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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. And Boies was Theranos’s main hatchet man. No weeping for Avenatti. What he did piling on to the Kavanaugh accusations was awful.
  2. Mueller concluded that the Russians tried to influence the elections, hacked the DNC, shared hacked info with Wikileaks...and charged many of said Russians. I'd say that was pretty important, wouldn't you agree? Also it's a nice restoration of faith in our intel community, who have been making the same claims since the beginning of all of this, in spite of Trump slamming them so much early on, before he finally agreed that Russia tried to influence the election. In all, this seems like it may be a good report to put this to bed, even as it leaves the stain of obstruction on the president, which thankfully Barr is dropping.
  3. Russians interfered. Russians hacked DNC and released info to WikiLeaks. Russians caught and charged. Good. (Q currently revising narratives on the above. Check back soon for rewrites. ) Trump and campaign and no American did anything to collude. Good. Maybe some obstruction actions by Trump not probably enough to meet reasonable doubt standard. Left in the hands of Barr to decide. Vague and no charges recommended by Barr but I’d rather not have my president being charged so I’ll take that as good, but not great, too. I look forward to reading the report, partially redacted, but trust Barr to release it on his timeline.
  4. This. For all his faults, no one should want a sitting president to have colluded with a foreign entity to win an election.
  5. Thank you for bringing a snapshot of billsChan to this board.
  6. PPP/BillsChan is not for people who try to act like people on the internet. It’s free speech carried towards whatever extreme sets the boundary here at TBD. I’m sorry for experience there. Most of them, if it’s any help, would be more compassionate in real life than whatever we become behind our anonymous identities.
  7. It’s not that I “never” beleieved. I didn’t know. But I thought it was critical that we look into the Russia interference and confirm who might have been involved, which we did. Some people, ie, individuals like the texting lovers, don’t like Trump. Those folks won’t help him as much as others. Other people will expand his mission beyond what they should. That’s just humans with biases acting normal. No conspiracy. None of the Deep State pedo ring. None of the absurd stuff. There’s no conspiracy. Just people being people.
  8. You’re not wrong, but you better leave the ball now before your carriage turns into a pumpkin! No collusion for Trump seems like a given. What else it says about Trump is anyones’s guess, if it says anything.
  9. 10000000% The investigation into Russian collusion was needed. The cheering for it to ensnare Trump was grotesque. Dems won’t give up though. SDNY is likely to find dirt in his business (a bunch) but that’s just a politically motivated hunt. Feels like sour grapes. It would be nice to get back to running a country, and more importantly, being one country together. Dems won’t let that happen.
  10. Another name caller. Thanks for adding to the discussion. Sharing this widely via text this morning. Thank you!
  11. I’ll say it because it’s true. You couldn’t find where I said Trump colluded. Only the opposite. The world isn’t a binary decision between your Deep State narrative and the liberal hype machine. It would make things simple if it was. Another poster adopting the billsChan way of making this such a good forum with fine rhetorical flourishes. Your mentors have trained you well.
  12. You Deep State narrative guys are so angry. What a thing to be mad about. It’s just your story gone wrong. Make up another. I’m sure it won’t need revision.
  13. Making stuff up again. Good little fiction writer you are.
  14. They believed a crazy narrative and were blinded by fear. Never was much of anything to tie Trump to RussiAn collusion.
  15. No I It’s not everywhere any more than kids are getting kidnapped more than at any other time (it’s less actually). But what is out there is surely sick. Missing child ads on milk cartons probably did more to rob kids of outdoor time than any other thing, maybe even more so than video games at the time since Ataris were rare then. Fear is the mind-killer.
  16. Didn’t vote for either of the big two in that one. Felt and feel like my vote for Romney was well cast and wish he had won when he ran against Obama though.
  17. I fully support your post DR. Cheers ya c###s##ker.
  18. Wasn't he writing an algorithm to destroy some poster or something? I guess Skynet is not yet operational.
  19. Exposing the conspiracy boys to bright light hurts. Tie a plane crash to the Deep State. I will criticize. Say the Christchurch shooter is some government-trained operative. I will criticize. Openly discuss how someone may be covering up RBG's death? I will criticize. Q's many predictions that have been horribly wrong. Q's inability to write English once he was proven wrong back when he did write English? I will criticize. Predict collusion based on nothing but hope (see how this one is not related to you?)? I will criticize. Any sentence with Michael Avenatti (same)? I will criticize. Jump on a hype bandwagon and predict 1 BTC = $20,000 by Q42018? I will, well, I let this one pass because you ate the crow for getting caught up in the exuberance, kind of. It hurts to have a narrative popped. But you have enough support here to more than salve your wounds. If I've ever personally attacked you, I am sorry for it. I am not proud of that if I have.
  20. Of course you don't. You're full steam ahead doing what you're doing. Aren't we all lucky.
  21. It's posts like this when I back off. I am sorry to make you so upset. I do mean that. You're really rigidly locked into this narrative castle you've built. The world just isn't that way brother. Attacking his name-calling with name-calling is the norm in billsChan but it's in no way helpful. I've done it, and occasionally do it, with regret afterwards, but please keep this thing you're doing to yourself. I don't need your "help."
  22. I read, and mock. And I watch the silly videos, and mock. Make no mistake: The amount of time I’ve spend reading Q nonsense is something I find stunning (and stunting). I may keep doing it in the hopes to make this a better place. Your conspiratorial narrative here goes largely unchecked by the yes men, who never question anything. You should welcome dissonance in your echo chamber if you’re as open minded as you claim. Keep up the name calling though. It’s classy.
  23. I’ve engaged you. I’ve pointed out what I believe is the absurdity of the goofiest of your positions. You don’t like my takes so you namecall, always. I freely admit that I don’t read everything you post.
  24. I can’t read everything you post, that’s for sure. Sorry. I pop only your looney-est balloons. Hey what’s your theory on 9-11 again?
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