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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Get 'em out in 30 days announced December 19 was not planned. It was an impulse. Just because there was a plan and discussion about withdrawing does not mean it was planned. You don't have to apologize for everything he does.
  2. Squish 'em one last time Kyle!
  3. (Sessions was another who pushed back.) Who he ultimately lands as AG, SecDef, and Chief of Staff will be interesting. In Bolton, he has a yes man, although it probably curdled his milk to pull out of Syria. If the economy wobbles, Congress may pay more attention to the other issues. James Carville wasn't wrong.
  4. If he ends up with a few too many sycophants around him, this is ultimately what could get him into hot water. Tillerson was in over his head as SecState but I believe that Kelly and Mattis (and maybe others not occurring to me...Jared and Ivanka as whatever they are to him) kept Trump in check on some of his worst instincts. It's not hard to imagine a time when he does something more rash than an unplanned 30-day troop pull-out and Congress wakes up, reads the Constitution, and pushes back. This would ultimately be the best outcome of a Trump presidency. So far, Congress has been loathe to flex but even the Rs are getting a little restless.
  5. And regarding Trump lying to the military during his anti Dem campaign rally?
  6. I'm sure many of the troops are Trump supporters and, regardless, he is all of their commander. But much of his speech was a political rally and in poor taste. He as usual threw in several lies and exaggerations.
  7. I don’t see this happening unless new Trump facts come to light. The unhinged will call for it but that’s just noise. I would not be shocked if Trump goes too far and finds he’s joined the left and right in the Senate in impeachment proceedings, but I also see that as a low percentage outcome.
  8. Me too. I was trolling DR today just to be silly. I got the crap kicked out of me physically (athletics so all good) this afternoon and feel much better now. Merry Christmas DR.
  9. Yes. Trump should really go out on a limb as anti human trafficking. Should he also be anti child porn and against gas chamber killings? That would show such courage and leadership.
  10. Westside made the opposite point. I countered it.
  11. I feel confident that I can outdo your chosen source of medium.com. You should check out their piece on "The Misogyny and Authoritarianism of ‘Paw Patrol.’" Cha ching.
  12. I did. The math was pretty easy. That's why I challenged the (stupid) statement.
  13. So no link to how antifa (whatever that is but generally the people who show up when there's chaos to be sown and wear masks) has more members than white supremacists who hold conventions, have many groups that are defined, and are active worldwide? Pretty sure the antifa doucheheads are smaller in number than white supremacists. That website you linked to is straight out of DR's weird corner of the Internet.
  14. The good non-racist people who care so much about the removal of Robert E Lee statues that they marched in the streets! And the douchebags in masks who went just looking for violence and chaos.
  15. Any stat where you're behind Peterman...
  16. Link? I’m not a Democrat. If I was, there’d be nothing to own any more than a Republican needs to own the Klan.
  17. Antifa is not some leading voice in America, but FoxNews would have you believe they are on the streets daily in huge numbers. The Charlottesville protestors are not all hicks. Either way even the president was reluctant to criticize them.
  18. $$ thanks bro. We are checking the payroll at the Deep State HQ (Clinton Library sub-basement 17, get it?) because Spielberg is convinced you are one of us. Our real enemies have credibility but you make us look great. “He has to be one of us. No one could believe this stuff.” Hows the Q stuff working? Is this the week? Being off by 9-10 weeks of “next week” Is rough for you and the guys. But maybe next week is the week.
  19. MSM silence on this is a coverup?
  20. I never followed him. Don’t know his back story but I thought he landed from another planet. My friend loved Daredevil growing up so I read those comics in the era where we all had to share due to limited budgets. He also liked Thor. Two of the three worst out there (Superman being the top lamest of lame).
  21. Thanks for the payment. The Deep State algorithms don’t need replies to quote my content. I get paid based on the timing between my post and the content posted within 10 minutes. Chelsea Clinton passed the new payment rules in consultation with Warren Buffett. It was all in the notes at the Bush funeral. Jeb made a face because he never gets responses when he posts on the Texas Rangers boards. Jho Lo is all part of this.
  22. Never saw the movie but isn’t he from another planet?
  23. If that ***** “hero” Daredevil can be a superhero, Black Panther can be one too. Is it time to reboot Spiderman again?
  24. Yep. The Dems sucked donkey balls in that election, running almost the only person who could have lost. The most insider of elite insiders in an election year begging for any flavor of outsider.
  25. It’s a bunch of facist fringe domestic terrorist chaos f&@ktards. I have no place for them except charged with crimes of violence and property damage where applicable. What do you think of the Charlottesville white power activists? Same I hope? Or do you equivocate like your man Trump? Wroooooooong.
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