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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Q said “wind” in a drop on April 4 2017. Yesterday was 17*pi^e days since that post. Coincidence?
  2. Trump showing off his PhD in stupid yesterday. “They say the [windmill] noise causes cancer." Windmill noise cancer is something I'd expect from the Q crowd.
  3. If there’s something we can all agree on, it’s that Trump’s words are what comes out of his mouth in the moment. Attaching a lot of deep meaning to his word choice is foolish.
  4. Yup. If you have a good line and passing game, RB can be almost anyone. Some are better, and others like Barkley are spectacular, but over-paying for RB is a waste. For 35 million, give me 3 top lineman and a decent vet RB instead of a top RB and 3 medium lineman. Every day.
  5. I agree, though the anti vaccine morons are the strange bedfellows of hippy commies and Uber-religious government conspiracists.
  6. At least you’re consistent.
  7. Scientists know that. The most interesting science happens at the frontier of the unanswered. Why do do you think the plague was such a good thing? And why are you so certain another one is coming?
  8. That’s usually why it would be a plague. Because science of the day couldn’t stop it. So yes, the next “plague” will be one science can’t stop. Or are you proposing a religiously predicted plague? In in this case, the diseases are avoidable. Until the stupid ratio gets too high.
  9. You have the constitutional right to kill your kids with polio. But not mine. So you forfeit the right to kill my kids while killing yours—no vaccine no school. It’s actually pretty simple. You also have the right to outthink science. Are you advocating for a repeat?
  10. What gets pushed to SCOTUS? A school district requiring kids to be immunized so they don’t kill other kids? Good luck with that case. Unless you are one of the very few who are truly immuno compromised, take the needle or home school and learn home remedies for polio. 10% here believe vaccines cause autism. It’s shockingly high but I’m still surprised it’s so low for PPP.
  11. It might be harder to prove that case. They have to link the letter/powder to him as its source. I am not enmeshed in the details but I don’t remember anyone admitting that they helped him do that particular piece. Or did the brothers cop to that too?
  12. Fingers crossed that he gets his. He believes that prison terms are too harsh and saw how far his money goes to buy DA and lesser elections. So he’s donated gross amounts to sway DA races where defense attorneys are running for city DA jobs. It’s awful. Total waste. I’m with the police commissioner.
  13. I would love for him to comment here but to be clear, he personally thinks this is awful and wouldn't have approved it. But he also sees how it could happen (especially with a Soros-funded soft-on-crime DA).
  14. Your stupid was "It's measles! Not a flesh-eating virus. Drama much?"
  15. Soros funded a lot of pro-defendant DAs across the country in the last few years in cities he has no relationship with as part of some personal mission against what he believes are overzealous prosecutors. A former DA friend of mine (very conservative, as are many DAs!) doesn't think this decision is that out of line for a big city DA. When you're facing 500 murders a year and lots of violent crime, spending a ton of resources, which it would take in a case like this, to prosecute a guy for a hoax, a guy with no record and not likely to do it again, a history of active community service, keeping his 10K, and almost zero chance of perpetrating a violent crime, would be a waste of resources better spent making Chicago safer (!). It doesn't feel good or right, but there's some sense to it. The reality of an overburdened system. Of course, here at PPP, it has to be part of the master conspiracy.
  16. Hero of the Stupid post of the week nominee.
  17. Dart gun dodgeball. Requiring vaccination records, long term, shouldn't be too hard. It's funny that schools have taken that for granted for the last 20 years because we eradicated these diseases. Now they will probably require them at enrollment again because the Legion of Stupid is making advances against science.
  18. My life before and after this one month window.
  19. It's his (and maybe your) religion. I am fine with him having it, and I know about it from an academic perspective so from that standpoint, I care. But care as in "believe," no, I don't believe that Jesus is the son of god who came to earth to mediate between god and man. But I'm fine that he believes it.
  20. Out of place in that setting for sure, certainly not inclusive in any way, but I'd just shrug her off and get on with it. The goal of the invocation in PA is to set a theme of unity and she failed. I'd just judge to that level and note to others not to follow her lead in the future and save that sort of sermonizing for church where it belongs. But it's now caught fire for a couple days. I'll bet it's playing well to her base though.
  21. Me too. I thought for sure he was going to made an example out of. I wonder if some of the evidence they got was tainted somehow. Jussie has a clean record now! OJ and Jussie searching for the real perpetrators.
  22. It's more than that if you read the link. It was a totally out-of-the-norm invocation in that it was over the top (as you saw), and coincided with the first Muslim woman taking the house, who had 50 relatives there to support her.
  23. Although this is being amped up by the outrage machine, I doubt she had any other intent other than to single out the first day in office for the Muslim Rep. An interesting angle is that in PA, there's a case pending to allow non-religious people to give the invocation.
  24. One nice thing about having a coach last more than two seasons is that the system changes less year to year and plugging in a guy like EJ is a lot easier. Hoping the coaching staff sticks together for a bit instead of the continuous merry go round.
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