as a Caucasian, and as a Native American. Every one as a Caucasian was rejected, but every one as a Native American offered me scholarships. I don't think that was coincidence. I would be pretty confident to say that it is harder to succeed in this country as a white or Asian male, than any other type of demographic.
  22. I guess it's just easier to say,"they racist", than to actually be a benefit to your community. Funny how all those racist white republicans in Texas were saving people of all colors with their own boats/time/resources. And where was BLM and antifa? Dang those good old boys proving identity politics wrong, yet BLM only seems to look out for themselves(looting/rioting/robbing).
  23. that really seems like the only logical answer... but it leaves me more bewildered than mad.
  24. Can someone please explain what these athletes are protesting? is it: 1) That black men are killing other black men at a much higher rate than any other race in the US? 2) That although black males make up about 8% of the population in the US, they commit about 50% of the violent crimes? 3) That unarmed white males are almost twice as likely to be shot by police than unarmed black males? 4) That Trump has created over 700,000 thousand jobs in project communities and is trying to rebuild what Democrats promise every 4 years, but never actually follow through with? 5) That the ridiculous high rate of murder in the black community is only rivaled by the ludicrous culture to not snitch and wipe their neighborhoods clean of criminal scum? To me, it seems the issues that really trouble them are solvable within their own community. Try embracing the police. Call them when you see gang/drug/violent activity. If there is a white thug in my neighborhood, you can bet that every neighbor is calling the cops on him, and if he gets shot and killed.... FANTASTIC! It doesn't matter the color, I hate criminals. Why are suburban neighborhoods safe? because we snitch like some MOFOs! We don't discriminate on color. Heck, we just got rid of a white squatter in my neighborhood a week ago(the whole community helped get that POS out).
  25. was he though? never produced a real birth cert... He may be, but we will never really know. what we do know is that he is a globalist who wanted to destroy america's economy and culture to bring about his one world NWO. Is it a surprise that the stock market is hitting record highs after he got out of office, and a nationalist business man took over?
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