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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. So will we stop using Twitter as news at PPP? Not likely. You guys love your Twitter sources! Looks like I triggered someone. DR: You have BMDS. You should seek help brother. I just made fun of one of your posts. Deep breaths. Count to 17.
  2. Every generation believes they are the special one. Trust me: It ain't us. That's not controversial!
  3. Great story. The media is so much better than the twittersphere
  4. Against tin foil hats, yes. I was just noting a guy who posts 900 times a day as a bit excessive. I’ve seen others accuse Tiberius of posting too much. Don’t worry: There will be 87 more conspiracy posts to every one of mine making fun of it. You get to keep having fun!
  5. The kicker on this is that after 57 days of excruciating pain for their kid, and 800K of medical bills, the parents refuse to vaccinate. Still. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/09/well/oregon-child-tetanus-vaccine.html?action=click&module=News&pgtype=Homepage
  6. We have our positions. One thing that makes me really happy is what you mention above about him. He is untangling our military from unwinnable wars. Two years in, he’s he most peace-focused president in a long time.
  7. We don’t have it now either. This leadership group is just paying for ***** with more deficit. The Rs are less responsible than the Ds on spending. They pretend to know better!
  8. Strawman. He acts on whims all the time. Sometimes he walks his whims back (Syria withdrawal), sometimes not (Kushner clearance). The people who surround him consistently say he does what he wants, with little deference to the experts. You know this. Just because there are experts around him, doesn't mean he listens. He rules quite often by the fiat of his present mood. I'm impressed he's gotten as much done as he has, given this style. And I mean that. The deeper meaning behind his attack on the Khan family is yet to be revealed.
  9. As a voter I like someone of higher moral fiber. Someone who doesn’t act on whims. Someone who considers the possibility that the people around him know what they are talking about. Someone not obsessed with his perception in the media. But I’m still impressed by some of the things he’s been able to do despite his inability to engage the majority of the country.
  10. Any centrist who could make it to the election would win. But the primary system makes that hard. The silent majority is exhausted bu the extremes.
  11. I agree with others here that there is no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. But i also see that he surrounds himself with dirtbags and has a long history of shady affairs. He’s a bad dude and it’s a continuing shame that we don’t demand more from him.
  12. He says socialism is caused by Muslims.
  13. Rand's economic views (not hers but borrowed from others), I largely but not completely support. Much of the rest of her stuff is silly self-absorbed crap. To read about her life is to read about a miserable human who was totally unbearable to be around, due largely to her "philosophy."
  14. I don't think in people in 2024 are going to be remembering February as the month of the Jussie Smollete hoax.
  15. If lobbyists were ineffective, why would you be against them? Of course they are effective. They also clog the democratic process like zebra mussels, which is why reform would be good.
  16. Nothing would be so simply solved. The reps need spines more than anything. Lobbyists can be helpful to groups of people who can’t get to DC to have their voices heard. If I’m the father of a crippled (this word is now PC according to my daughter. Though it still feels awkward) kid, and I live in the minority of people whose kids are disab—crippled, having someone who is paid to do research about the problem, who has DC connections and can advocate on my behalf, is nice. Because I have the time to write a $500 check, and make some calls, but the rest of the time I’m working to provide for my family. The lobbyist helps me. Lobby reform, surely, is worth something. But it’s only a piece until the Congresspeople take their own reins and do their job with less interference from them.
  17. Cannot repeat enough how bad the Bills have been at QB the last two years. Not to mention other WRs or TEs who could share the load. This has been a wretched offense and maybe some of that is on him, but no more than his 1/11th when he’s on the field. No way I'm giving up. The drops are gone from year one. This year has to be better. That simple.
  18. We had a few days about the story, a couple weeks as it fell apart and people tore it up, and then a few days post mortem after it died. Do you really want more coverage of this important event in American history?
  19. The simplicity of all your arguments has a certain appeal. [Something is ***** up, ergo] Muslims! The Deep State dominates the conclusion in this proof here so often that I find your reasoning refreshing. Thank you and you should chat with LaDexter. He has a similar clean bit of reasoning.
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