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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. And that they came from shithole countries more or less. Of course he wouldn’t say it to Bernie or a white person. And of course anyone would be fired for saying this to an American black coworker in a workplace. Good luck getting movement from him. I don’t see it as an organized nefarious plot. The tweeting human is our president not Jon from Nevada. Prosecute the law breakers.
  2. He said Americans weren’t from America but some other country. You should try out your go back to your country line in a workplace to a black coworker, or just the next black person who messes up your latte order. Should be well received. Agree with much of this, if it makes you feel better. Russians interfered in our election. I’m glad we investigated. Dems got way out over their skis on wishful thinking Trump colluded. He didn’t. Intel agencies are filled with humans. Some don’t like Trump. And Obama was a terrible President. Only slightly less divisive than Trump.
  3. ? I didn’t take a hard stand on Trump and Russia. I wanted more info when the story broke. I’ve said many times in the last year that I don’t believe there was collusion between Trump and Russia, and the entire thing became a divisive waste of time (and still is).
  4. You’re both wrong. He said they were from catastrophic, corrupt countries. Then he told them to go back to those countries. If if you want to defend what he said as having no racist undertones, it’s a stretch, but at least stick to that. But if you do, you can’t redeem him by defending his statement as accurate because it’s not. Ivanka and Melania got to him and we got the softest backpeddle. That’s about all we will see.
  5. I’m no different than I ever was. When there is discourse I engage. When there is conspiracy nonsense, I mock it endlessly. It’s just the norm here now so I do it more. The new trend of just pasting tweets here is the pinnacle of lazy “dialog.” I generally don’t engage. And if you’re lucky, I try to make things nicer here and add a poem once in a while.
  6. Actually he said that they came from other countries. Not just her. Then he told them them to go back home. His wife and kid already took him to the woodshed. That statement is as much as you can expect. We will see what happens at future rallies. I expect I could predict what he will say word for word. “You know *they* don’t like it when you do that chant. They are very mean to me But we have to be nice to them...”
  7. The economy is all that matters and I won’t say it like Carville. It’s a dream that any administration and congress would address the debt.
  8. Plenz gets lumped as a liberal, as do I. Why? Because we actively criticize Trump for the things we disagree with him on. Ill start posting Twitter opinions of others. That’s not lazy.
  9. He says she should go back to her home country on twitter, then stares off and takes no action (ala McCain’s classy moment) when the chant happens days later, and now “is not happy with it.” When Trump is speaking in bull####-ese, one of his tells is “I think you know this:” See above.
  10. If you criticize Trump here, you’re assumed to be a wild-eyed liberal.
  11. July 30 Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, Gov. Steve Bullock, former Rep. John Delaney, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, Rep. Tim Ryan and author Marianne Williamson. July 31 Former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Cory Booker, former HUD Secretary Julián Castro, entrepreneur Andrew Yang, Sen. Michael Bennet, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Gov. Jay Inslee.
  12. A six footer swam within a few hundred yards of the beach a few weeks ago where I was sitting in NJ. The lifeguard rowed out and another joined on a jet ski. They kind of escorted it away from shore. Only kept swimmers out of the water for 30 minutes. I’ve seen similar size sharks paddle boarding in the mornings. Doesn’t thrill me but it happens. The rays and dolphins are way cooler and not scary.
  13. He’s in the logs (unverified) for pedoAir 26 times. I’ve not seen him tied to 26 trips to the island. Not that it matters. Someone will get to the bottom of it. Clinton has a pretty public schedule. It won’t be that hard to line up his travel with those logs. And if Epstein was running an underage sex ring for powerful men, which may be make-believe, it will be ugly.
  14. That just makes them easier. Pelosi knows she she needs the squad to shut up or they will lose the White House. She ideologically sympathizes with them more than she shows, but Nancy knows how to play the game. Trump vs The Squad gets Trump a second term. Trump vs a moderate could win the Dems the presidency. And Trump gets this too. You even see Harris understanding this. She raises her hand to say she wants to get rid of private insurance (her belief probably) but then walked it back because she knows that’s not a general election winner. Harris is trying hard to move middle enough that she can eventually win the general. Smart of her.
  15. Plus Allen got minimal snaps in camp last year and the starting WRs were mostly gone by the middle of the season. And he had maybe the second worst line in the NFL generating no protection or running game. I don’t expect him to be Brady but he should be better. One thing we might see this year with more passing yards is more INTs. Josh takes chances.
  16. This happened last night. Trump made the statement 4 days ago. We are seeing the payoff from his leadership on this now. I have an attention span capable of encompassing more than 24 hours. I even remember when he attacked the Khan family.
  17. “Send her back” won’t be going away. Don’t expect a McCain-like leadership moment where Trump intervenes to explain to his supporters why they should not be chanting that any time soon.
  18. I'm a big Gaiman fan but didn't love this book--the series was light and amusing: My daughter and I watched it together and had fun with it. Tenet is excellent.
  19. Three of Six pipes up. Here's what's wrong with your model. 1 - I disagree with Tibs on just about everything. 2 - I have no idea who Butfex is or what he thinks other than his stupid nazi crap yesterday. 3 - I am McGee Return TD.
  20. The billsChan cheerleading squad will no doubt agree. But unlike the majority of the Congress that agreed what he said was racist, I appreciate the political move of moving the squad to the fore. If this election is Trump vs the squad, he wins.
  21. Anyone who doesn’t see his move to use racist language to unite the squad and Pelosi as politically advantageous is an idiot. It’s just a sad world where a racist trope can be used in this way and not be widely condemned.
  22. Same place, same era. Great volleyball scene was developing in Rochester with Cal and the PACE teams back then. On topic, go to the beach often during the summer and my parents live on Lake Erie not too far from Crystal Beach. Great beaching there.
  23. Someone already beat you to this joke brother.
  24. It's good that you gave up on this track Jim. With age comes wisdom.
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