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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. That was my point. It’s a red meat topic. One we need to address but down the list. How about we address social security? Military waste? The debt? Balanced budgets? Oh no a caravan is coming—Nom nom nom red meat yummy.
  2. Immigration is a red meat issue like abortion, gay marriage, trans bathrooms, guns. It affects few people but gets people's panties in a bunch. Tackling things like social security, bank regulation, military overspending, executive authority...I'm falling asleep already...wake me up when I get to something important...oh I got one: Stormy Daniels! Now I'm woke. I am not against securing the border. But I am for less restrictive LEGAL immigration policy as well. We *need* immigrants.
  3. I was wrong! CNN reported it later than some guy's tweet. That's yuge! Media bias! I would never do it but can you imagine doing these "when did they report it" gotcha studies for FoxNews? Meme-Man, get on that for us will ya?
  4. That's a strong counterpoint to a person who says "seeking a better life entitles you to break into my house and take my money." two four six oh one
  5. You went out and found the Meme-Man's source? Awesome! I definitely didn't do that. I generally find his sources to lack all manner of objectivity. I'll skip doing deeper CNN research not because I care, but because I felt dumb having done it initially. You can win. B-Man was slow to get this important info out. This topic is silly. Everyone reported it...and it's a "who care's" level story anyways.
  6. Meme-Man! It took about 3 seconds to prove this bit of bot-logic wrong. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/11/14/michael-avenatti-arrest-domestic-violence-mj-lee-ebof-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/top-news-videos/ Check the time stamp. And they may have reported it sooner but that was just what popped up in a 2 second search.
  7. We have a system for legal immigration. We should let in whoever makes it through that system. Follow the legal process. The immigrant caravan is demonized as criminals and an invasion, and been part of scare tactics to fire up an electorate. Some are criminal. But mostly they are people seeking a better life. It's a challenge, but one better approached through a lens of compassion than "target practice" jokes and dehumanization. They are humans. The NYC Jew is human. The Missisippi family on the bayou is human. None of them are beneath that threshold.
  8. One American pastor joined the caravan and is posting about it on Facebook. https://churchleaders.com/news/337415-caravan-in-mexico-pastor-wanted-know-truth-about-migrant-caravan-so-he-joined-it.html?fbclid=IwAR3xdiyMPW3Ep2tGp8xPIA6BNruAwzeNYO91kv8EYJa58dqgjeHSAXezwE8 The links to his posts are in that story. They are a little LAMPy but still from on the ground. Interesting to follow.
  9. They will shut up and be fine. A passing ripple.
  10. Star is better for the Bills, especially at the price.
  11. I am for anything that makes voting easier, more secure (voter IDs), and less susceptible to Broward County nonsense. I am confident in vote counting in most places but we are stuck in a 1910 time warp with lots of our voting laws. You can vote by mail in only 22 states, and most of those are limited. In PA, you can't do it unless you're disabled or traveling out of state.
  12. They need a huge base of people to draw from to add 25000-50000 new high-end jobs. Nashville doesn't have the bodies to support that and getting that many top people to move to Nashville is unlikely. Ask a top person to move to NYC for Amazon and it's easier because not only is Amazon there, but so are 10000 other potential employers for your partner and yourself. Amazon wants the deepest talent pool possible, which comes from proximity both to universities and to other big employers. It was always going to be a big city. I'm just glad it wasn't Boston. ***** them.
  13. Not a displeasure. Just a relationship strategy you acquire based on a life choice.
  14. The average salary of these workers is 150K/year. "...at least 25,000 new workers, making an average of what the company said would be $150,000." These are high-end white collar job sites. Not warehouse jobs.
  15. Not sure what you mean.
  16. I see 4 WRs in the first round in 2019 mock drafts. I don't follow NCAA football but that indicates plenty of options. No problem trading down either if they get good compensation.
  17. Agree. And you can find upgrades easily at all of these in the draft and through FA in a single year. They won't gel in a year but with exception of a good WR and maybe a good RT, none of those will cost a ton. This draft has good talent at tackle, guard, and WR assuming the Bills are in the top 12. Best player available will work just fine at positions of need. Hardest thing to find will be TE but a top TE is a unicorn anyways.
  18. I got a good look at him in the Bears game. Jogged through almost every route and flipper handed an INT right to the Bears. Last weekend was a tryout for a bunch of WRs. Pryor didn't do dick. He's probably better than KB but in KB, there's the possibility of a pick if we keep him.
  19. Attractive places though for the tech and white collar top talent Amazon wants to hire. I always thought it would be Northern Va but I'm happy that NYC got a slice too. It's good for the East Coast to get some big high tech investment. As far as the crazy tax incentives, it is indeed nuts. I've read that the incentives are often not worth it but I haven't seen enough data to reach a conclusion on that and it doesn't seem right in this case. Adding 25000 jobs averaging 150K each is ~4B in just personal income a year. The revenue spun off by those jobs and the work spun off into other businesses by proximity to those jobs would seem, on a back of a napkin, to easily make up for 2B in tax incentives over not too long of a time. Most cities would fall over themselves to get a 25000 jobs generating 4B a year in income plus all the other revenue spun off. I'd be curious to see economists, and not socialist whiners like Ocasio-Cortez, put up a real numbers analysis. Seems like it will be a huge net positive if Amazon sticks around.
  20. He didn't give me a quarter and a wink. That would be creepy--agreed. He gave me a quarter to go to the store and I was ignorant of the intent until years later.
  21. Have you been a parent wanting to have sex when your kid is in the house? I would think most parents would agree they have a strategy for that moment.
  22. I was a kid living near the Buffalo zoo in 1972. My dad would give me a quarter and send me to Parkside Candies on Main and Oakwood...when he needed to get rid old me so he could have sex. It was a smart move but I won’t relate it to the global economy.
  23. Jags are middle of the pack on run D. I'd rather pay Star's salary.
  24. Trump is posturing on the global stage. I agree that he's only after better deals, not a pure isolationism. My concern is watching trading blocs galvanizing in response to his tactics. I am not convinced that he couldn't carry the big stick more effectively for future deals and relationships. Our positions with Europe and China are totally different--and it seems that Trump often doesn't discuss that nuance. Queue the "you're naive" posts. I am OK with that.
  25. Tom is the kind of guy who will take his beating and not respond. I admire his humility, a lot.
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