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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. the first thing Hitler did when he took control of Germany was enact strict gun control laws... it's easy to commit genocide when the populace can't defend itself. The second amendment is the greatest right we have as a people. NEVER give it up.
  2. Just replying so I can skip to the front of this topic
  3. We should have the strictest gun control laws possible like France. That way muslims can kill 147 poeple in crowded areas with no one to oppose them.
  4. The same 4chan that exposed the bike lock terrorist in Berkeley?
  5. Stupid is as stupid does... and stupid took a knee again. Are they upset that cops kill twice as many white poeple every year than black poeple?
  6. Not at all. It's ironic to people who disregard facts.
  7. We do. We also realize this team is filled with players that hate our flag, country, police, military, and those who support them. Great games are great, but not supporting scum bags who are uninformed or blinded by hatred takes a higher priority.
  8. How is the title of this post supposed to read?
  9. Well, you are wrong and uninformed. Cancelled it. They asked if it was because of the players disrespecting the anthem, I said yes. They said no problem, payments are stopped and sunday ticket was removed. It also makes me happy that you look like a presumptuous chump.
  10. Cancelled mine. I don't watch football for the snowflakes. There's no reason to make the game a soap box for idiots. Just give each other brain trama and broken bones, and be done with it.
  11. It's not even close to an issue. That's a main reason why trump won the election. Non-racist white people were tired of being accused of racism/sexism. Maybe we just wanted a president that could actually fix the economy. And the more non-racist people get accused of being racist, the more they will fight back. I will say, this whole Keapernik movement is really helping grow support for the right. Those with common sense in the middle are shifting to the right because of these ill informed millionaires.
  12. The guy who proves systemic racism theory as complete BS
  13. They could get a cold and think it's racist. How they feel about someone's motives is not a measure of if something is racist. Race baters will say that having to follow the simplest rule is racist. A change in culture is definitely needed. Stop playing the damn race card, and just use personal pride and self respect to better your situation. Ben Carson is a perfect example of this.
  14. funny, that's not my name. They must have me confused with someone else. I bet they feel foolish now.
  15. Just cancelled by sunday ticket and NFL Network... I know no cares, but I also know I'm not the only one to do so. Sucks... I love football and my Bills. But supporting these race bating idiots that hate everything great in this country had to stop for me. Why do non-political businesses have to get involved in politics?! why ruin a good thing? WHY?!
  16. but if they used facts, then they wouldn't have a soap box to stand on. It really hurts their cause when they need to substantiate their claims. At least we saw all those BLMs helping rescue people during the floods/hurricanes(or was that a bunch of racist texas conservatives in their personal boats rescuing people of all colors? oh yeah, it was the latter... dang).
  17. no, it's called ignorance. Creating a fake boogey man to blame your own personal short comings is not noble... and neither is supporting a person who believes in this fake boogey man. Is there racism in America, yes... but does it affect anything near what the protests imply? absolutely not.
  18. let's take this to the streets...
  19. I'm not a band wagon person. I hate going with the flow. But as far as this is concerned, HECK YES! This dude is clutch-o-matic!!!
  20. No, you will be hate mongering lefty that will judge every white straight male you see as a threat. That's not a decent human being.
  21. Absolutely perfect response. Kudos
  22. No, the purpose of your poll was to be devisive. You wanted to say, either you're a fascist or believe in free speech. And if you believe in free speech, you support these players. But this situation is a lot more complex than that, and yes, Kap is an idiot. So is his racist/hate filled girlfriend.
  23. As horribly absurd as that sounds, I bet that is exactly what those wackadoos are thinking. Zero common sense and objective reasoning ever resonates in their minds. Only emotions and identity politics. As horribly absurd as that sounds, I bet that is exactly what those wackadoos are thinking. Zero common sense and objective reasoning ever resonates in their minds. Only emotions and identity politics.
  24. So you approve of keeping the black community in the ghetto. Good to know. So you approve of keeping the black community in the ghetto. Good to know.
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