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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Thank you Joe. I try to delete threads that seem to make no positive impact in the community. So so far I’ve gone 0-4 on PPP but I’ll keep trying. I love you guys!
  2. Hey, 


    If you ever want to take a stab at hanging out with a bunch of caring and compassionate people who have all been through a lot, my brother is super active in AA and it probably saved his life. Set aside getting sober or straight, he benefitted a lot from just helping other people in trouble. 


    Set this aside for now or ignore it, but if you ever want to find someone who really has some compassion, I'll give you his number. He is the best listener and can put you in touch with others who will not only help, but will benefit from you and your story. Believe it or not, other people need your help too.


    Plus he's a Bills fan too so he knows depression.



    1. BeginnersMind


      Oh, and I suck balls at noticing these messages so if you write, it might take me a day or two to respond. NEVER for one second think I've ignored you. I will respond within minutes of seeing you wrote. 

    2. outsidethebox


      Thanks Steve, I willseriously consider your offer. Thank you.

  3. So sorry Westside. Life is so short and precious. Not just hers but yours. I can’t really understand what you are feeling, but I and so many offer our compassion. You are not the only person that feels like this. There are so many people who feel some version of what you feel. This board (And the Internet) is not much of a place to seek and find the best support but what we can offer, I'm sure we do. Not all the advice that's sure to come but just the "We are here." It's real and true.
  4. I care about character more than wins or faith, and I hope McD does too. If he gets a pillar of the community who has no faith in Jesus, I sure hope he goes after him. A person's actions speak louder than his beliefs.
  5. As a fan I don’t pay attention to the president/marketing director much. Seriously. Nothing against him. Just true.
  6. No it’s not. Let the mania settle. Do an interview leading up to training camp about vision excitement etc.
  7. I understand the awards and emoji reactions but this should be quoted 1000000000 times. I dont have any idea if she will do a good job. But look at the history with experts. If she runs it like a business, and if she makes winning a goal, than that’s her job. I like that it won’t be a moronic boys club. And she’s local. Go get em Kim. Yes. I hope she brings in the analytics people for real. Run a business. Not a boys club of jocks.
  8. You can do good and bad things. Most of us do.
  9. Take a look at an Allen thread.
  10. All your base are belong to us. Nicely done.
  11. You know what I’d do if I got picked in the draft? I’d be googling around to find my future fans because I’d be excited. And TBD is the online home of the fan base. And of course this is the thread he’s reading. If you dont think he’s read this thread, you’re nuts. It takes him 5 minutes to get the gist of what Bills “fans” comprise.
  12. Hes not thrilled as he reads this thread. He now thinks, rightfully, that the fans are punky jerks who aren’t giving him much of a welcome. Instead he reads this thread and knows that people think he’s “trash.” Well done “fans.” We can do better.
  13. Favre succeeded despite a million INTs because he could sling it.
  14. It’s a false dichotomy to say they had the choice of the best passer vs the biggest bust potential. You could also say they had the choice of the strongest passing arm vs the guy with the biggest chance to retire in 6 months due to concussions. Bills swung for the fences. I like that. If they missed, they missed. Tick tock. My life goes on.
  15. 89999997 mock drafts showing him as a top 10 pick agree with you.
  16. All the anger and upset. Haha. Let it go people. Enjoy the moment. Have a little fun. It is a game. It is entertainment. Our little corner of fans just added two good young kids. I’m now the hugest Allen and Edwards supporter on the planet. Thats not Pollyanna. If they play badly, I’ll comment on it. But for now I’m enjoying these great talents joining the Bills and doing good things on and off the field.
  17. Bill—the Internet allows the small scared person to fee big and criticize people who *do,* and not just criticize, but do it in a way that makes them look ugly. The Bills fan base held out a long time not turning into the rest of the fan bases, with a higher level of optimism, collegiality, and respect. I hope the fans will come around. Not on Allen, but just as people. As the last to give in, I believe they can be the first to recover. But it will take time. I share all the concerns about Allen. But it’s not like they drafted Ray Allen or Alan Alda. They picked a consensus top ten pick. Hard working. Smart. Beloved teammate. I like the upside. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Someone gets paid to make that decision. My family and life won’t be affected by a bad pick except for Sunday afternoons in the fall! This guy is a case study. He’s probably better than this and can be a better person starting right now!
  18. Google NFL mock draft 2018. Let me know how many you find that don’t have Allen in the top 10. By by the way, you can also Google mother Theresa and Nazi and read for hours. Not because of his shoulder surgery, two concussions in a year in the current climate? Rosen is more ready for sure. But he is frightening.
  19. You have a good point. Running a pro style Passing offense with lesser talent is a tough spot for a QB. Way too easy to defend the crap WRs. Allen could be much better than Winston given your argument.
  20. Winston improved his accuracy by 5% since enemtering NFL. That’s the knock on Allen. Put him to work on it. I’m concerned but I trust the process and also trust that he’s going to bust his ass to improve.
  21. Nearly nearly impossible to find a mock draft online that shows Allen dropping past 8. But he pros in this thread peg him as undraftable bust. Funny stuff.
  22. Trent Edwards is the next Joe Montana. People say things. Matt Ryan had 2.7% more completed passes than Allen in college. It is a concern. But it’s not unheard of that dedicated smart players improve. The 16 years old tweets using the word “nigga” are something he’ll address day one. No one will beat him up for that. His teammates love him. He’s a baller. Whether he will be a good QB. Who knows. Hope he will be!
  23. Best arm. Highest Wonderlic. Ideal size. Stellar leadership and teammate. Accuracy issues. They all had question marks. Im going to trust the process and enjoy the kid. Seems like a good young man.
  24. Nobody wanted. Hilarious. 6 teams didn’t want him. That’s all you know. And lots of people pegged him as No 1. Be realistic: This is not Aaron Maybin.
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