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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. The Bills 2-3 year regime change cycle has worked so well for the last 3 decades. It's no surprise that the fans want to keep up that track record of success.
  2. This is the year to do it. Young QB. Young LB. Both would struggle this year. Let them learn and improve next year. I am 100% behind the decision, and will judge Beane on where the team is after the 2020 season. At that point, he will have made the team better, or not.
  3. What team would you not say that about? We'd give up Shady in that deal but the balance of the other 9 would far outweigh the that loss.
  4. This doesn't kill your credibility but it shows some awful bias. He couldn't throw when Jones raised his hand because he was moving. Then he had to do a quick set and throw out of his movement to his left, which would affect his accuracy on, wait for it, a ball that traveled 64 yards in the air. If he had hit that throw in stride, it would be the throw of the last 20 years for a Bills QB. He has to fix his accuracy issues for sure, but he was not "all over the place.". He was under constant pressure, behind the entire game, and playing tight. This entire season is a classroom. Let's see if he can improve. It's going to be a few years to see if he gets there. I was OK with his performance. All I want from him week to week this year is to finish the game, which means he didn't have a disaster. He has a lot of the right pieces. He did underthrow him, but watch that again. It's a tougher throw.
  5. It's interesting when Senators do everything in their book of tricks to block a nominee. No party has the high ground on treatment of nominees, and neither party seems to want to improve the process. Ford says she will testify if called. As of late this morning, her attorney said no senator had contacted her yet, which, since this is a breaking story, seems about right.
  6. When Allen went under center for his 7th time in the game, it was 14-0. Let's try to avoid that in the future. Allen looked like a high pick rookie QB. Some good, some bad. We are all going to see better and worse this season. The problem is that he has no line, no running game, no WRs. And probably no defense. But besides that Mrs Lincoln, how was the show?
  7. Same thing happened last week on the punt. Bunch of Bills had the ball the ball was never out...but parts of their bodies were. That rule is clear and so was the call. Bummer in the moment, but it was right.
  8. Shrewd people use circumstances to their advantage. Trump, who is not part of the swamp in his supporter's POV, uses people as props all the time. She's the passed pawn and their only shot at derailing Kavanaugh, who would otherwise fly through.
  9. Feinstein timed this to perfection. She had the entire process to ask about this, but chose to do it after, in the hopes to delay the vote until after the mid-term. Ford contacted the Washington Post back when he was nominated, and they chose to do nothing on the story. They have not said why, but probably because there was no corroborating evidence (the shrink's notes from 2012 are OK but of course the shrink didn't name names--which is smart). The real trick will be if the release will sway and of the fence-sitting Rs to move to delay.
  10. Pretty stunning find of a letter penned by Reagen to his dying father-in-law (Nancy's father). The entire letter can be seen in the article. A deep insight into the man's faith.
  11. Strikes me this way too. It's early but his flashes are bright and he could disrupt half a field as OLB. Another tough test this week.
  12. Well Vince Davis’s retirement worked. Bills only gave up 3 points in the team’s two quarters post retirement. In 6 quarters with him starting, they gave up 65. Addition by subtraction.
  13. I don’t know. Woodward’s books on Obama, particularly Obama’s Wars, painted him in a much harsher light than this Trump book paints Trump. He may lean lean left but he casts a critical eye on many. There was influence peddling by Russia into the Trump campaign obviously. But collusion is a big leap from that, and there’s never been any report of credible evidence on that front in the media despite all the teeth gnashing. And my source for that is...the media.
  14. In the other thread, everyone is saying not to believe a word Woodward says. Fun stuff. Of course there is no collusion.
  15. Just go to Reddit and look it up.
  16. What did you think of his books attacking Obama? I read the book, as I noted. Nothing in it seemed revelatory. It's a fun read and does a good job showing off Trump as a sometimes pretty effective, if wildly chaotic, leader. His portrayals of Obama were of a thin skinned and ineffective leader. Out of curiousity, did you read the book?
  17. Oy vey (amiright @LaDexter ?). Teachers are 100% the whiniest profession, hands down, runaway train. You know who works after 5pm? MOST PEOPLE. Get the f%$# over yourselves already. The last time I got a summer off, I was 13 and my dad made me shingle the house in cedar shakes shingles. To them: Do your job and act like a man. I love teachers. I support teachers. I respect teachers. But STFU already.
  18. About 50% of the way through the book. I doubt most here will read it, but I don't think it paints Trump in a particularly bad light. Working through it, I actually like the guy and he makes me laugh out loud a lot. Summarizing one anecdote between Trump, and I believe David Bossie (and others): Bossie: "One of the obstacles to you getting elected is that you don't vote in every election." Trump: "I vote in every election." Bossie: "You have voted in one primary election in your life, in 1988." Trump: "That's a lie." Bossie: "There are records." Trump: "Yeah, that was for Rudy. They keep records?" Bossie: "Yes, just of your attendance to vote." Trump: "OK. We can overcome that." I imagine that's how Trump approaches the world. Step 1: My way is right. Step 2: When Step 1 is incorrect, Step 1 is still correct. Step 3: When Step 2 is incorrect and cannot be denied, punch someone, anyone. Woodward paints Bannon in a flattering light (from my perspective). Woodward also continues to malign Obama's leadership, just like he did in the Obama books he wrote. There's nothing revelatory, but it is a fun read. The title of "Fear" was smart to draw the crazy left readers, but a more appropriate title might have been "Chaos." I don't see much evidence of "Fear" anywhere in the book. I am not afraid of Trump after reading it, not that I ever was. He is deeply invested in peace, oddly obsessed with dictators, a bit obsessed about the"look" of certain people, amoral, impulsive, funny in his bombastic way, is anti-free trade like a caveman despite almost everyone but Navarro trying to convince him otherwise, and clearly aware that his "team" walks his worst instincts back. He may not always know what is being walked back, but he knows it happens. He also believes that he can get anything he wants done. Enjoyable read. 1 1 Woodward was not an Obama fan and seemed to prefer both Bushes.
  19. I’m fine with the decision. But poor kid has barely worked with the 1s. Excitement for Sunday spiked though!
  20. Me too. I didn’t attack his post but responded regarding the process. He just wants to complain, not discuss.
  21. 3/5 of those guys were not in the team Beane took over. But somehow this mess is his fault. It will take years to undo the Whaley Ryan disaster.
  22. Don't get me wrong: I have no idea if McDermott and Beane are the guys to do it. But I also know that if we just run them out of town after 3 years, it's not fair. They probably got the worst cap and age situation handed to them in the last 20 years. The playoffs last year were against all odds. And we all knew it.
  23. Last year, a bunch of vets played their hearts out and got lucky to make the playoffs on a team with a -57 point differential. 2 pro bowlers from that team are no longer in football, the rest aged, and they are paying 50 million to players not on the roster. And the #1 pick isn't contributing because he needs to develop. Beane tried to fix it with smoke and mirrors last year and this with short term cap friendly contracts to aging vets, but until the team clears age and cap hell, there's not a great foundation in Buffalo. There is literally NOTHING to build on for the 3-4 year future from last year except Dawkins and White...maybe Milano. No other player from 2017-2018 will be on the team in 2020. Think about how bad that is. That is the turd sandwich courtesy of Whaley and Ryan. There is no quick fix, but the fixing starts over the next two years. Hopefully after 3 years of drafting and smarter cap management, the team can start to resemble something. If you think a pop gun quick fix of drafting a WR this year would fix the hell they are in, you're nuts. This team clears cap hell next season. Their young QB, who they do not want to ruin by putting him in too early, needs to grow. There is hardly a single position where they don't need help. Cap hell and 2 more drafts could put them in a spot where they may improve. I just hope management doesn't cave to a frustrated fan base and change the GM and coach who got handed literally nothing to work with. How is the plan of changing a coach and GM every third year working out over the last 20+ years? And yes, let's attack McDermott and Beane for not hanging on to a guy who wanted more money...but couldn't lead a TD drive in the playoffs. And who completed 30% of his passes Sunday. Or blame them for getting rid of AJ McCarron...who was clearly lining up to save the season! At least they got a pick for him. God only knows what the Raiders were thinking.
  24. Last year, a bunch of vets played their hearts out and got lucky to make the playoffs on a team with a -57 point differential. 2 pro bowlers from that team are no longer in football, the rest aged, and they are paying 50 million to players not on the roster. And the #1 pick isn't contributing because he needs to develop. What's so hard to understand about the process? Beane tried to fix it with smoke and mirrors last year and this with short term cap friendly contracts to aging vets, but until the team clears age and cap hell, there's not a great foundation in Buffalo. There is literally NOTHING to build on for the 3-4 year future from last year except Dawkins and White...maybe Milano. No other player from 2017-2018 will be on the team in 2020. Think about how bad that is. That is the turd sandwich courtesy of Whaley and Ryan. There is no quick fix, but the fixing starts over the next two years. Hopefully after 3 years of drafting and smarter cap management, the team can start to resemble something.
  25. Last year's wins were smoke and mirrors, as you know. That was a miraculous season in terms of results for what was closer to a 5-11 team in talent. The only reason they got to 9-7 was because of crazy turnover ratios in the first several games of the season. So take the 5 win team and add some spice of: Incognito loses his mind and Woods retires. That's not something they could have predicted. Now draft a guy at #7 that they need to develop (and they do), and you also have a first round talent who's not helping this season, which makes them worse. Then add that last year, they were getting *some* production from the players they are paying 47 million in dead cap space to this year. (The only guy with moderate talent that they gave up for little was Dareus and his was the worst of all contracts. ) All this amounts to what is, indeed, a building process. When the Sixers used "Trust the Process," all the fans knew that it meant they would be tanking for a few years to get good picks and jettison terrible contracts. And slowly build a culture. It did not happen in 2 years, or even 4. And it was not a steady rise. You cannot fix something this broken (You do remember Rex Ryan right? Not to mention decades of awful management...this team has barely a draft pick on it from the last 5 years!) in a couple years. It will take a whole bunch of years for the organization and team to reflect what this duo+Kim is trying to do, and this year should be the worst one. If you want to attack Star, AJ, Davis, and Murphy signings, I get it. But with the exception of AJ, they are on one-year deals and never part of the future. Beane took a flyer that some vets might help patch something together this season. After one game, I won't judge all of those decisions but I also don't care much. Of course I want them to win, but I'd rather have 3-13 this year, clear this cap hell they are in, and look for improvement next year. If this team isn't markedly better after year 4, with a better cast of players and a team trending upwards towards what looks like several years of playoff appearances, there's a problem. Right now, there's not. What I know won't work: Firing another coach/GM after 17 games like the "Fan Owners" want. That's been proven for, umm, 30 ish years in Buffalo.
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