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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. He was not on suicide watch. This small piece of news can’t have alluded you. And your source for the camera thing is currently “some guy.” I’ll wait for any major news source even Fox to report that with a source. But the temptation to write fiction on this is so high. I do hope he left lots of video footage of his deeds and those he aided.
  2. Trump of course tweets conspiracy crap. “Leadership.” Even DR advocated for restraint yesterday!
  3. He’s alive! Conspiracies within conspiracies! I knew I could count on you guys for levity. That this guy is dead before he talked is bad news.
  4. But interestingly, not shootings like the ones last week. Illegal weapons are used are more on the gang/street crime violence side. Making it harder to get weapons used last week and in other notable mass shootings in the last decade would probably end some of those flavor of shootings. It's just a way to address one issue. Columbine was in 1999. Sandy Hook was in 2012. Is 20 years enough time to take meaningful action? 7?
  5. I only know the NJ process but yes that's it. Owning certain kinds of weapons should require a higher standard and renewals. This is only one piece of any solution but if you want a firearm that has no hunting purpose, the standard for getting it should be a lot higher than what it is for buying a pump action shotgun or bolt action rifle. The levels of differentiation can be debated in some legislature but certain weapons should not be so easy to get your hands on.
  6. I’ve got a lot of space taken up in your head apparently. Feel free to rent some of my space to some topics you’re not afraid of.
  7. Who would be left to shoot deep state soldiers in defense of freedom?
  8. A part. But young men are playing these games all around the world. The mass shootings are happening here. Maybe we can be kind to some people. Especially the loners posting here.
  9. As I said before, the licensing and background is just one piece of this. But it’s a worthwhile one.
  10. None of these mass shooters are using decades old guns. They are almost all using recent purchases. There are lots of reasons for the rise, and no single solution will fix the problem. But I don’t see how requiring a more extensive background check to own a weapon like this is a bad thing. Young men play violent video games the world over. Young men have social media everywhere. Young men men do not have easy access to buy their own firearms everywhere. Repeating, this is only one piece of a bigger puzzle to put together.
  11. Do you really think there isn’t outrage over city shootings and gang related violence? “Make the streets safer” has been a platform of more community movements maybe than any other. These shootings get attention because of the number dead due to one (one Hedges right?) human. Deeper and better background checks checks might have prevented the El Paso shooting. They would have less effect on the gang violence. No single approach will fix this but less guns would have a more immediate impact. Mostly you need to love your neighbor and pass that on. That’s the long term option.
  12. Yeah. “The shooting were a wag the dog that we should ignore. “ Take a breath.
  13. Make of her as a presidential candidate what you will, but Marianne Williamson has the best solution to these. What they need is a lot more love and compassion. From everyone and to everyone. Hate breeds hate. I agree with you. That line looks terrible.
  14. This line that criminals will get guns is curious. It's true for a lot of gang-related crime for sure. But it can't be put the test in many of these cases of the mass shooters because the guns were legal. Whether these people would have had the social acumen to navigate an illegal firearms market to get the guns is unknown, but it at least could have been harder. I am not for banning firearms but reducing the number and ease with which people can acquire them, especially weapons like this that are not for hunting, seems prudent. Trump's role? Don't know. He's a symptom of a problem on this front. Joking about shooting illegal aliens looks pretty bad right now.
  15. Sending Santana and all who love him our most tender thoughts.
  16. I’m not here to get your vote. I don’t delete a thread because of people’s opinions. Ever. I sometimes delete it because it’s not contributing to PPP in a positive or intellectual way. That’s it. Usually it’s just gotten too childish.
  17. I didn’t close Epstein. When I delete a thread it’s not because I’m afraid, it’s because the topic isn’t being discussed and instead has turned into billsChan grabassery. No. Taking the postings on PPP a bit too seriously? Yes.
  18. Yes...but not in the same way as him.
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