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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Nice work on the "Muslim wuss." Just so you know: That's when you go over the line. Are you missing The Dude? You guys were getting cozy in that other thread. And the ChristChurch shooter too, right?
  2. Lots of people, like me, don't believe in the Russian collusion story. Some people do. Sounds like people can think independently and also sounds like there is reporting on both sides. Good example by you bro!
  3. The media is. Twitter is. Both can get things wrong. Everyone makes their own decision as to what the truth is based on the evidence presented. We can do no less.
  4. Understanding the norm on the anonymous Twitter, message boards, and comment sections is "Go kill yourself" doesn't make it OK or something anyone should do. The vile rhetoric is hurtful. I'm sure Tim and others are used to it--but there's a difference between being used to it and accepting it or enjoying it.
  5. Everything in his manifesto is something he claims. You wingnuts think you’re learning something about how him that’s so critical reading his manifesto. Jesus you’re not smart. He’s deranged.
  6. Says the guy who thinks the entire left is part of a pedophilia ring.* *Minus the guy here who used to support your positions. An actual pedophile but part of the conspiracy gang. He was ok. Much easier to attack celebs you don’t know than a member of your support group.
  7. Maybe you missed where I called him an eco terrorist. But critical points you scored there T. Critical.
  8. I got it from the evil media. Shocking I know.
  9. Not to me--that's awesome. Kids would love that!
  10. I said he liked Nazis and believed that immigrants were part of a white genocide. 0 for 2. And though there are no Nazis, he's definitely enjoying its company. And it still doesn't matter. He's just some nut and what crap he wrote holds no appeal to me to read to know it. You are normalizing this through making out the media as some bad guy. Did he not see muslim immigrants as a problem for white people and launch a killing spree? Yeah, yeah he did. Yes. Paid by the Deep State. Believe your stories. I don't but thank god if it's true. So he's not a guy who said that immigrants were part of a white genocide? And if I called him a Nazi and that's not the preferred term, please by all means step up to defend his ideals. I don't care what political bull#### he made up to do what he did. He's not left or right: He's *****.
  11. Yes I did. Does it matter? Here's a crazy guy. Does it really matter if he says he's an eco-terrorist white nationalist? I also haven't seen Weinstein rape videos. I don't search out child porn when someone is accused of it to confirm the accusations. Some things (1) don't matter (like whatever is in this guy's manifesto), and some things (2) I am happy to defer to others to read. DR and many of you here appear to believe that I would need to read his manifesto, watch the video, and experience child molester's fantasies in order to critique. I disagree.
  12. Who cares if he says he did it as a white nationalist or a black power move or because he couldn’t get laid? I don’t give a crap about his manifesto and I don’t need to read it or watch the video. He did a horrific thing. I don’t need to see it to know that. And I don’t need to read his ravings for any reason. To the dustbin with him and this story. Want to talk about the epidemic of loneliness? Happy to talk about it. Trolling is not humanity.
  13. You can’t even read the short posts on this board well. I’d encourage you to try harder but you might post even more nonsense in reply.
  14. What part am I wrong about? That he says immigration is white genocide? Or that he hero worshipped Nazis? I dont need to read crazy mass killers’ manifestos to know they are crazy. And you haven’t seen me opine on his motive except that he’s warped. Keep on rockin in the land of make believe. I do not blame politics on his choice of target. He’s a sick twisted *****. All I need to know. Why would I care about his manifesto and whatever the media would like to spin them as? I don’t blame immigration, Islam, Christianity, Trump... he’s a messed up human. His manifesto wouldn’t shed any light on anything for me. Would you need to talk to a sex offender to get his rationale for his actions? I wouldn’t.
  15. Enjoy your psych profiling of mass murderers based on their manifestos: I'm confident that you have great expertise in it. Me? I'm good.
  16. And you think that reading a nazi-loving shooter who believes that immigration is white genocide's "manifesto" gives you insight that you need? I don't need to read a ***** up guy's 80 page manifesto to get it: He was crazy and he wrote some ***** document to justify his views. Good for him. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to eat sh#% to know it doesn't taste good.
  17. Maybe he doesn't need to see the fame-wanting murdering crazy person shoot innocent people to be against his actions. I'm sure you dont need to see everything you're against to know what's wrong. So he could just have easily picked a suburban hockey game in Minnesota? No Islam bias in him?
  18. The awful truth already happened. Your post was unnecessary and in poor taste.
  19. I miss the days after Marcell and the draft when Beane didn’t know WTF he was doing. Where are all those posters?
  20. Trump’s obsession with linking a dossier that has been discredited to a dead guy hasn’t gotten a lot of attention. Shocker!
  21. Don't know. I don’t live under Sharia law and nor does he in Orchard Park. Though I’m all for beheading Brady when he visits.
  22. Ever met a child molester who went to jail for one charge, with lots of others possible but not charged because the cops couldn’t verify the ages of the kids in photos, who owned up to the accusations? And then comstsntly made jokes about having underage sex on here. I’ll go ahead with the judge and the cops and the outraged parents on that one. Look at his thread. Lots of normalizing here and in other threads for him. Not completely for sure but plenty. There’s a nice bubble here but LaDexter, Boyst, and The_Dude couldn’t remain protected. Thankfully.
  23. He didn’t do that because he was Muslim. He did it because he said his wife was abusive and he was nutso. He said he felt a great relief from all her rages the moment she was dead. Not exactly Muslim doctrine.
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