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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. And who in charge of this? Or is just the Borg? MiC is not the military intelligence community anyways. It's usually the Military Industrial Complex. Not that it matters. My question stands.
  2. Who specifically is the man in charge who overrode Trump and organized the “gas attack?”
  3. A Dem moderate that is some flavor of Biden would give Trump a problem in the general election. But those people won't survive the D and R primaries. Biden running would mess up the fund-raising for a lot of other candidates.
  4. You just don’t want to talk about what you believe? That’s cool.
  5. The adults reigned him in again. Our allies must feel so confident in his leadership.
  6. All I saw was a link to your video. Is that what you believe? I didn't see anyone advocating (except in jest) any other theory. So I guess we all believe the MSM, which makes sense.
  7. Anyone here a believer in anything other than AQ attacked us with 4 plane hijackings on 9-11?
  8. It benefits Dems to allow illegal immigrants in because their babies will grow up to be Dem voters. Part of their 20 year plan no doubt. One of my favorite Republican arguments. On this stupid issue, Trump boxed himself in with his racist rhetoric and stupid "wall" and "Mexico will pay for it" talk. If the Dems were not so dug in caring about the 5B number and Trump was not so dim-witted as to care about the "wall," we might be able to get something meaningful done at the border. "Might" as in "maybe" since I'm unconvinced that we can stop the flow. But it's fine to try. It would be great if either side would act adult and work to a solution, since the budget is otherwise agreed to except for 5 freaking billion dollars. And though I'm all for caring about wasting 5B, there's a lot more waste in the budget that I wish people were paying attention to.
  9. Or you can look at that graph and say the president wants to hold up the entire government budget, which has already been approved, just over that sliver of spending. It's a Trump Shutdown, his to own. And I don't care about the 5B at all. I don't think it matters if we build it. And I don't think it matters if we don't. The DoD could lose 10B in a study of how to care for dandruff. No one has advocated for an open border but you knew that when you bundled the straw to make the man.
  10. Why would you add this to the cesspool?
  11. You seem well versed. Douche and creep doesn’t cut it though. Moore wasn’t a guy looking at a couple of seventeen-year-olds who happen to be walking past at the beach. He was actively pursuing young girls and using his position to do so.
  12. God knows what fine line he’s drawing in his passionate defense of Roy Moore. 17, 16, and 14 (!) is not pedophilia?
  13. Names I know: Josh Allen Names I don't know: Greg something.
  14. I voted for him last time but I don't see him running again. If he penned that Op-Ed with a goal in mind other than a call for higher standards in politics, it could be that he's the first of several Rs that will be voices of reason leading up to one of them running independent. I don't see anyone running in the R primary unless they just want to run to lose, or if Trump grossly missteps to his base.
  15. I voted for Gary alst time around, but can we get an adult 3rd party candidate?
  16. Yes you do. I’m surprised that only @LaDexter is brave enough to reject the MSM reporting of what happened and who was behind it.
  17. Relax brother. I was making a joke about the Trump word salad that he quoted, not about you.
  18. Looks like you mixed up Tiberius and Trump.
  19. Anyone here a believer in anything other than AQ attacked us with 4 plane hijackings on 9-11?
  20. We have a starting QB. This is the best thing that came from the season. He looked a little spazzy at first but by the end of the season, while he was still making some mistakes, he was clearly in charge. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can check off QB for a few years at least.
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