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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Agreed 100%. It's not like it hasn't happened before but it's still bad. Slime begets slime.
  2. Don’t need to wait that long. There’s always at least one job opening coming.
  3. So Congress has to do its job? I’m ok with them undoing their mess.
  4. That’s a charmingly crass assumption. Should we measure d—-s too? I’d say entitlement programs can be cut substantially. It’s clear you don’t think paying down the debt is a priority. I’d happily pay more to pay it down if I trusted Congress to take aggressive action to address the problem. Give me a fiscally responsible candidate and I’ll vote for them. As I have in the past.
  5. The Republican Party has no credibility with respect to spending. Anytime an R politician not named Paul talks about financial responsibility, people should burst out laughing.
  6. Relationships are complicated.
  7. Reading one side’s metal brief in a case isn’t illuminating. Especially in criminal defense.
  8. I have no problem paying more taxes. But nothing in Congress's behavior indicates that increased tax revenue will be used responsibly. If Congress slashed its expenditures and had any backbone to show it was taking spending seriously, I would actually welcome a tax increase. THat would be an investment in a chance for smaller government and a strong future for America. I’d look at that like a JFK moon challenge.
  9. Let’s hope this is finally the end of an important inquiry turned spectacle. Mueller clearly has nothing new to share and already will be sticking to the report. If someone wants to start impeachment for obstruction, they are not getting more from Mueller than they already have. Pelosi has indicated that she has no appetite for impeachment, a position I hope she sticks to.
  10. Uhh what? I’d like Congress to be some version of as fiscally responsible with its spending as Rand Paul advocates.
  11. Because that’s what I said, right? There is no sacred cow, including the military. Including, well, everything. But in this case I’m reacting to Trump patting himself on the back for working to spend more than he’s taking in. Yay us. Lower taxes and spend more is the Rep way. It can’t ever cause a problem right? Directed at the tweet, not the paster. I would never say that to you. I’m married for 25 years. My life is set on that front.
  12. We spend almost 40% of the world’s defense spending and nearly 3x of China, who is number 2. Blow me.
  13. Ah yes, the buildup to an election, that time of year when our politicians increase the debt and set future fiscal restrictions they will reset in 2 years. From the Ds, it’s who they are and they are unabashed about it. From the spineless Rs, it’s who they are, but say they are not. Dont just stand there Congress, spend something.
  14. 40,000 NASA employees were in on the cover-up. Q is real.
  15. You can quit on the majority of the country. I choose to believe in the people in both parties and independents.
  16. It’s a republic, if you can keep it. Quitters go home.
  17. We disagree. Let’s give up. Problem solving methods passed down from from the baby boomer generation.
  18. Executive orders are a president’s best friend. See Bush, Obama,Trump.
  19. I won’t bore everyone with a detailed answer. Obama was awful. One of the most divisive presidents until Trump. Obama was truly terrible. And an investigation into Russian meddling was 100% worth it. But it went too long and far too afield. It should have ended much sooner than it did and turned into a witch-hunt. Although at least in its Russian collusion conclusions it got to what seemed like a good answer. The people who broke the law, the already-prosecuted and investigators who may be prosecuted, should be prosecuted depending on what was or will be found. I believe Mueller did a good job of the former and Barr will do a good job with the later.
  20. Maybe the most unifying moment in the history of the world. Not sure I can think of anything that rivals it, with so many people invested in a successful outcome. Hats off to you humans, and cheers especially to my fellow Americans.
  21. This is 100% truth. It’s hard to find the crew here being critical of Trump.
  22. You’re just not used to this probably. This has been happening for years. She’s just the first pres candidate to follow the youth. I spent the spring and early summer visiting colleges. Nearly every tour guide did this. “Hi I’m Sarah and I use she/her pronouns.” The first time was totally off putting. By the 10th time, I was just hoping someone would make my older brain work hard to match their pronoun preference with my assumption. Alas no one did that.
  23. He said they were from other countries. Then in the next sentence he said they should go back to those places. But according to the Trump apologists, his clearly wrong statement in the first sentence has zero relation to the second sentence. Haha haha. The words are not that hard to read. BG posted them above.
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