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Everything posted by MakeBuffaloGreatAgain

  1. Meh, eff all Libs and their Globalist agendas. DC Tom is a cowardly panty waste. He can go back under his rock of hammer sickle for all I care.
  2. He did, or at least tweeted it. The walls of the deep state are gonna quickly tumble down
  3. Hhahahahahhahahaha, my guess is that this is a badge of honor around here. Thanks, and tell me how the Traveling Pants saga goes, ya nance. Not sure you understand what an internet tough guy is, but it refers to someone who threatens another individual personally over the Internet. Which I didn’t do. But thanks for the ignore, you’re a dunce and a nance. God be with you, you’ll need his assistance. Best
  4. I’m new to this side of the message board. But I’m not gonna back down from sh*t. I really wasn’t sure what you called me, so I assumed it was an insult. And if it was, ok, let’s have it. If not, my bad. You’re right that I should get to know this place first, but passionate is what passionate does. Maybe we can clank beers in the future, and maybe we are destined to skin knuckles. I guess time will tell.
  5. Great post. Unfortunately for their cause, they are watering down the harsh terms/phrases to the point where no one will take them serious. Now, they call even moderate Democrats Nazis. Funny stuff. At least it looks like the sane population is catching on to their identity politics and psychosis.
  6. Keep your guns... on your person. I pity the fool who tries this where me and my compatriots are assembled. Gun free zones only guarantee unlimited opportunities for psychopaths.
  7. And are you a flower power child who hated the CIA’s secrets until they illegally spies on Trump?
  8. This is awesome!!! How ironic that the flower power children who hated and never trusted the FBI and CIA , now champion their illegal spying and coup against a presidential candidate. Bizzaro world
  9. So great!!! Can’t write this stuff. The left is nothing but pure wackos. The scary thing is, these wackos are spreading.
  10. How’s that Russian Collusion turning out? Any evidence yet? Besides overwhelming evidence of Clinton involved with Russia?!
  11. Perfectly said! Never give up your guns!!!
  12. My bads... didn’t look for a political forum on this board. With how often people brought up politics in regular threads, I assumed(and have made an ace out of me)that this was OK. Please move if need be. I didn’t mean to create a quagmire on the off the walls board.
  13. I would love for him to post on these forums!
  14. NBA sucks. Bunch of blowhards. Kerr bashes on NFL for Anthem rule, yet NBA has stricter Anthem rules. It’s been fixed since the 80’s... just ask any ex-ref. These Prima Donnas are a joke. It’s almost worse than Soccer(men’s)... but not quite.
  15. This blows Watergate out of the water! ? how is this not on constant news cycles with the main stream media, unless they have an agenda? It would seem the most “transparent” presidency of the previous administration is anything but. Sounds like the web of deceit is about to unravel. Hopefully they prosecute those associated with the Clinton crime family, like they would a common citizen.
  16. But he’s looking for girls
  17. Man, I hope you’re right! I was stoked to just make the playoffs, now my heads spinning at the possibility of being Stanley Cup Champs. We need to start fast though... a lot of time off.
  18. The way they embraced our community and vice versa, especially after the October Shooting... I wouldn’t call the Golden Knights anything other than “We”. Hopefully sometime in the future, you will feel emotionally attached enough to a team that you would be comfortable calling them “we” or “us”. Between season tickets and random game bets here and there, I’m up about quite a bit. Wish I took the 500/1 odds at the beginning of the season though. Ugh! I’m almost up 10k, thanks to my knights. (If “we” made you chuckle, “My knights” probably makes you giggle shart right in your boxer briefs)
  19. They don’t have a son... they have an animal that needs put down. If you take a life(s) in cold blood, then yours should be taken also. I wish those parents lost their son the day he shot up the school. I don’t understand the line of thinking, wanting to keep that kind of animal alive. If he commits suicide, oh well. I’d rather they let the families of the deceased dole out the execution. Yeah, it’s best to stay outside hiding behind a cop car, so you bullets don’t accidentally hit an innocent person. Worked well in Florida.
  20. I’m interested to see if we change it up. Maybe do the scene from Independence Day.
  21. This will be a fun championship series
  22. Yeah, cause everyone hates it when minority unemployment is at an all time low. Or having a booming economy. Or fixing our trade policies. Really sucks having so few people on food stamps now. We get it, you hate the black community and love to see minorities jobless, leaching off the government, with no hope to better their lives. You would rather illegal immigrants take the jobs away from Americans of color. The black community is the most negatively affected group by illegal workers. But you don’t care about that, cause all trump supporters are dumb trailer trash hill billies.
  23. I never liked him as a college prospect. So much like James Hardy. Fast, long, can jump, and a sub-par football player. He looks uncoordinated, can’t separate, and is weak when fighting for the ball. I was glad we didn’t draft him, and will be glad if we don’t pick him up now.
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