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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. Constant late nights with Pills and alcohol can do wonders for your internal organs.
  2. I thought it was a different view on the Son Of Sam. Was like,”alright! Let’s see where this is going!” I’m not mad, I am just disappointed.
  3. I know of Beane, McDermitt, and Pegula. Does that count?
  4. Why did you compare him to another black QB? Kinda hypocritical. I would probably omit the black comment from your previous statement. Lamar is a FAST running QB. Please tell us what non-black fast running QB he should be compared to? Maybe Alex Smith... but that’s a stretch. I hate how some people try to find racism where there is none.
  5. This times 1,000. Best movie ever made from start to finish. Every character was unique and added to the final product. And Eddie was actually the hero, if he never showed up, their Christmas would have ended horribly. Not only the best comedy, but probably the best movie ever.
  6. Knights just sitting around waiting to see who our next opponent is. Ho hum...
  7. Knights win!!! And we aren’t in the Wuss Cup this year, so soccer can go back to its third world. Real sports have real men. The only athletes who play soccer like men are the women. Soccer is bad. That’s a fact. If you like soccer, then you have bad taste. Any sport that players actually practice being hurt is stupid. Professional men’s soccer is castrated and pathetic... and dumb. It’s science
  8. Go Knights Go!!! Beat those cheap shotting, dirty, punks from southern cal. Couldn’t sweep a better team. I don’t care if we anymore games.... ef LA and their piece of shift team. Go Knights!
  9. It will be 1 million when it’s held here in Vegas
  10. More importantly, the Golden Knights are 3-0 on the dirty, cheap-shotting punks of LA. But OTA's are good also. let's lose the holiday weight and get ready to block for Darnold!
  11. HOLLA!!!! GO KNIGHTS GO!!! We haven't been eliminated yet!
  12. OJ... he can cut through a defense like no other.
  13. Emmitt Smith on any other team would have been a fart in the wind. He did nothing exceptional. But running behind the best O-line in NFL history, and now you have clout. The most over rated RB to put pads on.
  14. Bam!!! 2-0 Go Knights Go!!!!
  15. The flat earthers need to thank their lucky star that earth was set level so we don’t all fall off.
  16. Let’s make this a political thread!!! Democrats love keeping minorities in poverty and dependent on the government. They targeted minority communities to promote welfare and abortions to destroy their family culture and independence. They bring in illegals to take low skilled jobs to keep legal minorities out of work. The are the party of the KKk. They use identity politics because all of their beliefs are rooted in a racist foundation. Unemployment for minorities and women is at an all time low under Trump. Just saying.
  17. The 9th circuit does mind boggling things all the time. A guy broke into a house and cut himself on a knife that was in the kitchen. He sued the Home owners and won. Just because you win in court doesn’t make your position just or sane.
  18. How about Jerry Hughes with a baseball bat verses 50 middle schoolers with knives?!?!?!
  19. Will this be the year Buffalo surpasses Seattle in the most suicides in 1 year?
  20. I believe I have drunk more than you, and I say Burn Billy the Buffalo at the stake!!!!
  21. I’m a mayfield homer. Love his accuracy and decision making.
  22. It is amazing how some people don’t understand this concept, but at the same time want to make any point of view they disagree with be classified as hate speech, and be punishable by law. Mind boggling.
  23. I understand completely. I hate filtered PC crap. This world turns better when people have the freedom and ability to speak their minds. I love the 1st amendment and all that it entails. I actually enjoy your posts. They are thought out. But I disagree with you about the role of cheerleaders. Different frames of thinking. But I am going to call a spade a spade... (that’s not a racial slur, btw). Not one person attends a professional sporting event looking forward to the professional athletism of the dang cheerleaders. They are eye candy to dance around in short skirts or tight outfits. They aren’t performing cirque de soleil stunts out there. They are doing basic dance rhythm routines that are to be provocative. To deny that is to deny reality. Don’t act like the are performing at the MET. You remind me of the judges that wanted to keep Chris Farley over Patrick Swazey in the Chip n dales SNL episode. PS: I will never see you as an enemy, and I respect your opinions and posts. I remember you from BBMB and always liked what you had to say.
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