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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. dp made the comment that tariffs were successful for the United States. I was countering by limiting the set from his United States to those three companies. We were talking about how tariffs harm (my position) or help (his position). We weren't talking about how much goes into building an automobile or how they are entitled to make profits. I started a thread and you clicked into it. Good work.
  2. Of course. What does this have to do with free trade? I don’t begrudge anyone their profit.
  3. Successful for ... Ford, Chevy, and Dodge. Can't say as consumers that we win. Not even sure if the companies win in the world market as tariffs cut against them too.
  4. There's not one thing in this that I disagree with, and welcome the intelligent dialog and thoughtful ideas in your post, not just because I agree with it, but for how it was stated. I'll turn this slightly from your cogent position on immigration and how you think the R party has to think about this deeper than they sometimes are, though others can chime in on that. If the future of the R party and more importantly its ideals (which may or may not be absent these days from the actual party) are to survive against the D socialistic push, it needs to attract new eyes, and one of the demographics that is going to be more open to those ideas is Hispanic. African-Americans are currently firmly entrenched with the Ds. The Hispanic population is, in my opinion, not entirely in either party's camp right now. But the Rs do themselves no favors by failing to reach into new demographics and continuing to send white dudes to Congress. That is not me saying that Rs are racist..or advocating for affirmative action...just trying to point out that the male whitening of the Rs in Congress is unsustainable and they need a smarter strategy, one that might do well to seek out a group of people open to sharing in their ideals. Some people at a national level (Rubio, Bushes) get this. But the new wave of Trump Rs don't seem to.
  5. I would think you'd like Trump's NAFTA II. Protecting American jobs through tariffs is a Dem idea!
  6. Rubber-glue argument. Because the Dems are bad actors does not mean the Rs don't have a problem. They absolutely need to figure out a way to get their message of American pride, free trade, capitalism, low taxes, smart immigration reform, etc heard by others...believed in by others...and most importantly lead by others than white dudes. It's imperative to continue the proliferation of those ideas in our democracy. Responses of "The Dems are jerks" are nothing more partisan sniping and running from the problem of a lack of R leadership on this. Magox I believe is an R who has posted about this before (I don't mean to suggest he agrees with me...just that he's hit this topic before). I found his arguments and insights on this persuasive.
  7. Trump's socialism call-out was by far his best moment of his speech and the WSJ board editorial today does a great job calling out the Dems. It's behind a pay wall for some but the highlights: HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED says that if I say his name, he will make me regret it. Think of all the things you could have done with the time you spent posting all that silliness! Read a poem. Talk to your family. Plant a tree. I'm as guilty as you man. America is great. Everyone here is part of this community. I'll happily buy you a beer too brother.
  8. I do. I believe in many of the R party principles but the shifting demographics in the US won't support the party if it can't reach those demographics. Simpleminded trivializing of a growing demographic gap in Congressional leadership. The Rs know they have a problem and are talking openly about it. I hope they address it soon. The Ds often play the race card to their advantage racially. That's bad enough. But the Rs need to find a way to bring in leaders who are not white dudes to keep their ideas alive politically. I'm surprised that you don't see this as a problem for the Rs.
  9. The Rs are not all racists any more than the Ds are, but the Rs don't look like America with incoming Congressional classes like this:
  10. Praise Jesus there may still be a few free traders left in the Republican Party. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-nafta/republican-senators-to-trump-do-not-terminate-nafta-idUSKCN1PV2PJ
  11. Not lost on me. But “they did it too” is brother -sister logic. Not true. They believe in the USA too, and it’s just as wrong when Dems say the right doesn’t believe in the country as a whole. America is not an agreed-upon concept. It is an idea that encompasses many beliefs, many of which are in conflict, and those beliefs change over time. We are big enough to have the left, right, center, conspiracists, stoners... You're as obsessed with me as He Who Must Not Be Named. Relax and have a conversation.
  12. Not a lot of people racing to forgive him.
  13. No flag pins oh no! The women lead an impromptu USA cheer that the president even enjoyed but let’s mock them in a meme. You like the message of unity in the SOTU but really actually don’t.
  14. Phenomenal, and my favorite part of the speech. Bernie, AOC and her ilk are not the answer. The Internet Macho Man thing? Nice! I'm a poster here. When I disagree with you, I will post. And if I poke fun at you as a conspiracy guy, you'll see the posts. But I do see that my making fun of your conspiracy beliefs about politics and Illuminati/Rothchilds/etc upsets you a lot, which is why I've been gentle, and will continue to be. But when you do this strange stalker-y thing where you say that I'm here as a paid poster and followed you from elsewhere and all that twisted fiction, I will continue to mock you. That being said, cheers and I'd be happy to buy you a beer anytime to disavow you of your conspiratorial beliefs in my secret identity. What are days for? Days are where we live. They come, they wake us Time and time over. They are to be happy in: Where can we live but days? Ah, solving that question Brings the priest and the doctor In their long coats Running over the fields. -Phillip Larkin
  15. Please tell us all but especially me. I like comedy.
  16. Mine was a joke about Buzz punching a conspiracist like you. Your obsession with the "why Beginner's Mind is really here" conspiracy is really messed up brother.
  17. He's right about that. Same in Rep party. The reasonable majority are in the middle with no party.
  18. Hopefully not. If he calls for unity, they should all remind America that we are all of us, us. Not just during, but after the speech.
  19. Run friend. That’s ok. Labeling her a communist is not accurate but you don't want to discuss her ideas so this is not worth more energy. Be better!
  20. Drink every time he says very. That’s when he’s off script.
  21. Zzz. Discuss the ideas above or run. Be better. Why do you think I frequent your once decent convertible no conspiracy dominated board. You’re all my friends.
  22. Most people are not interested in extremist politics but it’s the extremists making all the noise. What would be better is if the 85% not at the extremes could be heard.
  23. She has been criticized for not being hard enough in her judgment of Eichmann. I didn’t know why you called him an intellectual. Thank you for clarifying.
  24. This part of TBD is a long ways from representative of Buffalo.
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