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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. I would not call Deranged a liar--I believe that he speaks his truth--but he does avoid the 9-11 topic like it's the third rail.
  2. Allen looked OK given the putrid line. I have no problem is he starts or sits. Play the best guy. This is going to be a rough season.
  3. When the pressure is coming up the middle, there's no "there" to step into.
  4. Even those aren’t required. But helping other people is maybe something we can aspire to, no?
  5. Exhibit A. Lots of posters in this thread could do better. Maybe the time to call McCain a traitor, and call the people saying he's a traitor pieces of garbage, is not in the thread commemorating his impending death. We had every day before today to discuss McCain. And we will have many days to come. But maybe for a few weeks, we can show we're not the Westboro Baptist Church.
  6. I hope his final days are with his family and loved ones.
  7. I don't like it either, but it represents a mindset. LaDexter has called me a traitor to my race, and I guess I'd be insulted if I didn't welcome his scorn.
  8. Appreciating the idea of making this a better board. I would excuse no one, including me, from needing to make that effort. And I would say it's a mistake to blame new people for it. This place hasn't changed much except that it's grown in population. Trolling, name-calling, boys-club all create an atmosphere that detracts from this forum being what it could be, which is a place to debate ideas. I've sent a note to every person who launches a personal attack to talk to me off line so we act like grown ups and move that kind of middle school BS off the board. It hasn't worked, but it speaks to what people want this board to be: A place where name calling in public is tolerated and encouraged. One person said that I need to grow up and that's what a message board is. Of course he's right, but it doesn't have to be. For example, I disagree with DR/TYTT and LaDexter's conspiracy take, BUT I like that they post about it. So I'm happy to punch at it. I welcome that. But when our dialog here falls to a string of name calling and one-upping on the name-calling, it feels very middle school. The trolling is a waste of space but take a look at how many responses Tiberius gets and you see that it works. Guys posting here for decades respond to him every time.
  9. I'm not sure why you curse at me and call me names. Just noting that you keep doing it. What do you think happened on 9-11? Anything besides terrorists flying 3 out of 4 planes into buildings? Anything about building 7? Explosives. Missile into Pentagon? Mossad involvement? Deep State?
  10. We agree that the information coming as a result the plea deal is as yet unknown. We agree that Cohen's attorney says there's more to come from Cohen, after the deal. The only other thing I said is that the president's fixit man is talking, and that's not good for the president. You disagree with, what, then that I said?
  11. Check the Deep State and Q threads. He's referring to the conspiracy group here at PPP, of which I don't believe Tom is one. The Rothchild/Q crew have a whole coup story going on. The Q guy speaks in some kind of pidgin but his adherents seem to believe that Mueller is part of a countercoup lead by Trump and a bunch of crime-fighting heroes against the coup (Clinton et al.) that already happened. It's a bit far down the rabbit hole to dig it all out but that's the gist. Interpreting Tiberius interpreting Deranged Rhino interpreting Q/Deep State stories... I did not drink enough tonight.
  12. We don't know what exactly he will say. We do know that his attorney says there's more to come. And either way, when someone's personal attorney says he'll sing, it's not good for the someone.
  13. I'm sorry to have fueled both of your anger. Lanny Davis said yesterday that Cohen has even more to discuss. We will see.
  14. Maybe you didn't hear Cohen's attorney yesterday and today. In your unerring eagerness to shout hypocrisy, you ignore the spoken words of those in the story. Engaging in discussion instead of always going for the "hypocrisy" and "moron" label will lead to more productive dialog here.
  15. Tell me how they are inconsistent. None of know us what he said, but when the president's dirty-deed personal attorney agrees to talk, that is NOT a good day. It's doesn't matter what he has. I tend to agree that what he has is likely not earth shattering, but that doesn't mean Trump wants his personal attorney talking freely. Who would?
  16. You and I have no idea what he has agreed to testify to in exchange for the plea. The point is this: When the president's Mr. Wolf agrees to spill the beans, that's not a good day for the president. Any other spin is naive.
  17. Election fraud of this type is a pretty small crime. She's trying to conflate this into more than it is. It's offensive, and it shows the "character" of the man, but this is not an impeachable offense. Democrats should use this for what it is, not what it's not. It's embarrassing when they do this.
  18. The president's fixer is going to talk. Cohen will be able to pull in witnesses, and provide documentary support. I don't know where this is going but isn't good for Trump.
  19. Attack her policy statements. Her political philosophy. But you attack her as a “whore” and “bimbo.” It’s as classless and childish as joesixpack and westside calling Michelle a tranny. We can do better. It starts with you.
  20. Maybe merge this with Deep State and Q/N threads?
  21. When the POTUS’s personal attorney pleads guilty and is happy to sing like a canary, it is the lead story in the free press. 4th story at Fox—even they couldn’t ignore this one.
  22. Why are you attacking her? Trump gives us all plenty to be concerned about, including the indicted colleagues above and his Omarosa-like posse. Going after Ivanka, Baron etc for proximity to him is not kind or fair. There is a group here that has attacked Michelle Obama and Chelsea Clinton in the same way—it’s boys lockerroom reasoning that demeans is all. We can be better than that.
  23. LaDexter could write nearly the same thing about most of us, don't you think? I guarantee that he can provide more "voluminous" source material for how the Holocaust didn't happen than you can provide that the Deep State/Rohtchild's are running things and that Trump is the One Who Will Bring Balance to the Force. If I have a belief here, it's this: This board's conspiracy people are buying a never-ending, ever-evolving narrative, and constantly conforming the events of today to fit the vague words of people like Q. People who buy this, especially as they grow in number, do indeed concern me. Because they are often mislead to believe odd things (Hillary in an ankle monitor), and are often zealots--a combination that is bound to result in dangerous action on the part of the most hard-core believers. I believe that people are imperfect. That government reflects that. That most of us just want a peaceful place to raise our kids. And actually, we mostly have it in this country, but are for some reason anxious to create all this nonsense about how terrible things are for some reason.
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