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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Can 2020 be a year where Florida just votes and we get results? We all know far too much about Florida election law and county geography.
  2. The Dems will work compromises among themselves but it won't matter. The Rs couldn't unite to figure out how to get much done in the last 2 years rolling out legislation so I'll be in no hurry to call them some kind of united party. It gets old that they (any of the 535 "they" in Congress plus POTUS) can't work together in any meaningful way to reach a compromise. I don't blame one side. They are not doing their jobs when they won't work with the other side.
  3. The battle with China continues to be an interesting one to watch. Encouraging that some of the smaller nations are starting to push with the US against China. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-china-divisions-exposed-after-one-phrase-torpedoed-pacific-accord-1542543774?mod=hp_lead_pos3
  4. Agreed with the above portion of your post. The left overreaction to Trump is mostly due to style, not policy. If they could take a deep breath on his style, their biggest complaint would probably be on rolling back the failing ACA. And while I'm fine with what he did, he was unable to work with his majority to roll out a meaningful alternative, and that (along with many other important challenges) is getting kicked down the road again. That is his--and his party's--major fail in the last two years.
  5. It’s 32.00001 degrees and you’re melting if my remark about white guys playing cowboy video games got you so upset. Buck up buckaroo and go shoot up a saloon. The cowboy video game outrage in this thread is stupid. He white race manipulating the Georgia vote count accusation is stupid. But there is real racism in our country and it’s worth battling. Every charge of racism is not invalid. On this board, it’s in vogue to attack leftist racism.
  6. Making a joke about white guys playing video cowboy video games got your parties in a bunch too? Sorry to offend you too.
  7. There problem is more than a “handful of KKK nuts,” as I’m sure you know. The people who overblow the issue of race do the victims of racism no favors. But we can leave it since this is not the thread for that.
  8. Of course! Though there is also real racist ***** (see Charlottesville) and it’s important to call it out too.
  9. I love how making a joke about white guys playing the new cowboy video game on Friday night makes me a racist. I try not to indulge your illness DR but you’re sometimes too amusing for me to resist. You win this round in getting me to respond.
  10. So you make her head of football operations or some such thing. Head coach is ridiculous. the most valid counter to my position is “It’s the Browns.”
  11. Touche. But we agree on honkey dominated. This is the kind of consensus we need in Politics.
  12. Both are silly. The US can copy things that work politically or forest management wise to the extent they make sense. But we are different in ways that make copying Finland as relevant as copying mosquito control tactics in Antarctica.
  13. Not sure on age politics race and $$, but probably at least male dominated. But I was making an observation about the board in a jibe at the drunk guy. This board is definitely honkey right. His “observation” is that I hate white men. That would be news to me and most of my best friends are white guys and my family has a lot of them. It’s just him trying to incite something he believes to be true. Not taking up the points of discussion. I wouldnt make the comments about black mothers, not being one.
  14. Making an observation. Maybe I’m wrong and this board represents a political socio racial economic cross section of America. Bahahaha. No comment on the vote discussion?
  15. CA vs Finland. We should also take snow removal lessons from Mississippi. Maybe there are other things different about Finland. And North Carolina. Trump probably pictures the entirety of Finland with no undergrowth from endless raking by the Fin raking army.
  16. What’s your drink of choice?
  17. Comparing to NO is apt. It's only a matter of time...and the only way to extend the time is spending billions of dollars. Fires in CA are no different.
  18. He said the vote would happen after the mid terms. Of course no one knew about it but that’s his style. I have no problem with more cuts but this is looking a lot like Bush economics. Cut the tax revenue and not the spending. With the divided Congress, he ain’t getting that done. The Rs had their window for fiscal responsibility and blew it again. The Ds are not about to help.
  19. What if we have a parade like they have in France?
  20. Yes. But also shows how populism can backfire.
  21. Give people the benefit of the doubt at 11 on Friday night. This board has a lot of white guys without kids. It’s Red Dead Redemption night in America. I liked voting by mail when I used to travel a lot. It allowed me to do my research and vote at my liesure. So I’d like the ability to vote by mail. I like Oregon’s opt out at license registration. Once a criminal pays their dues, they should be allowed to vote. If some legislative body wants to split a baby and leave off murderers and sex offenders so be it. Voter ID laws are long overdue. How hard is it to carry an ID? Voting machines need updating. I’m looking at chads in Florida. In 2018. Open primaries would ease the stranglehold of the parties and make it harder for extreme candidates. This is a state issue. But as a registered non-affiliated voter, I get no say in primaries in my state. Also not against ranked choice voting where in big elections, you vote for 3 candidates. #1 vote getter wins. Some states have this and it would also mitigate the extremists. The founders set up a lot of checks to populism and extremists. It might be time for some updating. Most of the country is not polarized, but the people who shout the most and are in forums like this are.
  22. Stop making sense. There are no huge forest fires in the Amazon either and they don’t clear underbrush. This is a lot more complicated than clearing underbrush (as if that’s easy and good for forest health). This fire jumped highways and given the size it encompassed, you couldn’t clear all the underbrush. Lots of moving parts to these fires. There is no simple solution. Not solvable in a tweet.
  23. Clearing underbrush is not good for forest health. But it helps prevent fires. None of this has a simple solution or blame to be placed.
  24. Illegal immigrants as a portion of US population is on decline over the last decade. I was surprised to see that. I would have thought this was a spiking problem.
  25. And so was abortion and so was gay marriage. It’s the hot button du juor. You’ll note that kind of like Rs didn’t really care that much about gay marriage, Ds are not all that excited about immigration. It’s the perfect issue for Rs to stir their base. It doesn’t counter-excite the left. In 5 years, little will have changed and we will be on to something else.
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