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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. The ***** are you making up here? You don't have any idea what you're talking about. As above. You are off in outer space without any tether to earth, brother. And...see the first two items I quoted above when you talk about making things up about posters. The gang's all here!
  2. Your obsession with me is really over the top dude. You are a creepy man.
  3. More obsessors joining the fray. Where's Foxx? Le-whatever? And where is the sex offender who has been AWOL--I wonder if he got picked up again. All of your new move is to appeal to the higher authority because you don't like it when I mock your conspiracies. Before you were so proud that nothing was regulated here. How convenient that you just like regulation when it's people who disagree with your views. Don't worry guys--you can still create 90% of the content here. It's still your board.
  4. There was another guy here who was in your club who was an antisemite. There is also another guy in your club who is a convicted sex offender and has a pedo past. You’re not either of those. I never said you were but I called the former on it and the latter as well. Keep making stories up about me as a paid Deep State actor and of course, here is you stalking me personally. Again. You can’t stop your obsession with me.
  5. You and the conspiracy boys should go like each other's posts more. It's so cute! I've never been unclear about my disdain for the conspiracy board. You and the conspiracy ilk have hated that about me since I began questioning your silliness. The more I expose the joke of your conspiracies, the harder you attack me. So sometimes I push back. I shouldn't but I get dragged down into it at times.
  6. It's telling that this is Trump's inner circle. One liar protecting another.
  7. It will only be meaningful if there’s corroboration. He may not be lying but his credibility is crap. Is Trump a boor? Does he lie? Did he commit some election campaign violations? Yes to 2 of 3 but for the third, it will take more than liar Cohen’s words to make this worth much. Still, it will make for an entertaining ring in the circus. His corroboration based on his written remarks is pretty weak and if this is his best punch, Trump will be fine. Trump lies all the time and his base doesn’t care.
  8. You could not be a douche to everyone and make the board better.
  9. He is not a veteran. He’s a consultant to the government. Veteran is some silly board status.
  10. You should stick to pasting other people’s thoughts.
  11. Typical. It’s “his guy” so no need to do anything. That works so well for each new president.
  12. Be sure to forward your message to B-Man, especially for the cartoons, which are entire reproductions of copyrighted works without link or attribution. Or don’t. But let’s be equal opportunity about the lecture, eh?
  13. They didn't predict this but they are currently backfitting Q's words to make up a connection.
  14. Ah, it was only a matter of time before you appealed to higher authorities because you hate how I expose the absurdity of the conspiracy club. But you let the pedophile post here for years in support of you. That never bothered you because he was a sycophant. Shocker.
  15. Oh OK. So you just post sh!tty posts for sh!t's sake. Glad you clarified your posting philosophy!
  16. There's my stalker. You did well for a few days but I always knew you'd come back. You always do. Helping me collect my Deep State paycheck though so thank you.
  17. Sure it is. Here's a video for you.
  18. Hedges believes that the Pope and Grand Imam are conspiring to create One World Religion. It's one of my favorite conspiracy posts here in a long time. This is right up your alley man. Can I count you as a supporter of that idea?
  19. Look for yourself and don't believe him: It's being covered. Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan in Kashmir is not new, so they haven't pre-empted all programming everywhere. With the exception of your personal scoop that Pope Francis and the Grand Imam are conspiring to create a single world religion, I haven't seen any scoops that put you in line for the Pulitzer, so I won't be putting a lot of stock in the "we" just yet.
  20. Cohen's testimony tomorrow is guaranteed to keep the reality show TV element of Trump's presidency alive. Cohen's a liar's liar--it will be interesting to see how much he can support.
  21. Seems like the 200-300 dead was just chest-thumping. Most camps were abandoned after the attack last week when Modi promised to retaliate. Hope this ends soon with little more than bombing empty fields. I once went to the Wagah Border crossing between India and Pakistan. They have two horseshoe shaped stadiums, one on either side of the border, with the open ends facing the border (and each other). Every day when tensions are not crazy, they open the gates between the stadiums and have this huge pomp and circumstance ceremony on either side of the border with cheering, patriotic music, soldiers posing at each other, people shouting, etc. It ends with the flags being lowered on either side at the same time. This video captures it well. After, people go up to the closed fence and talk to each other across the gates. They sit Euro-looking folk in a "VIP" section that is close to the gates...probably because we were not going to sing along and be as patriotic as the many thousands of others who were having a blast. This is near the city of Amritsar, home of The Golden Temple, which is the hub of the Sikh faith. One of the coolest places I've ever been--I enjoyed it more than the Taj Mahal, although Amritsar is more challenging to get to and stay.
  22. Has our resident sex offender been jettisoned?
  23. Well there are those on the right who believe Mueller and Trump are working together in a deeper plan to expose sex traffickers like those running Pizzagate. So. There’s some serious stupid out there. Get a vaccination.
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