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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. If you go off how the Rs are running the economy these days, it's their line too. Who needs tax revenue when we can borrow to cover all the shortfalls? Spending is so delicious!
  2. That our president is a mayonnaise brain on this and serves as a lighthouse to other mayonnaise brains. I’d say that when the topic is in the news, as it has been this week, it makes sense to weather check the president.
  3. That post is way before he was president. I was more more curious about the group here.
  4. They want their kids to die? Or they want to spread preventable disease? This isn't a left-right issue. This is a smart-dumb issue. I don't know what the % of anti-vaxxers are by party but both parties have their group of people who are anti-vax. It just happens that our president has some love for the stupidity.
  5. There are plenty of people who both hated the ACA and also believe in vaccines. The anti vax movement makes strange bedfellows of the hippy left who beleive in the power of godenroot and the fringe anti govt conspiracy right. They wouldn’t share land but it would be nice if they shared a secluded bubble of measles, mumps, etc.
  6. Maybe. The point for the Dems is that they need to be strategically smart with respect to those states or they will lose again. The coastal candidates don’t play in all the states you mentioned (with exceptions of some Florida and Virginia).
  7. Agreed. The newsflash for them should be that a centrist Dem who could survive the primary process could win. Biden is kind of in that centrist mold but he has a ton of baggage. Maybe that wacky Beto and Klobachar.
  8. Harris does seem to be the anointed this time around, but I don't see her wide appeal outside of the west coast.
  9. I never saw this gem but it's hardly surprising. Any anti-vaxxers here?
  10. The DNC field sucks. But I’m not sure any of them are as bad as Clinton. Trump will have he momentum of the incumbent. That’s hard to overcome. The DNC field sucks. But I’m not sure any of them are as bad as Clinton. Trump will have he momentum of the incumbent. That’s hard to overcome.
  11. I see Bernie and Warren like crossed streams in Ghostbusters. They will blow each other up trying to out-liberal each other.
  12. Too early for me. Trump has gotten some impressive things done but also been a cluster on others. I doubt he gets my vote. None of the Ds have any appeal. Hoping for a good 3rd party. If not, I can burn another vote on a goof off candidate like Gary Johnson in the hopes that the party reaches the 5% threshold nationally.
  13. Also those of us who drive stick clicked into the thread. People who can’t probably didn’t open it. I look forward to calling my automated rentapod from my phone in 10 years. Until then, I will enjoy my standard transmission.
  14. What states would be in play that Trump can win in 2020 that he lost in 2016? I’m not sure there are a lot of ways for him to expand his margin...But.. the Ds have to pick someone who can appeal in the battleground states. Harris, Booker, Warren, Bernie are all coastal candidates. They won’t help in Michigan and Ohio. It would be funny to see the Ds screw it up again.
  15. Not a lot but still a few are. Subaru and VW at the lower consumer level and still offer manual. Mini as you noted. The VW GTI is a really fun affordable car, cheaper by a grand in manual.
  16. You just quoted yourself to remind everyone to read a post they already ignored? Did you not get hugged enough as a child?
  17. Here’s how America works. It takes some national agreement to get things done. That’s the beauty and frustration of a two party system, as well as checks and balances. When one oarty has had its moment of power and shoves a bad bill through (ACA), it cant survive unless the national will continues to support the single party shoving it through. Few people, including Trump, see this as an emergency.
  18. Trump and the Rs making a mockery of any guise of fiscal responsibility. https://www.apnews.com/044c01a171894e74b8f1b327c6350961 And no end in sight. Maybe this is a problem worthy of attention? Nah. I want the Rs to keep saying how the Ds are so financially irresponsible. That’s always fun.
  19. How to make you all run and hide 101.
  20. You didn’t ask me not to quote you. You told me that you would make me regret it if I said your name. I keep saying you’re the leader here. I aimed too low. You see yourself as Emporer.
  21. You want me to answer if I have a wall with doors? And if I answer my paradigm might crumble? This is the logic of your argument? If we extend the stupid house comparison, let me ask you some other questions. Do you have windows that can be broken with trivial work and allow an intruder in? Do you have windows, ie holes, all over your house through which anyone can enter with almost no effort? Can any human with a simple prybar open any door in your home? The analogy is silly. Our border can be breached, as can our home. That’s not an argument for a wall. It’s an argument for sensible steps, within a budget, to minimize negative impact. Chanting “build the wall” is not how we govern and it’s not problem solving. It’s just mob thinking.
  22. You make the same mistake again calling me a “you (open border people).” I will say it again. We need secure borders. If a wall works best in some areas, build a wall. If fencing is a good decision in others, build a fence. If there’s an area almost never used, maybe electronically surveil it. What I have said is that the shutdown was not worth this. Ds and Rs need to work together. This is a problem, not a national emergency. And presidential overreach is a bigger problem. You may may disagree with some or all of my points. But the constant refrain that anyone who wants dialog on this and isn’t in lockstep with a wall is an “open border” advocate is too simple. With the exception of Tiberius, I haven’t seen one person here support an open border.
  23. AQ trained terrorists crashed planes in NY and DC. When some of the NY buildings fell they damaged other buildings. And they had another plane on the way but it was taken down by heroic Americans like you and me. You?
  24. She asked mostly rhetorical questions. And I support sensible border protection steps including a wall. The price is low. The impact seems overstated but if it’s a good way to spend the money so be it. The Congress, however, couldn’t pass it. They couldn’t even compromise. So im against the president then making up an emergency to override Congress’s spending authority...that it just used not to build the wall. Extreme oresidential overreach wasnt a strawman when Obama did it, and he did it more. And it’s not a strawman now. You might be a strawman though.
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