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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Three of Six coming to the party, thanks. I've posted where I agreed with Trump. You wouldn't have heard that because you like your stories too much. I love how you guys talk about paradigms as if your conspiracy isn't a narrative you use to explain every. Single. Thing. Someone dies. Deep State. Fuzzy photo. Deep State. Plane crash. Deep State. The world is just not so simple.
  2. It’s stupid. Thanks for the thread.
  3. GI Jane and CILF. You telling me to ***** off wouldn’t trouble me too much. Somehow I’d sleep well tonight.
  4. You want me to link to the post? Maybe you missed it. Of course it’s in this thread. “I’m not saying this was Deep State but take a look at the passenger manifest.” It wasnt funny. So I couldn’t make a joke about it. Wait I thought I was paid to be here and followed you from another board. You’re all over the place.
  5. Sorry I forgot. You DID cover this. The crashes were a Deep State conspiracy to kill the UN reps on board. I have trouble keeping up with all the craziness.
  6. One of Six is in the house! McCain was a human trafficking Nazi supporter. BillsChan is now operational.
  7. There we go. We've been waiting for the attackers to come. Now we will get the conspiracy stuff going and the billsChan choir will be in full harmony.
  8. Maybe there was more to Anderson Cooper's mom's three fingers than I thought, because this guy definitely is part of some blood cult.
  9. That was your joke in the thread. The Borg had a nicely cultivated actual belief growing.
  10. You must feel better now that you attacked her for being a woman instead of sticking to her politics.
  11. I miss the days when we had 15 pages here when you all were debating about RBG being dead and the conspiracy to hide it. I couldn't find it quickly but I particularly enjoyed the funeral photos you guys posted. Attacking McCain is such a let down. It's a much lamer conspiracy.
  12. POTUS vs entertainer: You better hope the gang comes to your rescue soon.
  13. billsChan is not going to react well to this post. They worked hard to normalize the Christchurch shooter's rationale. I've already seen what they do to McCain. Enjoy the conspiratorial flaying.
  14. His audience gave him crickets on it. He's quite the "leader."
  15. He complained that he didn't get a thank you. Trump to Khizr Khan: "I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard." He's the hero alright. And I notice some of the good. But he's an awful person.
  16. billsChan reflects its loudest posters.
  17. It is optional and often walkable. I do some 5Ks and biking fundraisers. I don’t wear the shirt or post it on media. It’s just a chance for a fun workout with a bunch of people who care about some common cause. It’s ... like... real life community. I can’t believe people find this so hard to accept. Pancake breakfasts, the church fair, charity auctions? Sure maybe some people do it to be seen. But most humans do it to see others and be uplifted and uplift their fellow humans.
  18. Attacking a gold star family? We can start there.
  19. Nothing on Boeing? You conspiracy guys could have so much more material to work with if only you opened the narrative to include more secret actors.
  20. Open content forum 8chan founder’s regrets. https://www.wsj.com/articles/after-new-zealand-shooting-founder-of-8chan-expresses-regrets-11553130001?mod=mhp
  21. Koppel's remarks are spot on. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/03/19/ted_koppel_establishment_press_decided_that_trump_is_bad_for_the_united_states_out_to_get_him.html
  22. Somewhere in Green Bay a steroid doctor weeps.
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