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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. She has a problem but you’re obsession with how to kill her, two posts, is disturbing. She has the right to be wrong. Just like us.
  2. She has no future in a general election and never has. She is cementing her base for future Senate terms, or book deals, or whatever she will be doing to make her case to the very left people who support her.
  3. This is perfectly said. She knows that she's going down and has decided to cement her base for the future rather than continue to actually try to win. I hope others flame out soon along with her. Beto is looking for an excuse to get out now as well.
  4. This would be great. Not that Congress pays attention to WH budgets.
  5. If it doesn’t get reduced to rubble, Iran has decent infrastructure. There would be a power vacuum but there’s a structure to support the power. Contrary to the Boom Week Theory (TM), this won’t happen overnight. Right now it’s some well-timed saber-rattling.
  6. Varys knew he was being watched (scene 1) and he still sent all those letters that were on the table, which are likely to raise an army and support for Jon and put a political end to Dany, which she knew, and pushed her further to the “fear” option. Varys knew he couldn’t be careful and would be caught but he got them out anyways. That’s why he was ready when Greyworm came. He was counting the minutes. Jon’s last words as Dany sentences him to death should be “Dracarys,“ and the dragon then melts Dany on the Iron Throne.
  7. No one was left to check her instincts but I agree. Hard to go from breaker of chains and savior of children to kill the babies in a snap. The books, if they ever come, will probably play it out better. Same with the conversion of Sansa from sniveling torture victim to shrewd queen of the north.
  8. 26CopyPaste was the scourge of TSW. Here copy pastes are the norm. Not just directed at you Bot-man. Pro tip: You could try not to use watermarked images when you do your copyright infringement thing. Make it look like you care a little.
  9. Isn’t it Lent again in some calendar? 26CopyPaste is reborn. Hallelujah.
  10. I took his post to mean a moral responsibility, not a Constitutional and legal one. He’s right and so are you. Kumbaya.
  11. Could it be possible that like every other generation, we are obsessed with this as a pivotal moment of time? And it’s not? It’s just generational narcissism? The narrative that the big news and big fight and great awakening is coming goes on and on and on and on. Urgency brings action and excitement! So much excitement. See something on Twitter? Share it, post it, tell all your friends that this moment is so big! Maybe it's not. This is here in the DS thread but it could be in the climate change thread, the Y2K thread, the Mayan clock thread, the Cold War thread, etc.
  12. Some people leave hospice care. It is not, as someone posted earlier, always a last place to receive care, although it can be.
  13. Peace Out! A new one. Love it fellas. Glad to be the subject of so much discourse.
  14. I’m sticking with paid agent of the Deep State. Peace out.
  15. I read Mad Magazine when I could get a copy, and didn’t know that little character had a name, or maybe once knew, but since forgot it. And he’s younger than me.
  16. That is a good trailer. The last movie was well done.
  17. I am sure the little girl and her parents would welcome your mockery.
  18. China will stick to it if it’s a good deal. If not, they won’t. Trump gets the issue. It remains to be seen if he closes on it. He has the same issue in NK. And with Iran. So far we have talks, which is good, but mean little without closure and adherence (and with all these parties a mechanism to measure adherence).
  19. My name is Robert Paulson.
  20. If he makes this deal happen and China sticks to it, it’s not only good the US, it’s good for the world. Nothing he will do besides this will be anything by comparison. He tackled an issue that his predecessor had neither the balls nor the economic position to tackle. I hope he can can close it and think he will. But the fat lady isn’t singing yet.
  21. Maybe, just maybe, it’s a little early to be calling the Week One inactives.
  22. Big loss for us if we don’t get this deal done. It is the most important thing this administration is doing. I hope they can close it.
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