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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. Exactly. But that huge field made it exciting. When there was discussion that the Rs might go to the convention, and how “bad” that would look, I took the opposite view. If we get a televised and live-tweeted contested convention, the winner of that will get a massive boost in popularity because people will have actually enjoyed the primary. The current primary anointment ceremonies are a snooze.
  2. Don’t underestimate how the clown car winner will benefit from all the PR. That’s what happened in 2016 for the Rs.
  3. Humor is “funny.” I already used the dark horse reference. Copying my line doesn’t make you funny. Just unoriginal.
  4. You know so much about me? You know what I don’t do? Wish slow deaths on people. What horrible person would do that, eh? I can’t post without you reflexively responding to anything I write. You already make up lies about me being paid to be here. Now you stalk my posts. You follow me like a poor lost little puppy. Take your own advice. Deep breaths and try to let me go if you can. You’re a strange lonely guy, but maybe look for company elsewhere sailor.
  5. It’s early but you’ve got an inside track on dumbest post of the week.
  6. Biden wasn’t running when I posted that, so your reply is timely. Biden may not have staying power after this initial media blitz. Bernie isn’t going away and CA remains a huge prize early for the Ds with its early primary.
  7. Thanks for chiming in with this irrelevant observation, Captain Obvious.
  8. He was giving firefighting “advice,” given his deep experience, I’m sure. That’s the idiocy. Maybe leave it to the experts and stick with what you said, the condolences. And here he said that the Derby decision was due to political correctness. In favor of what? A dark horse? He’s an idiot at times. Say it if you can. You love you some Trump.
  9. Just other examples of him talking out of his ass. I don’t care that he had an opinion of the Derby. Spouting off is absurd. But tying it to politics? Idiotic. Embarrassing for a world leader. I won’t apologize for having standards for my president. It’s ok to see his flaws. Take off the Trump goggles bud.
  10. Me either. The president thinks the Derby decision was due to political correctness. Kooky talk.
  11. I compliment him. And criticize him. Unlike you and the echo chamber.
  12. You know so much about me. Like that I’m a paid member of the Deep State. I’m flattered to be the subject of one of your crazed theories. I know now so little about you though. What do you think happened on 9-11, for example? Here is how this works. You can both appreciate his successes and criticize him when he’s a dumbass. I see you’re incapable of holding these two thoughts in your head because you love him so much but it *is* possible.* *This message transmitted to you via my Deep State handlers.
  13. The president thinks that the Kentucky Derby DQ was the result of political correctness. Media, Deep State, Q: Wasn’t sure which thread this went under. Good that our president weighed in on such an important matter. Do you think he’s more expert in forest and church firefighting or horse race judging?
  14. It’s not an OC-length letter. Probably only 3 sentences relevant.
  15. Yes, I consult the Deep State each day to get my daily talking points. Hillary posts them on her server. Going deeper into the crazy pill stash?
  16. Bit of a nothing-burger now that the report is out but interesting to say that Barr mischaracterized (Mueller's careful words "did not fully capture") in his summary. It will be interesting to see Mueller's testimony, not because it should give grounds to impeachment (please god don't do it Dems!), but just to see the difference in the points of view between Mueller and Barr, both of whom are top minds in their fields.
  17. It's great. Keep it rolling!
  18. Mayor Pete stole the wind from the field, but no one more than Beto, who looks to be an empty suit.
  19. All he offers is a possible path to PA but otherwise, you’re spot on.
  20. The crazy runs deep in this post. The Church donated $500K (9,429,000 pesos) in humanitarian aid (temporary housing, medicine, food) to almost 300,000 Central Americans traveling through Mexico since Jan 2019. But...but...something about 75,000 migrants and the Devil's Number. Satan!!!! The PPP Borg's obsession with numerology is the end of rational thought. Not that it comes as a surprise that the Q stuff here would end up in an insane place.
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