The report will be fun to read. Trump has been saying for weeks that it’s a complete exoneration and was a witch hunt (implying all connections and potential crimes by him/his campaign are fake).
I am curious to see if his inoculation efforts were well founded.
Apologies. “Moving on” from the Trump collusion and obstruction narratives. Even though the obstruction case is stronger and likely ugly, it’s history. Barr isn’t bringing it.
There will I’ll be no moving on from Russia’s interference. And maybe there will be interesting investigations into the investigators. Both of those are ongoing issues.
I don’t care that there’s a press conference. Don’t care that POTUS has seen it. Don’t care that it’s redacted. It will be a relief a week from now after we’ve all had time to digest it and start moving on.
It’s funny. I followed Trump campaign donors to a certain spa and yet I don’t think that implicates him in the sex trade.
But here at Conspiracies-R-is, this wacky N conspiracy and pizzagate somehow puts the Clintons at the apex of child sex rings.
It looks like I’ll live to see Episode IX. I had some stashed away dream that would be possible and am happy it now looks likely. Thank god Lucas sold the rights, even if it was 3-point-Ewoks movies too late.
Whether I will read the last GoT book by Martin and not someone else is much more in doubt.
Kim is a great guy.
Trump has made progress (no missiles over JP waters) where others made none. But it’s a work in loooong progress. I tip my hat to the effort and observe how hard it is to deal with that kook and his country.
Thank you. Obama was a bad enough president without this BS.
tRUMP, Orange-man, etc are also stupidly juvenile and he does enough other stuff that the attacks can be limited to the merits.
Now if only we can get the same civility here at PPP!
I’ve done the cool kid thing and still sometimes fall prey to bad habits. But it’s a membership not worth having. Being bullying, snarky, cynical, and inhuman to others because we happen to be online is no way to be.
I’ve done that a few times, not to draw attention to me. But boy do you guys get wound up about nice things.
If I go negative and say the sky is falling, will you let me join the cool kid’s club?
No one said it’s not a big deal. Not me and not Joe.
What a few people have said is that the reaction could use some perspective. It’s just stuff destined to be the same ash as us.
Joe’s take is more along the lines of emphasizing the hereafter putting it in perspective while I’m a little more looking at it in the context of both human and cosmic history to put the fire in perspective.
The headlines here will fade quickly. Mueller will knock it way down the papers.
Interesting. I was impressed by it outside and in mostly due to its age and when viewed within the lens of time it was built, but I found nearby Saint Chapelle much more moving.