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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. There is a whole legion of Q believers brother. There’s my shadow!
  2. It’s not that simple in this case and even you know it. Congress is responsible for spending in the Constitution. They just decided not to spend on this. First we will see if the Senate wants to check this move. Then we will see if the Supremes do. It will set an interesting precedent. But the tide from both the left, for whom it is currently convenient, and the right, who may see the problems in the future, could finally be high enough to push back on the extension of the executive. Next we can go after the commerce clause and it’s gross overextension. The building of the wall is not a high priority for either party from a practical santdpoint. The money is not that much and the Rs had time to get this done before if it was urgent.
  3. Never said anything differently.
  4. Your questions are irrelevant to me. If a wall makes the most sense, I’m not against spending a measeley 6B to do it. But I am vehemently against extreme presidential overreach.
  5. From that WSJ piece above. A Pres­i­dent’s au­thor­ity is at its peak when he acts with the sup­port of Con­gress. It is some­what weaker if he acts on his own but Con­gress hasn’t spo­ken. But a Pres­i­dent’s power is “at its low­est ebb,” [quoting Justice Jackson from SCOTUS],when “the Pres­i­dent takes mea­sures in­com­pat­i­ble with the ex­pressed or im­plied will of Con­gress.” Such is the clear case here.
  6. I drive less than 60 miles a week on average with a lot of travel on rails, so I got a GTI. Looked at Wranglers but they carry a high price and have minimal practicality. GTI was inexpensive, has a ton of room for a tall person, I can throw the dog in the back or fold down to get some gear in,, and I still get a fun ride. I’ve had better cars but as a third car for the family, it’s been a good buy.
  7. My dream auto is the stair car.
  8. Just bought one. I bet it is my last. My guess is that in 10 years there won’t be more than 1-2 on the market. Just doesn’t make sense any more and the rise of hybrids and electric is hastening their demise. The mpg advantage over auto is long gone. Enjoying the last jog down memory lane.
  9. They are forgiven like people forgave Q back when he was specific and spectacularly wrong. The faith believers believe what they want to hear.
  10. A bunch of folks who have said Trump has the authority to do this and his case is legally strong may be in for their great awakening. https://www.wsj.com/articles/presidents-and-guardrails-11550274328?mod=mhp And of course the blatherer in chief only hurt his case even more yesterday.
  11. Cute. I wonder how many of those were funding Acts for items that Congress refused to pass the day before.
  12. Peggy Noonan nails what I've been saying in a few threads: Republicans need to save capitalism Her view and mine don't align throughout the entire piece but she's right. The Rs about to be wiped off the map and they need to do some deep soul searching about their messaging or find themselves forever in a minority.
  13. Trump opened his national emergency press conference talking about China. Then North Korea. Japan. UK. Opioid crisis and China’s role. Also the Dow and jobs. And threw in a few words about the wall. Nice “emergency.” Imagine if George Bush had opened his 9-11 press conference talking about inflation. Congress could have passed this but didn’t. The presidential overreach continues. I’ll be curious if the Senate has the cajones to close off the purse strings for this grab. Some Rs will oppose this recognizing this as POTUS overreach.
  14. The creator is RBG’s daughter in law, so let’s set our expectations are low. It’s not going to Broadway.
  15. You are a cray-cray stalker HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
  16. "One World Religion" with its own conspiracy-fueled hashtag. Jesus H Mohammed Krishna, there is no end to you guys and your lunacy. None of the other conspiracy guys ever answer this one but maybe you're not afraid like the others: What actually happened at each site on 9-11 and who was behind it?
  17. Sexual abuse only matters as the recently-discovered rationale for the wall. Or to support the many Pizzagate advocates here.
  18. “My wish is to die in my own bed, cared for by people I love—clean, comfortable and free from pain,” writes Katy Butler. But a simple death is harder to achieve than you might think. Full WSJ article.
  19. Some people aren’t bright. Trump is the most anti war president we may have ever had. Woodward’s book covered that aspect of him very well.
  20. Spot on by Rand Paul. One thing Trump isn’t is a war monger.
  21. Huge Rubio fan. If Christie has turned his buzzsaw on Trump, Rubio might have won. He just couldn’t recover from that.
  22. Bush and Rubio earned their reps as corporate shills but no one is perfect. I was merely noting that they see this problem/opportunity and tried to address it. It will be a bad day if the Dem socialist movement that is rising wins. The Rs sit on a knife edge now demographically and if they can’t make it shift, it will get ugly in a hurry, as you accurately note with respect to Texas.
  23. Join the discussion. Republican strategists recognize this as an issue, whether you want to or not. The Ds play the race card in a horrible way and the Rs are losing the demographic shift. I’d like them not to. But let’s name call: That goes somewhere productive.
  24. You and row33 enjoying the kiddy table? That’s good. Adults are talking about free trade and tariffs. Not low enough level for you.
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