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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. If he can backfit it to his preconceived notions, he posts it.
  2. Let’s all agree on one thing. Happy Kwanza.
  3. His anti free trade stupidity is also part of the liberal and now the repub playbook. FU to our allies is new and charming.
  4. Who here has backed antifa? (Crickets.) Thanks for the straw-racist.
  5. The respect he shows gold star families is awe-inspiring.
  6. A lot of people here seem to excuse every critique by his advisors as Deep State or some other disregarding of the source. So my question is: When would someone believe the closest insiders? His Sec of State and Defense Secretary have called him more or less unfit. His Chief of Staff has called him a moron or something like that. So who in his cabinet would you believe? He is headed for a cabinet of Sarah Sanders’s.
  7. Who among Trump’s advisors support and believe in more than Trump? Or is every one of his advisors not to be trusted and believed? I ask because he se he believed in the generals. Until hey didn’t believe in him. Is there anyone in his in his cabinet whose negative judgment of Trump you’d believe?
  8. Arent you the conspiracy poster boy? Welcome to the right board for you. Tell us more about those force-fed Jewish sob stories. I’m so sorry that you listened to those stories. It must have been really hard for you. Please tell us your pain. Holocaust is war? Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout Willis? If you reply, I get paid.
  9. If you use the search function, you will see this topic has been covered elsewhere. I thought his place was the Wild West. I’ve deleted 7-8 threads, not just those on the topics mentioned in Azalin’s post. I don’t delete to be mean—I just do it when it’s spun way off topic or devolved into just an attack thread (not just on me but others). Which that one did. I’m proud that deleting a thread about building positive online community brought us all together. We can work on the positivity but ... baby steps! With love and kisses to you all and Season’s Greetings to everyone except LSH who doesn’t want to celebrate the earth’s revolution around the Sun.
  10. This would be a welcome and interesting development. I'm sure the asylum seekers will not be thrilled to hang out in Mexico!
  11. I was agreeing with you but thanks for the objective measures of your wit and IQ.
  12. Do you think black people (or other minorities) and women are more or less likely to agree that they have it no harder than a white man, based on their workplace and life experiences?
  13. OK. Well whoever this person is who thinks stuffing their face with turkey equals family values probably has a problem.
  14. Quoting this portion not to minimize your story but to ask: Do you think your situation was easier or harder for being a white man? I’m not asking if we should legislate based on your answer. I’m not asking whether people of all sort play the victim card too much. But my belief is that it’s easier being a white man than a black one in America. And being a man vs a woman. Not impossible. Just harder. Do you agree?
  15. Imagine the awkward silence that descends every time he goes off about this. Lots of eyes on plates. .
  16. Proper closing syntax is /rant. Nevertheless, in tribute to the Mad Hatter, I wish you a very happy un-birthday.
  17. Oversimplification but there are acceptable limits of bad outcomes vs limits to what we do to prevent them. True in most contexts.
  18. Yes. There are limits to what is tolerable. Just like there are limits to how much we are ok being inconvenienced in airport security. How safe medication is. How much pollution is acceptable. Vote tampering is a red meat red herring issue. As long as he answers that the Fed is a Rothchild pawn of the Deep State, he’s sure to pass.
  19. Who are you talking to? Another fictional person taking a position no one mentioned?
  20. That is a great post. Illegal % living in the US has been in decline for a while. Doesn’t mean it’s not a problem, and one we need to try to solve, but it’s overblown. Why? Because it scares certain people.
  21. Rake Ops.
  22. I was trying to come up with an answer to GG’s excellent question, which has no answer. Except love. It’s all you need. You can make it out of nothing at all. It hurts. But you give it a bad name.
  23. Definitely a “spend more time with family” motivation initially was the pushback to stores being open. Now it’s morphed into “waah, we don’t want to work.” I don’t really care though I respect the sentiment of the former, and if I ran a company that decided to stay open for some reason, would fire the later.
  24. This is mostly a conservative/family “values” movement, isn’t it?
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