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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Saw that after I posted. I left my post up for others. Your golden will be great.
  2. Just got our third golden. This one from Harbor View Goldens in Erie, which is a long (7 hour drive) from me. The best bred for health will be in excess of 2K. Harbor View has a stellar rep for healthy dogs. Can chat in email if you want info.
  3. Yeah it’s great seeing regular folk suffering while the pols can’t show enough leadership to keep the government operating.
  4. Bernie may have won, as scary as that is.
  5. No s—t. But let’s see if we can’t help our system too if possible. Maybe that’s a more pressing issue than the dumb wall. Except for Joe in Winslow. No amount of money is too little to spend on the wall for him.
  6. At 1/2 of 1% of Trump’s budget, it is really taking off. If private citizens want to fund it electively, have at it.
  7. The above and another comment about someone being friends with a pedophile...my guess is he had enough.
  8. I think Peace is gone. His name is now Adios Folks. I saw him growing disgusted here last week and reached out but I don’t think he could stomach it any more. I sympathize.
  9. Tom’s budget of 50B was too conservative with guys like you spending our money.
  10. So many lectures here to choose from! Which one is the best and most condescending to a grown ass woman? Let it go.
  11. 6 miles of patrolled fencing. Perfect comparison.
  12. Sincerity is mostly absent here, as you know, and the moment you express it, expect mockery and not sympathy. It’s the sickness of the Internet anonymity, and this board apecifically, and I’ve got it too so I’m not on a higher horse than anyone. I’m sorry you went through this and it sounds terrifying. Thank you for sharing why this would upset you.
  13. So you think the illegals will tackle the problem of climbing to the top of the wall using a ladder, and not contemplate how to deal with the 30 foot drop down? That's what's going to stump them about the wall? "Oh $--t, how do I get down from here? I wish I had thought of that before I climbed up. Send up my 3-year-old and I'll drop her down and see how she does." The wall is fine. Wasting a bunch of money is the norm and this particular waste is no worse than a lot of others.
  14. The critical thinking skills of the wall-lovers needs some work. The wall will, like a fence, serve as a further obstacle. And to that end, it's fine. But let's stop pretending that it's that hard to get over or breach it. A novice problem solver can come up with plenty of ways to breach the wall. Will it work as well as Trump touts. No. Is it better than nothing? Yes. Is this more about politics than problem-solving? YESYESYES
  15. Take down OJ already. It's a stain.
  16. Not my guy, but I like you're Lemming Logic (TM).
  17. @Gary M : Obama appreciates your "like." The point was that this is a bad idea no matter who is president.
  18. The Vikings are flat out screwed. They paid a ton of dough for a better-than-average QB.
  19. “where Congress is unwilling to act, I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”
  20. Please make it harder to refute your arguments. Nice scary numbers! How about a jillion?
  21. Congress can pass legislation for both better Dreamer legislation and also fund the wall. Courts aren’t going to be an issue. Or the Dems can get something else in exchange for the wall. I’m not making the deal. Just saying the adults on both sides need to make the deal. Here’s the Dem talking point. The President kept hundreds of thousands of Americans from their paychecks and was willing to keep them from getting paid to build an ineffective and wasteful wall. We put Americans back to work, and also have taken steps to care for the American children of immigrants in this country, something the president was unwilling to do. Trump got his ineffective racist motivated wall. We got America back to work and a deal for American children. The Rep talking point. We kept the murderers and rapists and terrorists out of the country and fulfilled our promise. The Dems were willing to let them in and want to waste your money caring for illegal immigrant children to suck off the American welfare teat, which we oppose, but we have compassion for the children, and were willing to compromise to keep America safe. Woohoo. Everybody has their campaign talking points. The sun rises in the east tomorrow.
  22. Congress can pass legislation for both better Dreamer legislation and also fund the wall. Courts aren’t going to be an issue. Or the Dems can get something else in exchange for the wall. I’m not making the deal. Just saying the adults on both sides need to make the deal.
  23. The wall provides an obstacle. Nothing more. It’s better than nothing but it’s relatively nothing to a group of motivated people. Build the wall. Whatever. Just get the ***** past this.
  24. It’s a symbolic solution to go with a campaign promise. It’s not going to be that effective and doing nothing is also not effective. Exchanging Dreamer legislation for the wall would be such a win for...wait for it...the country. But it would cost Trump and the D leadership points so why would anyone put country first? Peggy Noonan’s editorial today properly chastises both sides in this squabble. Grow the ***** up.
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