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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Yes. No. Nope. Not even close. No. Let's drop it.
  2. Some of what you said is right, but the 50% thing is not. And when B-Man posts an image of a cartoon, which is about half his posts, he posts no link and shares 100% of the copyrighted content regardless. SDS could probably use the DMCA. B-Man could not. That's why SDS has a ToS on point. Let's drop this so as not to create any further issues for anyone.
  3. You guys are creepy talking about this. Whoever "Kemp" is, I assume this is about your ongoing theory that I followed DR here from another board. If I didn't do that, and I'm just some guy, how crazy do you feel? Would you find it troubling that when someone doesn't believe in your wacky conspiracies... he might not be part of said conspiracy? You guys are deeply, deeply disturbed.
  4. The Fair Use Act that you linked to was never passed and it wouldn't have applied even if it had passed. I'm not looking to bash you about it but just noting that your link is irrelevant and there is no Fair Use Act. Fair Use is a defense to copyright infringement, not likely applicable for B-Man. The DMCA wouldn't shield B-Man, as I said.
  5. DCMA is not a thing, the DMCA would not apply to his liability for copying, and fair use is not an act. And irregardless it was light-hearted. I’m not reporting him to Matt Drudge and his other copy paste sources.
  6. You do you Mr. Copyright Infringer, I'll do me. But thanks for your concern. The board has 2 poems (actually 3, but only 2 submitted by me) on page one. I think you can handle it.
  7. I thought it was about murderers, rapists, and terrorists. The drugs are going to get through. Have no fear on that front.
  8. Your theories about me are quite stalker-y, bud. That you think I'm paid to post here shows the symptoms of your truly messed up way of thinking. You should really think about what it says about you in case I'm just some guy posting here, just like you. If I'm just a regular poster, imagine how incredibly screwed up it is that you follow me around here and you've got this view of me that I'm a paid agent of the Deep State. Yeah, that's you. I post about what I post about. Nothing more or less. Sometimes I get dragged into the cesspool and regret it.
  9. DR: Your obsession with me is weird enough. This bit of fiction shows off that you're seriously warped. The poem threads add a note of positivity to the place. That's all. I am not spamming the board with them. Don't like them, don't respond. Or don't like them and do respond.
  10. Not nearly as much as projected...as they are finding in CA.
  11. Buffalo Bill’s defunct who used to ride a watersmooth-silver stallion and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat Jesus he was a handsome man and what i want to know is how do you like your blueeyed boy Mister Death - e.e. cummings
  12. An eye for an eye until we are all blind. Yay us.
  13. Those were dirty too. My point, amplified by you, is that neither side is lacking a dance partner. Except that most here only see the dirty deeds of the Ds and ignore those of the Rs.
  14. More fiction writing from you. Keep the make believe going. You have a hill to climb before you catch up to the narrative-creation masters here at PPP. But keep going with this Padawan-level stuff and you can get there one day.
  15. "You're bad at this" is one of the things you say that requires a drink in the DR drinking game...and this counts. Ranking the top SC screw-jobs is hardly an objective task though, Ahab. You have an opinion. I do too. Mine spans history. Yours is rooted in the yesterday you can remember. What happened to Thomas was a first, and was totally unsubstantiated and without precedent. And what happened to Bork, given his qualifications and lack of precedent, was worse. Bork started this whole thing where the Senate believes it had the right to just bounce nominees, more or less, because they didn't' like their politics, which is assinine. $$
  16. Tin foil hat people rule PPP.
  17. That was bad too but Thomas (given that it was a new dirty tactic and how little substance there was) and Bork (totally absurd what happened) had already been done, and were much worse in context. So I see those as worse than what happened with Kavanaugh. The Kavanaugh stuff was mostly just childish losers who didn't want to accept they didn't get their way. Not trying to downplay it, but looking at it in context, I'd call it #3 of those three messes.
  18. We have had incapacitated justices on the court before. McKenna is one example but William Douglas's end on the court is notorious. There was no precedent for a 2-year non-vote. It was dirty pool by any measure, and non-Constitutional by many.
  19. If she can’t serve and is unlikely to in the long term, she should resign. But with the bar set so high on playing politics with the SC nomination process (Garland), don’t expect the Ds to take the high road. They will probably play as dirty as the Rs did.
  20. People have felt that way since the beginning of lawyers and politicians. You like the ones you like. Not necessary. Some will have financial hardship. Life choices have consequences.
  21. I get it--but so many people feel truthfully about the joke you made.
  22. Not suicide. Just a life choice that you don't like. The consequences of those choices are what they are.
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